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Everything posted by q5ca

  1. I am very sorry about your loss of time to me. I did not mean to teleport everyone in the air, I wasn't even planning to do anything on your server. I was AFK and one of my housemates thought it would be amusing to run scripts on the server you were currently playing on. I am sincerely sorry and if there is anything I could do for you please message be on this website. Before you just reply saying I will get banned for life there are many bypasses and work a rounds that rocket needs to fix. Untill then you are just going to have 5 year old's committing mass murder for no purpose. Finally, you loot was untouched my housemate logged out as soon as he committed the deed. Once again I am truly sorry.
  2. Could someone do the same for me, I was playing normally and found a camo uniform. I decided to put on the camo when suddenly I was teleported into the debug ocean with out being able to seeing land. I stared to swim north for 10 mins, after no luck I decided to re-spawn but it would let me. I disconnected to try to rejoin but now I cannot rejoin any server, I am just stuck at the loading screen. I know the reasoning behind this, it is not a legitimate spawn and the server will not allow me to spawn there. So are you able to reset my data tables in the hive? If you can that would be great as the only other way I could start playing again would be to buy another Arma: OA CD key. Thank you for your time.