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Everything posted by docfunbags

  1. docfunbags

    Ghillie for ????

  2. docfunbags

    Cherno at night, also tents

    http://www.reddit.com/r/dayztrade Get yer Tents!!!
  3. docfunbags

    heli crash sites

    Loot only respawns on a server reset. Location is random and may change on server reset.
  4. docfunbags

    Debug Forest Murder!

    This happened to me on Canada 2 last weekend.
  5. docfunbags

    Stuck in Debug forest

    if it's the forest and not the plains then run 20 minutes East. Some say the clouds travel east.
  6. docfunbags

    Debug Area.... How to get out.

    Join Canada 2. You will be in debug forest instead of plains. Run East for 20 minutes.
  7. docfunbags

    Script restriction 16

    Have you tried reverting to your old character skin and seeing if that solves your problem?
  8. docfunbags

    Glitched out into plains of death

    Log into Canada 2. You will spawn in Debug Forest. Run SE for 20K, should be back on the map.
  9. if the only option is gear the choose it and pick up whatever is there and either keep or move away and drop. once all the loot is gone you should be able to pick up the pack.
  10. docfunbags

    stuck in wilderness?

    Find Canada 2 and log in there.
  11. docfunbags

    stuck in wilderness?

    Respawn and lose your gear? Do a search on the subject and see what everyone else is saying.
  12. docfunbags

    stuck in wilderness?

    You are in the "Debug Plains" (search it). Find server Canada 2. Log in there. You will now be in the "Debug Forest". Run East for 15-20 minutes. Should be back on the map.
  13. docfunbags

    Lag, server or computer?

    If you are using SixLauncher, make sure you shut it down after you launch your server. It keeps on pinging all the servers in the background.
  14. I had the same issue with Teamspeak until I right clicked TS and chose "Run as Administrator".
  15. docfunbags

    Cannot Respawn Properly

    Log into the magical Canada 2 server ... it fixes other bugs, why not this one?
  16. docfunbags

    Debug forest spawn, dead.

    Heya, After all this nonsense today when I was finally able to log in on my usual server I found myself in the debug plains. Someone in TS told me about Canada 2 which will get you into the debug forest and from there able to run East into the map. I log into Canada 2, check my surroundings - then my compass and start headin east. 5 seconds into my run I hear a gunshot and I fall over from 12000 blood dead. Needless to say it's been a great day. Oh and don't get attached to your loot.
  17. docfunbags

    "Bandits killed..."

    If you are racking up murder kills, you sir are the bandit.
  18. This, check the map, hoof it to closest barn/farm. They have -> hatchets, rifles (winchester/lee enfield) and ammo.
  19. Hello, Is there a TS plugin that will allow you to see who is speaking in your TS channel in-game? Doc
  20. Heya, Had a blast last night, and was part of the crew (Mhurr and Mike perhaps?) that left from Kozlovka towards Zelenogorsk and indeed got blasted. (I ran to Koz along the powerlines from Zelen). This is totally a game of what-ifs, and replaying your decisions. With 3 of us checking out the barn, perhaps I should have stayed back and played lookout. Instead the 3 of us made for the barn, shooting up the place as the zombies attacked. We were bandaging up from our wounds when Mhurr linkdied so waited for him - in the open. It seems our gunshots (or pesky infiltrators on TS) brought the attention of a couple banditos who proceeded to kill us quite quickly. Perhaps we should have taken some key spots on lookout, but we didn't. Lesson Learned. Unfortunately we didnt get shot until Mhurr was starting to reload into the game, and I think he connected into the death field. All in all it was good fun, and my game will definitely have to be stepped up. Look forward to doing it again.