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About Izzrar

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Fresh DayZ Server 01/2025 with Housing IP : Slots : 50 Map: Livonia No Admintool ! Nobody can spawn items or spy! its like an official plus Server! Only Players! No Admins! PvP on / BaseDamage off! +Weapons +Clothings +Housing! +Horses +Custom Cars Housing: Solos, Duos, small Groups
  2. IP : Slots : 50 neuer Server, 01/2025. kein Wipe 2025! Livonia NoAdmintool Niemand kann sich selbst oder seinen Freunden Gear spawnen lassen. PvP an / BaseDmg aus +Waffen +Kleidung Housing! reitbare Pferde usw Housing: Solos, Duos, kleine Gruppen! Base-Schaden ist deaktiviert. Denkt dran, eure Türen zu versperren, gelootet kann sonst trotzdem werden.
  3. IP : Slots : 50 Neuer Server, 01/2025. NoAdmintool Niemand kann sich selbst oder seinen Freunden Gear spawnen lassen. +Waffen +Kleidung Housing! reitbare Pferde
  4. new IP IP address:, Port: 10700
  5. Fresh Wiped! no wipe till summer! NoTraders! No Admintool ! nobody can spawn gear by himself like serveradmins make it on their servers.. its like an offizial server with few mods more weapons more clothings basebuilding horses humvees and few more Housing-Beginner-NOBaseDamage-SmallGroups-NOAdmintool! IP address: IP address:, Port: 10700 housing: https://youtu.be/Sqd4vK5CJIU?si=ZnnAE9XoFhlfEHhp https://youtu.be/cfiM4RV1CwI?si=1PjEd08bksrBWK1u no base dmg means not that your loot is safe! secure your doors or it can be lootet!