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Everything posted by frodevil

  1. frodevil

    C130 Spawn Point.

    Are you really surprised that the two largest loot spots on the map (that also contain 4 OUT OF 5 HOSPITALS ON THE ENTIRE MAP!) are a hotspot for player activity?
  2. frodevil

    Counter sniper measures

    Oh look another fucking knobhead who never played ArmA 2 at all.
  3. frodevil

    Camouflage Nets For Vehicles

    Hoard(noun):A term invented by noobs who have never actually had a car themselves. Usually used to justify being too terrible at the game themselves to actually put any effort into finding and repairing a vehicle. Example: You have a dirtbike AND a bicycle at your camp area? You must be a hoarder! Stop taking up all the vehicle spawns!
  4. >thinking punkbuster is good
  5. frodevil

    changing face skin

    no you idiot
  6. why the fuck are you talking like that you goober
  7. OP is an idiot and has never played arma 2
  8. I have about two weeks of experience (~70hrs) and I have had pretty much every vehicle in the game except a VS-22 and a helicopter at one point. Stop whining and check the spawn points after server restarts.
  9. frodevil

    Yep i am done, i quit

    see you tomorrow
  10. the only people who say dumb shit like this are those who don't actually have jobs
  11. frodevil

    Serial killers unite

    So OP: 1. Plays on recruit servers with tags 2. Disconnects from zombies 3. Murders beaners off the coast (i don't care tbh but others do) Wow, fucking lameass scrub. Uninstall.
  12. frodevil

    ALT-F4 will never be fixed

    you don't even know how gunfire suppression works too, fucking dayz noobs who have never played arma
  13. frodevil

    ALT-F4 will never be fixed

    you're a dumb piece of shit apologist uninstall
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_phonetic_alphabet
  15. not over clear teamspeak channels
  16. i am interested in this "italian chandelier"
  17. oh jesus christ this whole post is so autismal hahahahaha
  18. Don't worry, I personally think you are all equally autistic. You do realize that the only reason letters were replaced with alphanumeric codes phonetic alphabet letters like "alpha, bravo, charlie" were so they were easier to hear and not confuse over fuzzy AM radio waves right? With modern internet-based comms, that's unneeded. So you could have just named your squads "A,B,C" etc but you didn't because you are a bunch of 16 year olds that probably wear fedoras with graphic tees and have Asperger's. edit: pretty sure a few of my group members took out a few of your shitty clan members a week ago on the Mercs server anyway.
  19. no, they can't. admins are either abusive or you got battleeye banned
  20. frodevil

    [EU/English] The Sentinels (Recruiting)

    how about learning to spell "sentinels" before making a group based on them, little boy
  21. frodevil

    The Bandit Code of Honor

    there isn't a code of honor because you're a bandit, you moron so basically rules that everyone who plays should follow that aren't specific to bandits..real original and helpful "code of honor" you got here buddy
  22. Stopped reading here, OP doesn't even know that ratios and fractions are supposed to be divided. It should be a 3:2 ratio
  23. frodevil

    To the guy that

    hey you fucking idiots, OP didn't perform this song, stop beaning him like he's original
  24. frodevil

    10 murders in 7 minutes

    that's what banditry is you retard, why do people keep expecting bandits to have this "honor among thieves" aspect? it's getting annoying and frankly it's based off of fantasy medieval bullshit made up by peasants. ah yes, throughout history the title of "bandit" has remained so untarnished...OH WAIT IT'S A DEROGATORY TERM FOR "THIEF", AKA BEING HONORLESS AND UNTITLED