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Everything posted by frodevil

  1. frodevil

    Tent city levelled.

    You got nuked by a hacker. I also had a camp on NY14 llast week and out of nowhere the entire area was just leveled.
  2. frodevil


    Lol 0-5 matches? You realize most matchboxes contain at least 100+ matches in them right? My idea is make matchboxes have 100 matches in them, but make it so every time you start a fire it takes up a random number anywhere from 0-8 matches to make it. When it's raining, it will take the random number and add 5.
  3. "free up some server stress" Lol wtf? sure maybe it would, but it would add tons when the server has to spawn a bunch of randomly placed tin cans all across the map, unless they change the spawning algorithm
  4. frodevil

    God damn barbed wire!

    You have to aim at the bottom of the wire cylinder.
  5. lol no also stop playing on 3dp servers OP
  6. frodevil

    U.B.C.S. Story, Don't use our old camp.

    so much asperger's in this thread
  7. frodevil

    The Infection is permanent until cured.

    dumbest suggestion ever
  8. frodevil

    Paranoia after murders?

    ITT: Carebears
  9. frodevil

    Poisoned food / food that has gone bad

    The point of canned food is that it doesn't go bad at all. At least not for a very, very, very long time (avg of 10 years for most canned foods).
  10. frodevil

    Is this your tent?

    3rd person was put in ArmA to compensate for the fact that you can't simulate peripheral vision in a videogame as opposed to real life--not noobish Crosshairs aren't noobish because if you hold a gun in real life, you can at least sort of feel where it is pointing, whereas with a mouse you can't so it's not noobish Tags are somewhat noobish Waypoints/map blips are completely noobish
  11. frodevil

    Disconnecting to avoid Death proposal

    1. Radius is too large 2. The GUI indicator will be used to metagame Otherwise, sounds good.
  12. This post is dumb; that's the entire point of the forest. Loot is less concentrated, but it's safe from zombies. So if you want to stay in the forest, you have to get weapons from heli crashes and deerstands; both of which are surrounded by zombies. And good luck finding medical supplies in a tree.
  13. frodevil

    Bring back Bandit Skins

    There is still a way to tell who is a bandit; Put your crosshairs over them. If you hear your heart rapidly beating, kill them/run away as they have murders. The more murders the bandit has, the faster your heart beats.
  14. Awesome video, I like how you showed all the loot at the end.
  15. frodevil

    Suggestion - Ghosts

    What part of 'realism' do you not understand?
  16. Why the fuck does it matter? You would have gotten killed anyways.
  17. 1. Parent the flashlight to a player's head so it doesn't bob around when you sprint (like a miner's helmet) 2. Allow it to be used in conjunction with a weapon
  18. frodevil

    How to make flashlights actually useful

    Yes being able to see the first 3 feet of the ground around me sure is great and better than a flashlights.
  19. frodevil

    What advantage is the Military Flashlight?

    speshul snowflake