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Everything posted by noobfun
Silent sniper m4 scope too overpowered
noobfun replied to Xbgmegatron's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Server-side Hotfix 0.7.2, Helicopter status and server info
noobfun replied to Vipeax's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
i know im playing farmville while i wait .... how do i burn my neighbours farm to the ground?? -
its sunday they were all off to church
As long as I didn't hack it in right?
noobfun replied to Flex Plexico's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
drop it under a bush in the middle of the woods and never look back, yes you can get banned for having it, yes you can deffinatley get banned for using it, -
Server-side Hotfix 0.7.2, Helicopter status and server info
noobfun replied to Vipeax's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
im already parked roughly middle map with my range finders and as50 at the ready, just aiting for the word that choppers are in and the duck hunting season opens -
thats what we like to hear ppl flying high in heli's, making it easier to 1)spot 2) range 3)lead 4)shoot down
theres a spot i know its basically a 1 kilometer map square that almost always has at least 1 tent on every server, infact the craziest i found was 14 seperate camps all crammed in this tiny grid ref and most of them still had some gear in it
What I learned from Dayz
noobfun replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
what the hell is it with lirki he just attracts em like a magnet, at least he isnt getting kidnapped for the third time rofl -
we were death matching on the beachs with spawn issued macarovs back in 1.6.1.x ...my first ever life i was getting shot at on the beach, and in town by people with nothing but starting equipment, not sure your conclussions are in anyway accurate or portray what the game has been like for a very very long time
just turn off the free mouse wheel ranging and way point markers on all servers, sniper accuracy will drop through the floor, and a large chunk of people will abandone them simply becasue now they are having to fire so many shots to get the zeroing close enough to hit
god i love people and how they say stuff, the complete opposite is true but they run with it anyway right now ill kill you becasue your a threat, take away 1/2 my weaponry and ammo and now im gonan kill ya A) becasue your still a threat and B) becasue now i deffinatley need what your carrying your average death matcher is happy sat on a roof top in churno with a lee enfield, how is this top end gear? also by upping the scarcety the chances of someone grouping then killing you when your backs turned will increase significantly (you use less ammo with a 5 meter head shot and an axe costs no ammo) or grouping and stealing crap from others backpacks i joined the game realised that the start gear was crap (this was when we had starting gear) so soon as i found somthing running the death match that was churno/electro i really really wanted to keep itso killed anyone that moved in my direction, the game maximises the fear of loss of gear, even more so now you start with nothing, but the starting with nothing means your not getting attacked by EVERYONE from the second you spawn. this game maximises fear of loss what your actually talkign about is 3 distinct groups but trying to treat them as 1 problem with 1 solution 1)highend gear users, with the duping exploits so prevelent (you can do them by accident not just on purpose) once youve farmed up enough gear once you can potentially dupe up the same gear over and over so you need to spend zero time rebuilding your gear so doign random crap like sniping noobs becasue a passtime 2)score board warriors, they have adopted the name bandit and wear it with pride although all they really care about is kill scores, they are just as happy sitting in electro hills with a lee enfield as sprinting around NWAF trying to increase thier kill count 3)average player, dosent want to loose thier gear, realsies shooting you for yours is almost totally a posative sum game ill leave out hackers even though they make up a high percentage of the sniper overwatch on churno electro saying x will fix all 3 problems in one easy go is the same as saying 'ok need to sort my car, the battery is flat, its missing a tire and the clutch is shot, therfore if i change the oil it will all be perfect' creating a geater fear of loss of gear will just drive more people to kill on sight just in more imaginative ways that use less ammo, so a sharp rise in hatchett men and cuckoo bandits is all you will achieve with this 1.reducing duping(i know its ongoing) will increase the time people have to spend getting geared 2.removing scores may help with the scoreboard warriors but rocket likes his stats so that may not happen 3. there really is no solution to this, when we started with guns we used them from the second we hit the beach, now we dont have guns theres a delay bewtenn us turning into murderous bastards which actually gives you a chance to find someone freshly spawned to team up with. but make weapons and other stuff to hard to find and the one guy with an axe is king and will kill everyone for the gear becaasue it becomes just that valuable
