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About PvtHopscotch

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. PvtHopscotch

    Quick Question about be able to run it

    I wouldn't count on it running very smooth if at all. The i3 is probably going to struggle as this game is really processor taxing, 4gigs of ram is probably okay depending on the the specs but I would suggest 8. However I highly doubt the onboard Intel HD gfx will be sufficient to run ARMA. There are some high end gaming machines that struggle with this game due to the engine being.......special. I think there is a demo on steam you might try before commiting to buying just to be sure. I wouldn't get your hopes up though man, sorry.
  2. PvtHopscotch

    Bike *_*

    No, vehicles are server specific. So any vehicle you find on a server will only exist on that server. They don't transfer like your Character.
  3. PvtHopscotch

    Poisonman's Crazy Idea / Wishlist Thread

    I want to say the sling option for your primary exists in the ACE set of mods so maybe that wouldn't be super tough to implement since any stream lining of the inventory system would be welcome. I think it is set up in ACE that you can sling your main and grab a second rifle but you don't take any ammo, only what is in the weapon already and I think you drop the extra weapon when you switch back to your primary instead of being able to switch back and forth. Can't remember 100% and I'm at work so I can't check. There are alot of things about the ACE mod that would be a welcome addition to DayZ but I don't know how much outside work Rocket is willing to use or if he even wants any of the features.
  4. PvtHopscotch

    Found attack chopper at NW

    Please don't take this as me being a dick but I've noticed quite a few people don't know that it's actually "for all intents and purposes".
  5. PvtHopscotch

    Huey Spawn Question

    If that is the case' date=' people will just start parking the choppers in places that are impossible to access without another chopper, that are still on the map. IE the top of International hotel in Cherno. [/quote'] That's cool, I can still shoot the crap out of it and ruin their day when they log in and are now stuck on a roof with a disabled chopper.
  6. PvtHopscotch

    The Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Weapon

    I said there was a chance, and there is. I speak mainly of it being an terrible choice for killing anything other then small game.
  7. PvtHopscotch

    The Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Weapon

    I don't know if you know this but .22 is NOT the best round for scrambling brains. In fact, if you're not pretty close there is a decent chance it may not even penetrate a skull. .22 is good for killing rabbits, not people.
  8. I would hope that more people have a zombie plan in place, If not, I am very disappointed. To stress the seriousness, even the Center for Disease Control has a basic guide: http://blogs.cdc.gov/publichealthmatters/2011/05/preparedness-101-zombie-apocalypse/ But go ahead and don't take it seriously, just more beans for me.
  9. PvtHopscotch

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    I don't think that's too bad, as it's not like 4 strands deep or anything. I could justify this as fortifying a temporary base of operations or something. Zombies glitch through the stuff, true, but it does still slow them down at times. Plus protecting your self from other players is valid. I'm not saying the stuff isn't abused but I wouldn't call this a good example.