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Everything posted by frodevil

  1. People say that a bandit killing a survivor is PvP, but it's not. Player versus Player implies that they are versing eachother, but this is not true. Survivor players aren't attacking anything. It's basically like a sports game where one team can't win because they don't have an objective (survivors) but the other team DOES have an objective so they're the only one who can win. Better example of why it's not proper PvP: Herbivores vs. Omnivores. Omnivores are bandits and Survivors are Herbivores. The reason it isn't fair is because Bandits can "eat" whatever they want (by having the choice of scavenging or killing other players) whereas Survivors can't (they can only get resources by scavenging). To fix this, I suggest giving some sort of advantage to being a Survivor, such as a higher chance of finding the certain ammo type that you use with your primary/secondary guns. For example: Survivor has a Winchester 1866 Chance of finding Winchester ammo increases by 10% Edit: What I'm trying to say is that there is no 'risk' to being a bandit because dead players can't fight back.
  2. frodevil

    The problem with PvP in DayZ

    Uh no, What I'm saying is that there is no reason to not be a bandit in this game as it's completely beneficial in every way.
  3. I was walking on the SW side of Elektro this morning, I had just freshly spawned near Cherno, in which I found a Makarov and basic survival necessities. As I was crouch-walking through an empty warehouse lot, I saw another player. He hadn't seen me yet. He was wearing an ALICE pack and had a hatchet. I yelled to him over direct chat "Friendly! Hey man!". He looked over at me and disconnected. I got behind the spot he disconnected at so he couldn't immediately shoot at me (if that was what he was planning to do). As he reconnected, I don't know why, I just shot him 4 times in the chest with my Makarov. I don't know why I did it or for what reason. I always considered myself a non-bandit, but I don't know. I took his ALICE pack, his hatchet and his canteen and continued into Elektro, in which I found an m1911 and a Winchester. I went and hid in the forest and disconnected. Am I a bandit now?
  4. My idea: The first time you spawn, you have a high amount of items. For instance, Makarov, 6 clips, 2 bandages, morphine, 2xPainkillers,flashlight and a hatchet. Next time you die, you get less stuff. Maybe you spawn with all that same stuff except the hatchet. Next time you die after that, you lose 4 clips of Makarov ammo. Eventually your starting gear would degrade in quantity after every death, and after, say, 10 deaths, all you have left is a flashlight. The 'death counter' would reset once a month. This gives the player a punishment for dying but an incentive to not fuck it up this time.
  5. frodevil

    Looking to start/join a group.

    Me and my buddy can join you. Add my steam: Fro Devil
  6. Hi, I am somewhat new to the game. I had just died with a Winchester 1866 and a map, which was my longest game ever. Looking for a guy to play with. I will PM you my steam info if you ask for it. I also have a headset+mic and take the game semi-seriously.
  7. Steamname is Fro Devil, im in a fairly safe spot ontop of a concrete abandoned factory northwest of the northernmost coast town with 3 floors, all of them are indoors so zombies walk slow and it's fairly easy to just sneak in there through the front gate.