i just need an answer, ive been playing dayz on offical xbox for the last few days and i can say ive never loved and hated something so much, but my question. i was running through a field tracking down pelts to make a backpack and the rain was pouring, the second it stopped rainning i started to ring out my clothes, and as i did i was attacked, i know how i was attacked i was wearing jungle boots and i couldnt hear him my fault though i hate pvp we all need to survive together but any way he knocked me down and my rage went up, but he let e come back to so oh shit there goes all my ammo bacon and meds but no i came to with all my loot and he was dead next to me! im so confused and paranoid is a lone sniper just stalking me waiting for me to get loot he needs? if so ill help him get it or anyone else im just your friendly neighborhood sasquatch roaming around, but my question is has this happened to anyone else? how did he die? why? theres no way he starved that quick idk can someone help and if you play the server im on say hi i cant remeber the number atm but if you reply im always down to run loot routes with someone lets learn this map