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Everything posted by noobfun

  1. noobfun

    My Gear:)

    as50, M4 SD, m1911, nvg, range finder, ghuillie, full tool belt (minus radio+militray flashlight), and my alice pack really cant compete with the gear your carrying ......
  2. noobfun


    he cant as of yet even if he was inclined to, he would have to build fixed damages for the guns and impliment it in such a way that it overrides what arma2 is telling the server
  3. normal loot respawns in about 15 minutes, crash sites dont respawn loot till server restarts and a new crashsite spawns
  4. noobfun

    L115A2 LRR is this legit ?

    yeah its used by the royal marines, so its from the uk weapon's addon thing
  5. noobfun

    L115A2 LRR is this legit ?

    probably hacked, nothing in patch notes about increasing the range of weapons available
  6. noobfun

    Banditry exploded

    yes ghuillie suits bieng put back is deffinatley the driving factor i mean they have been missing for 2 weeks and this has been going on sicne 1.6.x.x obviously the last 3 months of this happening was all practice for if we lost ghuillies for 1 patch -_-
  7. noobfun

    How to survive without major towns?

    i still have 2 of the original morphine sticks i picked up 26 days ago at spawn, originally had 3 but a friend decided to close a door on me by accident (the worst bit id just guarded his body for 30 minutes in the barracks as he was killed by a server hopper when we entered)
  8. omg they like made maps work like ... maps QQ probably just the server your on that isnt lame enough to turn waypoints/mapmarkers on.. now if inly all servers were forced to do this along with removing nameplates/free ranging ...
  9. noobfun

    Making sniping a little harder

    why would you think military sniper rifles that use 30-06 and 50.cal rounds would somehow now be using ball shot like 18th century muskets? like hold left mouse? .. oh wait thats already in game so we need another way besides left mouse or instead of left mouse? you do have to zero your self, i think you mean range the target yourself .... step out of the lame servers and into vert/exp servers and you have to do this anyway using mil dot calculations, map referencing or range finders no it just works off your stance and yet people do carry them, not only do they carry them they also often carry a secondry rifle and field kitbasically just turn off auto ranging and map way points across all servers then at least people would have to learn about ranging to use them effectivley
  10. well they are shit outta luck then, Heli's are getting ported in gradually starting sunday http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48598-server-side-hotfix-072-helicopter-status-and-server-info/
  11. my DMR was taken from a loot spawn at the airfield
  12. noobfun

    How to survive without major towns?

    deer stands and occasional house spawns drops everywhereonly thing that will be almost impossible to come by are blood bags/antibiotics (can get them from med boxes at helicrash sites but meah)
  13. noobfun

    How to survive without major towns?

    go through the smaller towns at the sides of electro/churno make you way inland to some of the towns with supermarkets and hit up deer stands on the way takes a bit loinger to get gear but the not sprinting through looting everything in 1 go makes the game a bit more fun and icnreases the difficulty a bit
  14. had a tent eat, range finder, 2xnightvision, toolbox and a DMR all in 1 go ... wasnt looted stuck em in and saved 10 minutes later friend logs in and wnats some nvg's so i go to grab them and the tents empty ive been sat there for 10 minutes so it was the tent :( we found a camp and raided him some up instead
  15. noobfun

    Turn off bandit sounds?

    nope, of the two guys i play with two of us have multi murders, so the third guys gets it in stereo everytime were infront of him :P
  16. noobfun

    My encounter with a hacker (funny)

    hackers didnt break your legs, you broke them running into the dog model ..... -_-
  17. ahh awesomes the juutubes haff come to safes us!!! also - da'fuq are you smoking idiot?
  18. noobfun

    Hard Reset?

    only way to do that is a reset of the hive and Rocket hasnt done it yet :~( unfortunatley
  19. noobfun

    FN FAL price check

    ill give ya 4 gold and a rez scroll, k?
  20. an excellent idea! lets implement it immediatley ... and then force name tags/auto range'ing off on every server
  21. yepp, wait till sunday throw a few frag nades through the church door that solves several problems
  22. noobfun


    find barn, kill farmer zombies around barn ...they have a higher chacne to carry food/drinks then other zombies
  23. so Rocket is now in charge of ARMA II patches as well? ..
  24. they are also adding loot slots to the pedal bikes so you can carry repair components on them
  25. noobfun

    So it's anti DCing/server hopping?

    you had the shock status when you logged out and thats what you get for doing it, its an anti DC thing