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Everything posted by colinm9991

  1. colinm9991

    PC purchase

    What he said, Seriously, what Daze said too. A computer blew up next to me once when I was at work on the phone because there was a shitty power supply in it, ironic because I worked as a computer tech in a technology store (PC World)..... Together though, it really isn't hard to build a PC; and if you want to run the game nicely then go for Intel; people report having better FPS on Intel units. On my AMD machine I'll get between 15(in)-40(out) FPS in and out of towns.
  2. colinm9991

    Question for Mosin experts

    Bullet drop and wind. If you've ever played ArmA 2 then you'll know this already.
  3. colinm9991

    FPS Issues with an AMD 7970 3gb

    Tweak your settings. Disable clouds, occlusion, video memory auto and the other two options in the "Textures" tab set to Normal etc.
  4. colinm9991

    Magic Tricks

    He does the same trick as BigMike mentioned. We decided that he was a witch, so this happened shortly afterwards; we dumped his clothes in a trail from the road to the corpse. You know, to make it look like a rape and throw people off.
  5. colinm9991

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Best bet is to ignore. I've seen dozens of people on this who are pretty much pseudo trolls, like Xequinox90 up there. People like this try their best to troll so they can get a giggle or have some self-satisfaction.
  6. colinm9991

    Alpha - Bet

    Here's your 123. 1: Don't flame or "hate" without logically thinking 2: Don't focus so much on 'more guns, more loot, fix server hopping/logging' because once that's fixed, you'll bitch and moan when the servers are still crashing and having issues. 3: You should have read Rockets response, and the Steam page before purchasing.
  7. colinm9991

    The Worst Combat Logger

    Shame, how did it go up to the lagging? Try getting in to a <40 server and it should work better FPS and load wise.
  8. colinm9991

    The Worst Combat Logger

    That video was beautiful; I like your style. I hope I encounter you in game some time, I'm interested in seeing what that forest chase would have been like.
  9. colinm9991

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I hope you contract AIDS you vile specimen. I'll upload a screenshot at some point tomorrow. I killed a guy while ago in self defense, when I got to his body he had about 15 M4 magazines on his body; I was horrified. All you need is two 60 round mags and a '600' round box ;)
  10. colinm9991

    Fun TImes | DayZ Standalone

    This is what I was reminded of when I heard the communications. I'm also reminded of my group when I hear our communications sometimes, would be nice to have an ACRE for DayZ SA.
  11. colinm9991

    Lets make it a little easier for the Devs

    But what I'm trying to say is, if a group of heroes find a guy and kindly ask him to put his hands up or his weapon away; if the guy logged and his character stayed then the AI (Replacement of his computer) would either stand with the weapon or put his weapon away and stand completely still until the timer runs up. Here's what would happen in both scenario's Scenario A (Standing with Weapon) The heroes would repeatedly ask the AI (Unknowingly) to put their weapon away until the timer is up and the corpse disappears. Scenario B (Standing without weapon) The heroes would move in and have one person ask if the AI (unknowingly again) wants food, water or medical attention; until the corpse disappears again when the timer is up. It won't matter if you're a bandit because you'll just kill on sight anyway, but it matters if you're a hero. Sorry if I'm going off topic folks, and do tell me if it's bothering you, but I just feel having any timer like that wouldn't work as good as people think. As far as I see in fact, there is no way to stop combat logging unfortunately.
  12. colinm9991

