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Everything posted by americanman1243@yahoo.com

  1. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    Stealthing and what to do about it.

    I kind of like where it's at right now with sound. The only thing that's bothersome is if they're looking at you they'll see you from pretty far unless you're prone. Also I think if you're not moving or making any sound and are prone they shouldn't see you at all unless they're less than 2 feet (or 5 if they're looking directly at you). This is of course provided you're laying in a dark lit area or the grass. If you're in the middle of the street or a wide open area then the distance they can see you should be increased.
  2. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    Anyone else had trouble with using ladders/gates?

    I've found that if you back up against the left-most (facing the entrance) corner of the hospitals lets you jump outside onto the ladder.
  3. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    Spawn inland!

    The two biggest cities are on the shore and we spawn right next to them. How about spawning us inland a bit, or even fully north? It would put a near end to shore griefers and give people new perspective on the mass of land. I've put about 50 hours into this game and I've hardly been more than a few miles north of Elektro. That isn't because I couldn't get further north (thats actually easy, just incredibly time consuming), but because there's hardly a reason to. Running through the same areas 500 times because you died is pretty dull after a while.
  4. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    So I was playing DayZ

    As my eyes opened I looked to my left to see the city of Elektro. "Fuck that" I thought as I bolted straight for the north woods. I passed the Topolka Dam and after a few minutes came upon a house. I noticed a body so I ran to it. To my delight I found an AK-74 and a Makarov pistol! I felt strong and continued my journey north after dodging a few zombies. I soon found another small clearing with only a few houses. I kept quiet as a pranced through. Lucky me I found an M1911 and two clips! My endless hours of no loot had finally come to an end! Heading further north I came upon a field with a trail leading down a hill to a barn. I decided this time I'd had enough with being cautious and unloaded a few AK rounds into the 6-7 zombies surrounding the area. After the dust settled I knew I was safe to enter. I entered the haphazard little building to discover not one, but two primary weapons! An Enfield and a Winchester! I decided I wanted to keep the Winchester because of it's high damage, but I wasn't ready yet. I had far too much firepower to just leave some behind. I climbed the stair, looked to the door, and popped off an AK round. Sure enough, several Chernaurus inhabitants came running! They were easy prey. I decided to leave the barn and scout the nearby area as I still had plenty of AK ammo. I made it about 15 feet from the barn door before I remembered that Enfield rifles make loads of noise. I decided this would be the optimal way to attract new (read: rotting) flesh. As I turned into the doorway to head to the Enfield a wild zombie appeared! In a single motion of what I feel had to be a WWE style clothesline the zombie knocked me to the floor. Unconcious. Broken leg. Bleeding. 9000+ blood later I was dead. 1 fucking zombie. 1 fucking hit. Lights out. Game over.
  5. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    So I was playing DayZ

  6. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    Do I have to Buy Dayz?

    DayZ alone is worth the $30, but then you get Arma 2/OpArrowhead! 3 games for the price of HALF of a new one.
  7. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    Spawn inland!

    Agreed, I'd never want to remove the running, I just don't want it to always be the same running.
  8. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    1886 shotgun shells

    I have also not found them save for when they are next to the winchester.
  9. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    Spawn inland!

    So the sense here is "Spawn then run north for 45 minutes". Fun. Edit:
  10. I've never read a single post by the man, but I've seen his "opinion" splatter all over these forums. You do not "know" what Rocket wants or doesn't want. Stop trying to pad your arguments for changes with bogus assumptions that Rocket would agree with you. It's disrespectful and makes you look like a weak debater.
  11. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    people please stop talking for Rocket now?

    I'm sorry if you think I'm being ridiculous here, but I've only been on this forum for 2 days and I've already seen a number of people blasting other people citing rocket as their defense. It's mostly been the "hardcore kids" using this method to attack the "CoD kiddies". It's bullshit and doesn't belong.
  12. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    Turn up those min system specs

    The new patch is causing lag for sure. My specs are: AMD Athlon dual core 2.1ghz 5gigs ram ATI Radeon HD 5600 graphics card Windows Vista I can run the graphical settings on max with this setup. Before I ran perfectly smooth, now I get chop every 10 seconds.
  13. Seriously. It would make the game harder, but most doors in real life DO make noise, but in DayZ you can open large gates in complete silence. That being said I don't feel it should make the zombies around instantly aggro, but it should tip them off in the direction.
  14. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    Not doing it right?

  15. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    The Agro Radius Is Too Damn High

    Also having this problem. Plus it seems every time I spot a zombie they start to head in my direction even when I'm prone. They don't come after me necessarily, but they start to walk/crawl in my direction. Then they tend to catch me once they're within 10 meters or less. Even prone in tall grass.
  16. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    Reloading makes you a Vegas sign

    What's the purpose of making reloading a crossbow more visible? It's not that crazy of a process and can be done more silently than reloading a gun.
  17. americanman1243@yahoo.com

    Top issues I believe should be priority number one.

    1st person view is no more realistic than 3rd person. It's a very constrained view that forces you to move your entire body to see in different directions. It's as if you were holding a box in front of your face to look through. Peripheral vision isn't taken into account. 3rd person is a means to balance that. Look forward, this is what you see when you play a game in first person. Now without moving your head turn your eyes left, right, up, and down. You can see what's on your left and right easily and even above yourself. It's spacial awareness. How long did that take? You could do it in less than a second, but in a video game to see on this same scale you have to turn your body as well as your head. I agree that the view does pull far behind the character allowing for an unrealistic view, but perhaps moving the 3rd person view up behind the shoulders would help. Removing it I feel would lower the experience. Not to mention, crawling through a field in first person is about the most ridiculous thing ever. You might as well turn the screen off.