anywhere that isnt in the sea pretty much, youd be suprised where people stick them, although off map camps are starting to appear again :-/
the negative death matching is a natural response to the situation, the game places us in setting and our natural response is to horde and anyone who is a threat gets taken out, its even better if the add to our horderight now we are essentially hunter/gatherers in our small tribes running around the servers, until we reach the civillisation stage this will remani the norm, the beginings of the civilisation we can already see, the number of proposed trading companies, medic corps, and other ideas for player controlled and ruled safe(ish) zones are on the increase and they are starting to appear ingame its gonan be a transisitional period many will pop up and implode but others will start and stay and the more that make it the more will form and it ill begin to snowball, although there will always be bandits, the bandits will atatck them, the bandits will try to increase thier own strength by taking the toys of others
you mean a sense of fairness?like cappuchins? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8mynrRd7Ak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAFQ5kUHPkY yeah we are deffiantley different then animals becasue they dont understand sharing or fairness ..try again
you are a sociopath or your not, its that simple no they start becoming tribal, and thats worse becasue now it isnt 1 person who is incapable of feeling remorse, its a group of people who dont feel remorse or empathy becasue they have chosen you as an outgroup memberthis is a group of jocks bullying a nerd, this is gang violence, this is soldiers laughing and cheering as they fire on the enemy(wether they are actually enemy or civillians), this is mankind operating on instinct this is tribalism but this only applies to the ingroup, it was common practice to beat torture rape and even kill slaves to keep them in line and perfectly legal to do so, but killing another slave owner was a criminal offence and got you punished, this is what can happen to out-groupers you live alongside the people you are more likley to empathy with then the out-groupers you dontand this is just stepping into tribalism, the game steps past that into a total state of anarchy where for many people they dont even have a tribe, where everyone is outgroup, where everyone is a threat real or potential where detroying thier camps weakens them, where outright killing them stops them being a threat at all for a few more hours congratulation, however you do realise storng ideology especially incases where it designates what good and bad are, are a driving factor in increased violenceideology is just that an idea thats widley accepted regardless of how true it is or not, if the ideology concludes that certain people are good and certain people are bad and that the bad must be punished by the good then this grants the 'good people' immunity of concionse, becasue they are the 'good guys' no matter how bad the actions they commit get they are doing them for the purpose of 'good' therfore they are 'good' hence jihad, the crusades, Stalinism, the holocaust, and thats the thing with tribalism, its not hey lets go raid the next encampment kill a bunch of them and steal their food it will be epic lulz, it they are going to attack us sooner or later becasue they are bad so we should take actions to stop them, if we kill a bunch of them and take thier food it will be a long time before they are strong enough to come attack us they are doing what is neccessary to protect them selves, and that involves doing to others what they fear will be done to them, but becasue they are doing to to pretect them selves its excusable actions, where if its done to them its an attack by bad people they do the same to others as others do to them but they reframe it so its not a naughty thing they are doing, they rationalise it to them selves so the others actions are bad but thiers are not how many forum posts do you see 'ive been killed so many times by people that they are forcing me to act the same way, but im doing it becasue i have to while they do it becasue they want to' or words to that effect, its the same thing in action, alot of the people shot them becasue they felt the same way as the poster but the poster has to tweek it so they can do the same thing but not seem/feel like the bad guy this is the inner ape talking, better to do unto others before others do unto you we can rationalise it later