    Bandit Hunting - Victim Helping

    The clip at 1:40 actually happened recently; Story time again! :P. I logged in with several members of my group and the two of us that were together headed toward the store in Elektro; closer to the store I heard a gun shot and a bullet hiss by, immediately I knew there was a sniper nearby (Fire station by the power house, or Sniper Hill). My team mate and I ran in to the shop whilst using the environment to our best ability for cover (They were terrible shots so we didn't need THAT much cover). Inside the store we saw another person with an M4 and Axe so we tried to handcuff him to restrain him until we were certain that he didn't shoot at us (The usual over direct, told him we were friendly, wouldn't hurt him if he co-operated and informed him that a sniper was watching us); Instead he decided to axe my buddy so I killed him; my buddy fell in to unconscious mode and due to the bug where unconscious people run forward, lag back then run again; I couldn't get him back up so he respawned and started moving back to the store. While that was happening, another one of my group members was moving along sniper hill and had gone under fire from 2 people with M4's who had him pinned so I moved out; when going up the hill (my buddy was 'bait' for me, they had absolutely no idea I was flanking around from their line of sight) he fell unconscious too, they didn't know that though so they continued shooting down range. Meanwhile I spotted one of them behind the slope so I took him out, moved up toward a tree and whilst moving I saw his buddy lean out so I took cover behind that tree in the video, leaned out myself and took him out and that was it. However, about 10 minutes later (I had stopped recording by then) we came under fire from the same mosin sniper who shot us prior to this; for those who haven't cracked it yet; he was a combat logger. What actually happened was that he logged AFTER the store, when those two guys started shooting my buddy. He logged back in about 10 minutes after I killed those guys and started firing at us, he killed one of us and I shot the last 5 I had in my mag toward him; he logged again. no body what-so-ever was found even after searching the forest in a grid close to the fire zone (He didn't have enough time to run away as I was close by and moved as soon as I shot those 5 suppressing rounds). The opening, ending and 1:20 clips are people we've helped with water, food and pointed in the right direction of where to get a weapon. Here's an ode to combat loggers; F**k You Hope the rest of you enjoyed; I can upload the full 5 minute video of the Elektro sniping incident if you folks want.
  13. colinm9991

    Scumbag Bandit with a Mosin - Episode 02!

    Even though I disagree with KoS, you're a very nice shot still.
  14. colinm9991

    Lets make it a little easier for the Devs

    I agree with you, I'm tired of seeing threads like "How to Fix KoS" which are posted at least 20 times a day, I'm tired of seeing the same bugs posted over and over again with end sentences like "IM NEVER PLAYING THIS AGAIN" etc. This poll is going to bring more disappointment though; the devs know what they are working on (which is server side optimization) and people are just going to get disappointed when they realize that half of what they've been reporting such as combat loggers, isn't even important as they think and won't be worked on until possibly full game release. I absolutely hate combat loggers myself, but the only way to ever stop it is for BI to make an operating system with no Alt+F4, no Task Manager, run it in a computer that's "Solar" powered off air and can never be opened; because regardless of what's put in the game, people will always be able to combat log; and keeping your character in a game for 10 seconds more would cause a lot of issues such as if a sniper is watching you ready to take a shot without your knowledge and you log without knowing there was a sniper.] Besides, we're not here to enjoy gameplay as of yet, we're here to stress test the hell out of the game and report bugs; even though I'm being a hypocrite now saying that (I've been playing for fun most of the time), it's true.
  15. colinm9991

    Lets make it a little easier for the Devs

    This is ridiculous, I'm going to be the only person who uses this sentence right, "This is Alpha"... The whole point of this isn't to add more loot to lag everybody to death, or more "goodies" for you people to run around with; only so you can make more threads complaining about more stuff because you died. It's about optimizing the SERVER SIDE architecture so that we can make room for more loot, zombies, weapons and security in the beta. P.S; How do you all propose we fix Combat Logging? I've seen ideas of keeping the body there for 10-15 seconds extra, is that so you can continue shouting in direct comms for an extra 10-15 seconds telling that person to put their hands up? How do you know there isn't a 10-15 second timer in now? My point is, it won't make a difference because you're still going to think he's active in game due to his character still being active in front of you.
  16. colinm9991

