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Everything posted by Devtryak

  1. What's your ideal gun load out? For my back slots mine are an AKM with the dark wooden handguard and buttstock with a suppressor and a Kobra sight, and it has a drum mags in it and 3-4 spare drum mags, then I like an SKS with the scope, a bayonet, and 40 spare tracer rounds, tracers help with sniping. For my 2 holsters I like a CR-75 with no attachments and 3-4 spare mags for it, then we have a MK2 for supressed zombie killing at it's finest with 3-4 spare mags. Oh also for my pistols I like to carry loose spare bullets. Now tell me y'all's, and you can add as many guns as you want and you can include the little details like what buttstock you like to use.
  2. We have duct tape, we have kitchen knives, so what's stopping from duct taping a knife to my BK-18?! I feel we should be able to duct tape or use metal wire to attach a random knife to a rifle, or if they wanted the devs could add hose clamps and we can use that cuz if tactical hose clamps can work for a prototype of a .50 cal gun it's good for holding a knife to a rifle barrel. IDK I feel like if people were in the zombie apocalypse some would probably do this.
  3. Devtryak

    What's Y'all's Ideal Gun Load Out?

    The fact that you casually tested that on bears says something about you, and it's that you're skilled
  4. Devtryak

    What's Y'all's Ideal Gun Load Out?

    That's fair
  5. Devtryak

    What's Y'all's Ideal Gun Load Out?

    Might I suggest the VSS and the MK2? They're very quiet guns and the VSS hits hard.
  6. Beretta pistol, specifically the 92fs/M9 model that was used by the US military. This would be a relatively common pistol that can be found anywhere like houses, police stations, and military sights. Would be chambered in 9x19 and have a 15 round mag. It would perform similar to the Mlock and be able to take a suppressor, flashlight, and scope, and it would be a very reliable sidearm with good durability. Browning Hi Power. It would be found in normal houses and would be chambered in 9x19 and use 13 round mags, and it would perform kinda similar to the CR-75, but really only in its range cuz it would have a bit less durability cuz it's a WW2 pistol, so it's older than the CR, though it would still be very reliable. The Webley MK IV revolver. It would probably be found in hunting locations and normal houses. I can't really think of a good round for it to be chambered in, but I guess .45 ACP would work cuz it's kind of similar, though the caliber the revolver is actually chambered in, which is .455 Webley, is just a smidge bigger than .45, but I can't think of anything else. Luger pistol. I feel like we need more German guns cuz we really don't have any except for the P1, which is based on the P38. It would be chambered in 9x19 and use an 8 round mag, and really wouldn't take any attachments except the bottle suppressor. It would be found in normal homes and perform worse than the CR-75. Kar98K. Another German gun. It would be found in the same locations as the Mosin and would take similar attachments, though I won't lie I can't decide if it would be chambered in .308 or 7.62x54, though the latter would probably make more sense. FN SCAR H. It would be chambered in .308 and use 20-30 round mags, be found in military locations, and would have certain advantages and disadvantages over the LAR, like it would hold more rounds, be more accurate, and could actually use the standardized suppressor, though it would be a bit less durable and would jam more than the LAR when at lower conditions. Stripper clips. I heard they were in the game when it was still in its infancy, but they were removed, but I think they should add them back for the SKS, Mosin, and maybe the Tundra. Make the SKS take normalized suppressors. This ain't a gun, but add back craftable bows, and make it to where we can use plastic bottles to make fletching for arrows, though they'd be worse fletching than feather ones.
  7. Devtryak

    Guns and Gun Things that Should be Added

    That seems fair. Maybe they could also make a version of the Mlock to not have glow sights to make it more fair
  8. Pets. I ain't saying let us be able to tame a bear and use it to ride into battle like it's Far Cry Primal, but what I really mean is like cats, who we can tame with some form of meat, and they'll follow you and even hunt some small game like rabbits for you. Now I don't think the devs would add dogs cuz then they'd have to do something like make all the dogs in the map disabled like putting them in wheel chairs or they're missing a leg and I think that would be sad cuz that means that their owner had to leave them behind cuz they couldn't take them with them, but they'd probably have to do that so that they wouldn't attack other players cuz that would give an unfair advantage. Craftable furniture. I feel like it wouldn't be that hard to build a table or a chair considering the fact that we can build a 3 level high watchtower. Spear fishing. It would be a cool way to get food. Glue. You can use it to glue anything to anything, and I can already tell if we had this then people, including myself, would glue explosives to cars and then ram them into bases and glowing them up. Leather canteen. You can craft it from leather and a sewing kit, though you'll need duct tape cuz you'll need to craft something to close it so it don't leak. I forgot to include this in a previous post, but I want the K31 bolt action rifle. It's a cool bolt action cuz unlike most bolt action where you have to grab the bolt handle, bring it up, pull it back, push it forward, then bring it down, with the K31 you just grab the bolt handle, pull it back, and bring it forward. Also it's a Swiss gun, and we don't have any guns from Switzerland, so yeah. Horse. You'd have to craft a saddle or find one, and you'll need to feed it vegetables and let it drink water from a body of water or a cooking pot. Can duct tape explosives that we can detonate remotely to players. The trolling would be magnificent. Slingshot. Would really only be a distraction thing but it would be cool. Guitars. No explanation is needed.
  9. Devtryak

