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About vibe

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. vibe

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Zeds still zigzag which is my #1 problem with the mod. I appreciate the effort for trying though and the patch has many great changes!
  2. vibe

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Should have more enterable buildings, because as it is it's the same as running around in the woods, just trees replaced with buildings you can't enter.
  3. This is exactly what I was pointing out. I was surprised at how many people would pull an exploit to save themselves. One is wanting to do it, other one is actually doing it, knowing it is an exploit. In fact I put people who abuse exploits and people who use hacks/cheats/third party software in the same bin. Just shameful.
  4. Why the hell wouldn't I? Of course I shot first, I wouldn't have won otherwise (probably). It was a close encounter and I doubt these three wanted to let me live, I played it safe and ambushed them. I can recall that it was explicitly stated by rocket that ALT+F4 to save yourself is disallowed in this mod and will warrant a ban. And it is guys like you who ALT+F4. I've died countless times with some pretty amazing gear, so have my friends. Guess what, none of us ever used ALT+F4. Dying is a part of the game and unlike you, I actually like the first few hours of a fresh character. Perhaps you should reconsider the games you are playing, I am convinced permadeath isn't for you. Actually, I'm just going to call you a girl.
  5. I can't stress just how disappointed I am in DayZ playerbase right now. Now I don't want to pile everybody in the same shitpile, but it absolutely saddens me how unfair players here are. Out of last 4 geared guys that I killed with a simple makarov in the last TWO HOURS of gameplay (not the same server), used the ALT+F4 to save their dying asses and myself from their gear. This is absolutely frightening. Ok I know this can be saved by implementing a mechanic that will keep them online, but I'm just saddened by the fact how many players will actually use exploit to save their precious gear. I can't imagine if this game had stats or even more grind to get to the "end game". I've played games with permadeath where death REALLY hurts, I'm talking about losing characters that you grinded stats and gear and worked on for months. What by the gods would players do then... Over the years I have been gaming and noticed that cheating in online games has gone rampant, it is absolutely devastating. I'm afraid and discouraged to play any online game at the moment, having also experienced an increasing amount of cheaters/exploiters in Battlefield 3 and other online games. I can't imagine how online gaming will be in a few years, I really can't. I am honestly worried about the future of online gaming. As for people who exploit the ALT+F4 when they're shot, I have one thing to say: If you can't handle permadeath, don't play a permadeath game. And as for me, I'll be putting DayZ on hold until this is patched. I'm not loot greedy, but I sure as hell won't be playing a mod where exploiters have it easy.
  6. Everything working fine but I would mention two things: - zombies still see you from very very far - zombies appear to be deaf, I was literally SPRINTING just behind a zombie when he was walking the other way and he didn't even notice me I'd suggest to reduce the sight and improve their hearing.
  7. vibe

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Two things I like so far: - the new zombie awareness is cool, just about right I'd say - the lower food/water spawn is pretty nice too, gives more of a "survival" feel The one I don't like: - the last three deaths I suffered were caused by one zombie apparently hitting me with a boulder, breaking my legs, dropping my blood way down by a few K and bleeding me out till I died. All in one shot from 12.000 blood. Imo it happens too often and the whole RNG thing about it bothers me. Perhaps you should overall increase zombie damage and put this breaking bones thing off the RNG.
  8. You guys should be grateful you even get the chance to test such an awesome mod.
  9. So basically this guy complains about everything this mod is actually about?
  10. vibe

    Business as usual

    I still laugh at people who ask "friendly at NW airport?". NOONE is friendly up there.
  11. vibe