    <Bug> Game Unplayable

    You'd make a great administrator on the bug-tracker. Yes, "This is Alpha"; he is however posting a bug on the forums (Yes he also should be bug tracking it and not posting duplicate reports) so that the development team are aware. Sgt_Slaughter don't stoop low just because some people are pedantic, or ignorant idiots. There are a lot of problems with the server side architecture and databases; it'll be fixed when it's fixed I guess, no real time on anything yet. This isn't true either; the server saves in to the database when it's about to restart; it will only set you back about 100-200 meters or 1-2 minutes if you keep running during the yellow chain until the red one appears with "Lost connection", otherwise EVERYBODY would lose their gear in Standalone.
  17. I like to give little stories to share and give thank you's so here I'll go; I was rendezvousing with my group at the North East airfield and I ran in the center gate where the first police station type building is; once inside I saw a person in the jail cell so I asked on team-speak "Who is that with the green back pack in the jail cell?" Another guy responded "Me" (Error in communications), the person in the jail cell put away their gun and waved as soon as my member in team-speak said "Me" so I was convinced. Whilst heading to the location my group was at near the command tower, I heard one of them shout "Get in, two people are coming down" so I informed them that it was me and the other guy, I was then asked "Who is the other guy?" so I knew then that it wasn't anybody in teamspeak (Thank you for not shooting me when you seen me, you could have but you didn't become like the rest of the KoS idiots). Initiative was to turn our weapons on him and ask him to get down in Direct Comms, he responded by disconnecting. I added him on steam so I could thank him for not killing me, then told him that he can group up with us if he likes, so he came back on and we grouped for a while. He then made a big mistake, he climbed up and down the ladder to the Command Tower, the ladder climb down killed him (I can't wait for that bug to be fixed, I want to climb ladders again). What you see in this video happened not long after he died, when we started clearing the food and supplies off his body.
  18. colinm9991

    Rarest loot currently in game?

    I have yet to find any of those items; I stick with the traditional black tactical clothing for an urban environment.
  19. colinm9991

    What are your thoughts on camping snipers at Balota?

    I often see 5-10 Long Range Scopes at the NWAF Camps; be careful looting there though.
  20. colinm9991

    A Newbie's Impression

    It's nice to see a post like this on the forums, dozens of people only say things like "It's alpha", which is true, but unhelpful in certain situations. Thumbs up to you :thumbsup:
  21. colinm9991

    What are your thoughts on camping snipers at Balota?

    Bad timing, it's a racing game to get loot once a server restarts.
  22. colinm9991

    A Newbie's Impression

    It's not that you're getting thirsty or hungry fast, it's just that you don't eat enough. You spawn in the 30% threshold, when you get hungry you can be at let's say, 25%; so if you eat until the hunger status goes away then you're back at 30%. Eat and drink everything until it says "My stomach feels stuffed" (It says it if you drink a lot of water too, this does not mean your hunger is satisfied so keep eating until you see it for the food too!) You'll be at 100% food and water once you do it for both. Sit down and drink some sodas along with eating lots of cereal too, eventually you will see "Healing" in your character screen followed by "Healthy".
  23. colinm9991

    Any Squads/Clans etc. Need a DAYZ, ARMA2 & 3 VET?

    I'm a 3-4 year ArmA 2 Gamer from ACE/ACRE on and off, Military experience and training etc. I have a group of about 30-40 in total with 10 being on at any given time. We're more or less a group of bandit hunters, we never shot a person unless we were fired upon first (only in self defense), We've always fed and given water to new players, with our medic given them Saline, Anti biotics or anything else they need to help them. Send me a private message if you're interested in playing, all of my players are between 18-40, ranged in areas such as Ireland (Myself), England, Germany and the United States.
  24. colinm9991

    Stary Sobor

    Longest time alive: 1 week, then I was killed due to a bug, then I was character wiped after my next gear up. If the bugs didn't get me then I'd have been alive for 2 weeks :P It's no fun though, never get attached to gear because the game is boring once you have it all.
  25. colinm9991

    I bet that KoSer was pissed off!

    I do try :P Like I said though, good job. It annoys me when people KoS, or run away from you when you're talking in direct comms to them because they may have the logic of "if I pretend I can't hear him, it'll hurt his feelings and he'll leave me alone; nor will he offer me any food, water or firearms that he poisoned"; but it's the best feeling in the game when you kill them. All they had to do was respond to you saying "Friendly" over microphone, instead they lost all of their gear and probably rage quit.