    Guns and Gun Things that Should be Added

    That makes more sense, but then that would mean that the Mlock is still the only gun with glow sights
  10. Devtryak

    Y'all Want Bikes in the Game?

    I mean yeah true but I feel like people should be able to craft their own bikes, like it would need multiple pipes, nails unless they add screws, 3 tires (one for the seat), and probably tape. I just feel like since there isn't many cars people would be looking for or making alternative vehicles so they don't have to walk everywhere, I mean I'd do that in an apocalypse, and I'm sure others would too.
  11. Devtryak

    Guns and Gun Things that Should be Added

    Oh. God I'm an idiot XD
  12. Devtryak

    Y'all Want Bikes in the Game?

    It's a zombie apocalypse, bikes would be everywhere cuz everyone took their car to get to safety, so bikes would be everywhere, also it would make the game less of a walking sim LOL
  13. Devtryak

    Guns and Gun Things that Should be Added

    Ah. Then they should add an under barrel grenade launcher for the SKS then
  14. Devtryak

    Villagers Needed Xbox Only

    I'm starting a village on a server and we need some more members. If you do want to join, there's some things you'll want to know. First thing is we're working on a system to organize it and there will be like different houses/groups in the village, also today, January 31st, we may be attacked by members of the server. If you want to join, DM me privately and I'll give the details, and give me your Xbox GT so we can add you to the village Xbox GC. All are welcomed.
  15. Devtryak

    Building Ideas

    1- Beds. They would let you set a spawn point, but to use it you have to wait like 3 or so minutes after you die to use it. You would craft it with like 8 plank, 10 nails, and 4 tarps or 20 rags, and if you want if you find a flag you can add it to the bed to add a blanket and give it a little style. 2- Log cabin. We don't have the ability to build a house from scratch, so this would solve that. You'd have to make a log cabin kit out of rope and 4 long sticks, and it would take a lot of logs and nails, and you can add version upgrades like window shutters make out of sticks, a chimney made out of stones, and you can add lightbulbs if you have electricity. 3- a rain collector. This would collect rain water that's safe to drink, though this would be expensive to make, like you'd need the kit to put it down, 4 tarp, 4 long sticks, 5 planks, and like 15 nails. This would be a risky investment cuz it could not rain a lot on a server, but it could come in handy if you're dehydrating to death.
  16. So I was playing yesterday and I needed water so I boiled some, and I saw on Google that you're supposed to boil it until it starts steaming and then it's safe to drink, but I did that and it still gave me Cholera. Do I have to wait like a minute after it starts boiling to start drinking or something?
  17. Yeah it very well could be bugged, which sucks cuz that takes away an idea I had. Oh well
  18. Devtryak

    A Good Way to Improve the CR-75

    OK, so I like the CR-75, it's a good pistol, though I think we could make it better by making the rear sights a bit wider, kinda like those of the Mlock in the sense that it's iron sights are wide, but not as wide. Also to make it as good as the Mlock I think it should have little glow sights like the Mlock.
  19. Devtryak

    A Good Way to Improve the CR-75

    Yeah I think it's good to carry a 9mm gun with you cuz 9mm is easier to find compared to .45 or .357. But honestly I really just want wider rear sights, like the sights of the IJ where you see a decent amount between the front and rear sights, not just a pixel between them. I honestly prefer the CR-75 over the Mlock as it looks nicer
  20. Devtryak

    A Good Way to Improve the CR-75

    To be honest I don't like the Glock, or doesn't have the style that the CR-75 does. Also I think it should have the same sights as it's real life counterpart, like the sights of the CZ-75 Pre B