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Everything posted by frodevil

  1. frodevil


    So many butthurt carebears ITT. Go play Minecraft or something. Edit: Just realized this is a LumberBack thread. Wish I could sage.
  2. So basically not playing the game/combat DCing?
  3. Chernarus is occupied to two giant opposing military forces. Jesus christ, did no one here fucking play ArmA 2 at all?
  4. frodevil

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    It had shit accuracy and used STANAG 30 rnd mags. It's basically an assault rifle. It's purpose was rooting out camping snipers in order to spot them to that the main sniper could take them out. That's it.
  5. 1. Don't use non-theoretical points to try and prove your arguments 2. It's an ambush. That's what happens. If planned correctly by the ambusher, everything will go terribly for you and will go great for him. That's how it works.
  6. You keep spouting the punishing a playstyle bullshit over and over again, but what you don't realize is that changing your tactics isn't punishing a playstyle. When other people say "MineZ punishes you for doing X" they mean that the creator intended for it to happen. As in, the creator did NOT want you to do whatever you are doing, so he purposely gave you a meta-style drawback that has no real bearing to real life. For instance, nametags make it nearly impossible to sneak efficiently. But you seem to be confused about this. You think that players running into a problem and finding a solution (e.g. "I saw someone else get sniped in this town I'm about to enter. I'd better stay down and try to find where the sniper could be, and change my plans accordingly to avoid him") is punishing a playstyle, when it's not. If you sprint into a town guns blazing, you're going to get draw attention, be it negative or positive (the former being most likely). That's just simply a fact of life. In order for you to have gotten sniped, you had to have been noticed by him beforehand (your fault). This isn't Rocket punishing the player with unrealistic downsides; the player is punishing himself by being hasty and cocky. About the Snipefest thing: That's how warfare is. Crack, Boom. You're dead. It is fast, gruesome, visceral and, above all else, confusing. You might get shot at and not find the shooter for a million years. It's unexpected and jarring--that's just how it is. No amount of training in the world can prevent you from getting hit by a lucky AK spray. And the reason so many people have high-grade weapons is due to server-hopping, which theoretically shouldn't happen. Ergo it's not a valid point on your side. tl;dr Go back to your casualized bullshit Lego game or stop crying.
  7. So basically DayZ: Banditz r MEEN :( Edition? Or maybe DayZ: Casual Bullshit edition? DayZ: Carebears Edition? leave it to minecraft to casualize and strip the core part of a game because it's too hard for the 12 year olds that play it.
  8. that's what an alpha version is for, dicknose. user input
  9. frodevil

    Combination Locks

    Good idea. However crowbars are rather easy to find with this might be kind of pointless. I've nothing to add so I'll bump it for you.
  10. frodevil

    Skalisty island

    1. Fake story, Hueys aren't in DayZ. 2. The above poster is correct, I'm tired of DayZ bandwagoners that don't know shit about how to do anything in ArmA and don't use the tutorials.
  11. frodevil

    yet another fix for bandits...

    Can we ban LumberBack from the forums? All of his suggestions are so mind-fuckingly terrible and baseless.
  12. frodevil

    Drink from the Ocean?

    You aren't very smart, are you?
  13. frodevil


    Suggestion: Not being able to spell words correctly, you cannot post on the forums.
  14. Can you idiots please leave the forum if you don't want to read why something isn't allowed please?
  15. frodevil

    Why am i bad?

    just bad luck, don't worry about it. that error also has nothing to do with anything.
  16. frodevil

    Body Armor/ Kevlar

    Just to let you know, helmets don't do shit against bullets. Helmets are worn to protect from loose shrapnel/flak/debris from explosions as well as for camouflage.
  17. frodevil

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    "Winchester 1866 - None. It's not even a shotgun, it's a lever-action rifle. If anything, the Winchester 1887 Shotgun should replace it, but that's not Russian either." > It's not even a shotgun, Yes it is idiot, it fires 12 gauge slugs. >it's a lever-action The way in which a round is loaded into the chamber has NOTHING to do with what type of gun it is. >rifle No, once again, it isn't. It's a shotgun. Maybe learn a bit more about gun classing, types, manufacturers,popularity, quality and quantity produced before you try to overhaul an entire game's weapons.
  18. frodevil

    white dot paranoia.

    It's not disable-able because it's a realistic feature; higher/lower "difficulty" settings are based on realism, not difficulty. Peripheral vision is realistic so it's always on. This is evidenced by waypoints not necessarily making the game easier or harder, just realistic.
  19. Good idea, I like how the humanity system works. However, seperate spawns may make it alot easier to camp players. They would have to be a bit more varied.
  20. frodevil

    Reducing ammo = reduce murders

    "couldn't just relog to refill your magazines" >uses ammo gaining exploits >complains ammo is too easy to find
  21. frodevil

    Pack noises when being opened

    Good suggestion. simple and easy to incorporate, and would save a lot of trouble.
  22. frodevil

    Disconnect to Avoid Death Exploit Fix

    This would so easily be used to metagame... In a group:Hey, that John dude is disconnecting. Stall him and let's go find him and kill him.
  23. frodevil

    Hoppiing Solved?

    don't talk if you're uninformed because you're wrong.