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About Syrinx69

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    On the Coast
  1. Syrinx69

    More Animals

    I think more animals should spawn in the vicinity of lakes and ponds. In real life animals tend to stay near watering holes.
  2. Syrinx69

    Should we be able to climb...

    I've actually wished for this feature on several occasions while being chased by a horde of zombies :D
  3. Syrinx69

    This game needs shopping carts

    I would shoot the shopping cart until it burst into flames, taking all the precious beans with it :D
  4. Syrinx69

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    The female will LOSE humanity for having sex with you. You will earn an STD and possibly a bastard approx. nine months later (assuming female survives that long which is not bloody likely). :D Just go down to your local Department of Post-Zombie Apocalypse Gender Assignment & Redistribution and fill out the appropriate paperwork. I think there's one in the Chernogorsk government building, right across the hall from the Ministry of Silly Walks. :P
  5. Syrinx69

    New PLayer Type - Ghouls

    Well, Ghouls would likely hang out in or near cities or well traveled areas where prey is more accessible. Since they'd be controlled by human players that would be the most likely scenario anyway.
  6. Make use of the "Opfor" or "Independant" faction and create a new type of player know as "Ghouls". Ghouls are basically humans who were affected differently by the zombie virus/infection (or whatever the cause of the apocolypse). Instead of becoming mostly mindless & oblivious creatures, Ghouls retained some of their human thinking abilities, cunning and free will giving them the ability to hunt, stalk and ambush human (and animal) prey. Ghouls also have keen eyesight and night vision similar to NVG's (or possibly heat/thermal vision), and due to their toughened skin, can take much more damage than run-of-the-mill zombies before they drop. Unlike "lesser" zombies which maintain basic human form, Ghouls' are hunched & twisted with tough skin, white pupil-less eyes, fangs for teeth and large hands with long fingers ending in sharp talon like claws which can rip human flesh to shreds in seconds (i.e. do lots of damage to human players). Since Ghouls represent a rare aberration of the zombie "infection" and more dangerous than AI zombies I'd recommend there only be five or ten slots available for this "faction" on each server.
  7. Syrinx69

    less likely to shoot female survivor?

    Chernarus isn't an island. :s
  8. Syrinx69

    Horses - We all need horses

    I totally agree! I submitted horses as a suggestion on the dev site weeks ago. I think horses would be used quite often in a post apocalyptic world. The movie "The Postman" comes to mind. And I think there were horses in the movie "The Road"? Would be cool to be able to aim and fire weapons while riding the horse also.. Or let it run away! xD No' date=' but in all seriousness, it would definately be nice to remove more of the running simulator type game play, I just dont think horses are the solution to it. I mean, how many wild horses are you going to find on a populated island? And if you found any, how many of you would have the balls to go up to one, let alone ride the damn thing! XD [/quote'] Chernarus isn't an island - it's a small section of a larger country/continent. Even if it were, there's plenty of land area to support a sizable population of horses.