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Posts posted by kanyin

  1. Thank you to those who clarified the definition for me' date=' and those who acted like a condescending cock-rot.


    If you are talking about my post or cromelex, please note I never intended it to be sarcastic, just a reminder. But you are truly ungrateful.

    I think he meant the douche that posted that LMGTFY link. People that do that really are douches.

    All things considered, he could have thought the deer stand was a Arma 2 DayZ only item thus making the forums a smarter choice then google.

    People that teach a man to fish instead of just giving it to him are douches. Noted.

  2. Wow...I owe some buddies 40 bucks.

    So we have a decent time trying to accommodate this abortion of a user interface when suddenly there are no daytime servers.

    Spend the next 2 and a half hours in total darkness asking if we see each others flares and attempting to respawn closer to each other.

    Good times...hopefully they can forgive me since they promptly gave me shit for wasting their time with this.

    I have camped many nights out in the wood in real life and it was never as pitch black as this game. I could have played with my monitor off and seen better. At least have some areas with modest lighting for christ's sake.

    And you server guys...do any of you have jobs. Do you only run the servers during the day so the unemployed college kids get to enjoy the daylight? At least specify if you have a time offset in your server's name.

    Pretty frustrated because the premise is fantastic...but the reality is nothing like the cherry-picked YouTube videos show you.





