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Posts posted by frodevil

  1. I tihnk the spawning needs some variation from the coast. [To stop this whole Elektro Deathmatch / Cherno Deathmatch Mod. [As that's all this game is, now.']...

    Are you really surprised that the two largest loot spots on the map (that also contain 4 OUT OF 5 HOSPITALS ON THE ENTIRE MAP!) are a hotspot for player activity?

  2. been suggested ALOT

    it would also benefit you hoarders too much!

    Hoard(noun):A term invented by noobs who have never actually had a car themselves. Usually used to justify being too terrible at the game themselves to actually put any effort into finding and repairing a vehicle.

    Example: You have a dirtbike AND a bicycle at your camp area? You must be a hoarder! Stop taking up all the vehicle spawns!

  3. If you gave someone time to ALT F4 you're doing it wrong. Uninstall. If you're using ALT F4 to keep your pocket lint and delusions of static inventory, you're doing it wrong. Uninstall.

    You're missing the point of the game entirely.

    BTW when was the last time you laughed? Genuinely lol'd?

    you're a dumb piece of shit apologist


  4. False.

    But you probably still think you're right, so go on ahead.

    (phonetic alphabet codes were used) so that critical combinations of letters and numbers can be pronounced and understood by those who transmit and receive voice messages by radio or telephone regardless of their native language, especially when navigation or persons might be endangered due to transmission static."


  5. Don't worry, I personally think you are all equally autistic.

    You do realize that the only reason letters were replaced with alphanumeric codes phonetic alphabet letters like "alpha, bravo, charlie" were so they were easier to hear and not confuse over fuzzy AM radio waves right? With modern internet-based comms, that's unneeded. So you could have just named your squads "A,B,C" etc but you didn't because you are a bunch of 16 year olds that probably wear fedoras with graphic tees and have Asperger's.

    edit: pretty sure a few of my group members took out a few of your shitty clan members a week ago on the Mercs server anyway.

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  6. It's quite simple, really. If you call yourself a bandit, follow our code: Never, ever disconnect from a fight. Don't hide in the trees and murder unsuspecting survivors then d/c when the SHTF, stand and fight. If you lose, at least you can be proud knowing you've gained the respect of the survivor on the other end of that bullet. I'm not saying don't kill, by all means kill whoever you want. It's just when you're the one being hunted, play how you'd want to be played against. In the end, it'll be more fun for the both of you.

    there isn't a code of honor because you're a bandit, you moron

    Never, ever disconnect from a fight. Don't hide in the trees and murder unsuspecting survivors then d/c when the SHTF,

    so basically rules that everyone who plays should follow that aren't specific to bandits..real original and helpful "code of honor" you got here buddy

  7. Yeah that's so much better.

    "Oh hey look that guy has a double barrel! AND HE'S ONLY 900 METERS AWAY FROM ME! KILL HIM!"

    They need to have a separate forum for spawn campers. It's disrespectful to the bandit name that this is posted here.

    that's what banditry is you retard, why do people keep expecting bandits to have this "honor among thieves" aspect? it's getting annoying and frankly it's based off of fantasy medieval bullshit made up by peasants.

    disrespectful to the bandit name

    ah yes, throughout history the title of "bandit" has remained so untarnished...OH WAIT IT'S A DEROGATORY TERM FOR "THIEF", AKA BEING HONORLESS AND UNTITLED

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