your right, but your not in my clan, what happened to people not in clan A but found by Clan A? no it shows your reading skills arnt all to great,"Even tribes 3000 years ago had rules like don't kill someone just to take their beans when you've got perfectly good beans in your backpack." yes, dont take the beans from other peoples backpacks in our tribe what happened to people not in our tribe? '95% of native american tribes took part in raids against other villages for reasons such as capturing wives, killing large portions of them to weaken them, destroying food stores again to weaken them, revenge for earlier raids yada yada' it shows both chimps and humans acting almost identically not just in violence but also in caring for others within the group, humans ingroups change on a minute by minute basis can be as small as my family or my friends, could be my city, my team, my country or even the whole world, but the second your in the outgroup your risk of violence actual or threat of goes up significantly ingroupand how is one of the early civillised societies comparable to tribal hunter gatherer/hunter agriculturalists let alone to a total state of anarchy, this is like watching military exercises and concluding people dont die in wars yes one is a matter of brain wirring and the other is somthing peiople do everyday to other people in many ways this isnt the 40's the term is socipath, they make up between 1-4% of the worlds population, only fractions of a percent of these become serial killers, a high proportion of buisness Ceo's are socipathsand no usually if a sociopath kills you its not becasue they want somthing you have, in most cases its becasue of what you represent to them or you are percieved rightly or wrongly of holding them back welcome to the world of posative sum gains in the real world by regualr people, if i mug you for your watch even though i have a watch that doesnt make me a sociopath, i may choose to sell your watch for alternate gain, i may do it becasue i like your watch, i may do it becasue i dotn like you and denying you of things is the goal. this is stealing another kids trainers you dont like then throwing them away, this isnt neuronal functionality for a small group of mankind seen as having a mental condition this is people your out group and dehumanised in my mind therfore the rules dont apply, you dont need to be a sociopath for this,this is what happened in rowanda, this is what happened in nazi germany, the outgroup became dehumanised in the minds of the aggressors and so they could be dealt with without remorse, this happens all over the world, from the gang of locker room bullies, right up to govermental levels declaring people X inferior therfore actions can be taken against them that they wouldnt even think of doing to someone in thier ingroup
your fu&^ing kidding me right?know your history, violence has been dropping steadily over the past 2000 years for the most part except where hunter/gatherer tribes live and are not forced to comply with someone elses rules, neolithic european mass graves have shown that mortality rates due to violent atatcks may have been as high as 60% and mutlipul mass graves showing entire settlements put to death either through the fighting to take it aor the follow up executions of the survivors 95% of native american tribes took part in raids against other villages for reasons such as capturing wives, killing large portions of them to weaken them, destroying food stores again to weaken them, revenge for earlier raids yada yada almost all hunter gather tribes have no concept of surrender, becasue capture means death violence is prevelant in humanities history, theres a much fuller talk by Pinker about the subject on youtube called 'The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined' put people in a tribal setting (clans/playing alone) in an enviroment of threat and scarcety and lots of violence comes out the other end
just double checking the jerry can is empty right?
Known bug? (Ghillie suit remove backpack)
noobfun replied to natas88dk's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
works fine with alice packs, its hidden on the model but still accesabe with all the slots -
as long as noisey crickets can be abused :P ill happily trade away my pistol for the ability to have a noob caller
Zombie Population & Base building
noobfun replied to thegreattriscuit's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
so your idea leads to no zombies at NWAF churno and elctro ... think i shall vote no -
just wondering what happens latest patch hasnt removed Alt+F4 but the more you do it the faster you get bitchslapped for it so now im wondering what will happen to the clowns that Alt+f4 from the chunk of burning metal i just shot down, i know if they bail out they will take coresponding fall damage from the height they jumped but if you Alt+f4 would you magically teleport to the ground on re-log? spawn inside the chopper and probably insta die? or hopefully spawn at the altitude you logged and fall to your death? just wondering if its worth sitting in a bush with fraps ready waiting for them to log back in for a comedy moment or not
yeah my AS50 is twitching at the thought of the ppl flying high altitude thiking they are safe in thier shiney boxes instead of flying low and fast and dodging between the hills
theres a small window of opportunity between when the engine dies and when it goes bang and fireballs the lot of them which is why i ask, this small window gives you if your lucky enough time to 'bail out' or Alt+f4 hence why id like to know if when i go to check the bodies that fell out of it should i be wary of people logging in next to me or falling from the sky on my head, both are equally deadly
no NVG's other wise he would have seen your laser light show on the other side of the map lol