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About metrical

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. metrical

    Dude, where's my tractor?

    Agreeing with you there, they're normally passed up by groups because they're only 1 seater. But I have no problem taking one as it comes.
  2. metrical

    Dude, where's my tractor?

    I always piss about with my IRLs while playing a League of Legends champ that rushes to the enemy, shouting "IM A TRACTOR, BITCH!". It's now become an inside joke between us all. Also in DayZ, I find they're quite versatile: they can carry their own supplies and are quite effective on fuel consumption.
  3. metrical

    Dude, where's my tractor?

    Should've tried to fix it up, tractor's truly are mans best friend.
  4. metrical

    Dude, where's my tractor?

    Thanks, I'll run back to the area tonight for the respawn. =)
  5. metrical

    Dude, where's my tractor?

    I'm kiiiinda halfway across the map by now :V
  6. metrical

    Dude, where's my tractor?

    Quite a pity, had to run from there, was a true mission.
  7. metrical

    Dude, where's my tractor?

    Upon logging into the server I play on, my tractor seems to be missing. This is war. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF-N_bMSu9I&list=PLmabtK5-EmqkJVoFbVd3Oz_1UbaW95OwI&index=11&feature=plpp_video
  8. metrical

    Barely Any Vehicles? (Fallujah)

    Unless there's a crazed gunman going around destroying them, there's more than more than enough.
  9. metrical

    The Motherlode

    The sequel is now up! It would've been up sooner but Borderlands beckoned me.
  10. metrical

    The Motherlode

    On it! :P
  11. metrical

    The Motherlode

    I was planning on driving over the tents with my tractor but I was told they'll just respawn.
  12. metrical

    The Motherlode

    I'm still staked out around the area, I suppose I could.
  13. metrical

    The Motherlode

    Traveling up a hill with my trusty tractor when I spot an odd shape. Upon further investigation, this place is loaded! Part 2: Note: I didn't actually take any of the hacked weaponry.
  14. metrical

    A Confused ATV

    Teach me, master. ;D Glad you enjoyed it!
  15. metrical

    A Confused ATV

    I'll take note of than :3, thanks! 016 022, in or around that area.