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Everything posted by noobfun

  1. ALt+f4 will now get you warned then banned in the near future, the start point of this gets added in .4 which should be released wed/thur why would becoming a hardened killer make me loose my self control? .... forced psychology profiles are nonsense
  2. noobfun

    M107 in barn Window.. Leave comments..

    congratulations on demonstrating you have all the skill of an average 10 year old, now show us how you snipe ppl at 1000 meters without using scroll to win lame distancing
  3. next time try not to sound so scared down the mic, and when you shoot you drop em, your friend got hurt becasue you were trying to be all pally they had thier chance.
  4. [fixed] people QQ'ing about PvP by removing thier forum post rights and sapwning them with a bunch of flowers they cannot exchange for weapons
  5. is bandit, my flag is my ghuillie suit, im an equal oppotunity attacker *aims at matt just incase he gets a bit twitchy*
  6. why do you need to justify it? he had a weapon he was threat which your friend proved by running into his swining axe -_-
  7. noobfun

    Pending Update: Build

    just dump the morons at churno well take care of the rest for ya ;-)
  8. noobfun

    Bird spawn etc

    usually they go with cows but birds should be doable easily enough
  9. noobfun

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    save time go to dead island, youll be happy kicking Z's to death and beating them with planks, go quickly it may be on special on steam
  10. friend wouldnt happen to be flippyflop by anychance? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43107-stuck-on-a-roof-after-some-hacker-teleported-everybody/
  11. take it in turns to jump then, best bet to keep your gear long as you know where and in which city you are
  12. 1.take it in turns to jump so 1 can guard while the other runs back 2. download a hack and spawn a heli 3 try this skip to 53 seconds dont how ever advise number 2
  13. noobfun

    Hematophagy - another drinking source?

    unless fresh it would get very deadly very quickly
  14. noobfun

    Starter Weapon

    noo make it an 18" neon pink rubber one just to embarass people into not using it, although thats gonan make for some funny youtube videos
  15. noobfun

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    no a bandit would say, see ya at the airfield/starry and thanks for carry all that heavy gear here for me
  16. noobfun

    AI guarded camps

    i think someones camp got trashed when they were offline ..... also ...no defend it or loose it
  17. noobfun

    Starter Weapon

    defend yourself by not running at zombies waving your arms around? stealth is your best friend even when you weapons
  18. noobfun

    Everyone loves Raymond in Seattle 61

    and that is what side chat is for
  19. noobfun

    Zombie types!!

    starve for drunken posting!
  20. noobfun

    how to remember your main server?

    rember the country/area you play in and a number .. not difficult
  21. noobfun

    Zombie types!!

    and shouldnt post when drunk
  22. noobfun

    Inventory Replaced With Better Items

    its the latest hack doing the rounds, there have been a few rpoets of this
  23. noobfun

    Passed out and then...

    run up to unconciuos person, scroll mouse wheel select drag and have fun :P make sure your behind them, you can drag from infront but they can shoot ya while your dragging from infront
  24. and that would be why you dont go skipping across the fields to get there, if you check it out you either get A)loutz B)someone to shoot and loutz ... wheres the down side?
  25. and a special tent behind barbwire for the dew's?