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Posts posted by Cryptic_Equinox

  1. "BattlEye bans are almost never wrong" They're wrong quite often, bunch of wrongly banned players a little while ago.. remember?

    Anyway, it would indeed seem like you would have done something hacking related. either that or it was just a battleye mess-up.

    I'd recommend trying to contact battleye, good luck though. they are pretty iffy with responding to messages :/

  2. I'm using win 7, and this USED to happen a LOT. but only when i actually ran arma 2 through steam, or launched it through DayZ Commander when it wasnt set to be ran as admin.

    What are you launching it by?

    Also, i just recently found my first weapon that had an underslung launcher. i was beginning to think they didnt exist myself. :D

    EDIT: Seeing that you said you were launching it from DayZ Commander (My brain had a dumb) is it running as administrator? that helped me when i had this issue

  3. I'm a medic.

    like, i run near people, get in a good position where they dont see me, and say

    "Hey man, you need a transfusion?"

    50% chance they abort

    45% chance they run away screaming

    5% chance they shoot me.

    Its come down to the point where i want to keep my damn hero skin, so i will chase your ass down and you will TAKE MY BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS.

    • Like 2

  4. They removed the ability to alt F4 and Abort in combat in the most recent patch.

    Also, depending on how long you've been gone, they also brought back the bandit skin, (when you kill players, you will recieve a skin change.) and they added a Hero skin (What i currently have) which can be obtained by helping other players. IE: blood transfusions, morphine, things of that nature.

    aside from that, zombies are still broken IMHO, they should be a whole lot slower so that they arent stopping every 5 seconds while chasing a player, but right on after THAT, Yes. the mod itself has become a whole lot less buggy than it used to be.

    Lastly, on your bandit group question: You should probably make a post on the bandit campfire section, you're almost guarenteed to find a group there >:D

    oh, and welcome back. :D

  5. Count me in, : Equinox. Its the blue W thumbnail.. cant miss it. : http://steamcommunity.com/id/Jammecd3

    Also. I'm 17. if that matters or not.

    Lastly: I'm a sniper.... I used to protect the new spawns from bandits. Until that got boring. then i tracked bandits. and then i BECAME a bandit.. and.. well. now i'm friendly. <_< but as long as you have my back. i'll have yours. and whomever else is traveling with us.

    As a side note. If you feel the need to commit to banditry. i'll be more than happy to help. however, i'll never attack anyone in our group.
