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About oldthrashbar

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. oldthrashbar

    Shiftwindow with Dayz?

    Hey guys. I've been playing SA for a while now. I watch videos and chat while I play. So I was wondering if shiftwindow would work with DayZ without battleeye flipping its shit and banning me. Anyone know? Thanks. Maybe I'll have to ask battleeye?
  2. oldthrashbar

    Seattle 92 shutting itself off

    Glad to see I'm not the only one. HFB won't answer my tickets. I sent them one a week ago about something. Still not answered.
  3. Hello. I have a server with HFB servers and they fail at answering anything about anything. So.. My server keeps shutting itself off. Spamming me with emails about it being locked or passworded. It has not been locked or passworded. It was only ever locked once. And that was after i first started it and by accident. Anyone else having this issue or know how to fix it?
  4. oldthrashbar

    Seattle 92

    Hi. Owner of Seattle 92 here. I sent a ticket to my server provider requesting to be changed to an Atlanta server. I must have selected Seattle on accident when purchasing the server. They have yet to get back to me. I've brought the server down for now until I know more. I don't want people joining the server and hording gear in tents only to get their stuff deleted. I was wondering if what I am doing is a violation of the rules? I read around and didn't see anything saying it was..