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Everything posted by noobfun

  1. ok two guys ambushed two of ours yesterday while refuleing the chopper, 1 of thiers died the other spent the next 6 hours ghosting combat d/cing and generally being a total pansy to try and get the chopper (yeah you know i mean you ya [5*] noob) we shoot the chopper down after he ghosted right next to it and jumped in (unsuprisingly alt+f4 and ran away) after 5 hours of this crap including him mostly repairing it while we were occupied else where we just went guns blazing on it, we didnt have the windshields to reapir the rediculous leack and we dam sure wasnt letting this prick get it so we hit it with 20 AS50 rounds(the actual round not the m107 mags) and multipul stanag (around 15 mags) and a satchel charge everything was smashed, main prop, engine, rear prop, instruments all with the exception of the hull main prop - you shoot the rotor arm engine - straight below that instruments - shoot the nose tail prop - shoot the tail prop hull - where the hell do you have to hit it for this? we literally raked the sides of the chopper(front to back) with fire then went at it with axes and still nothing tl;dr [5*] clan are ghosting pricks, where do ya shoot chopper to break the hull?
  2. nose is the instruments (two lower glass bubbles and the black bit inbetween), and i walked 10 AS50 shots personally along the tail up to the gunners chair guess ill try crawling under it if its still there
  3. noobfun

    Huey+almost all vehicles

    congratualtions you have teh same skill as me, mine took a couple of hours in the arma II armoury ... so not very much really sorry no e-peen enlargment here for ya
  4. noobfun

    Thanks for the bus

    yesterday we stole helicopter, motorbike, 2x atv's, a tractor and the v35 we had stolen from us the day before before finding the v35 3 days ago vehicles hav been very far and few inbetween ... we even lost the chopper and an atv during the day, not so easy come, easy go ..i guess
  5. noobfun

    DMR bi-pod useable?

    its just part of the model, the m24 and saw's bipods are always deployed on the model but make no differance to accuracy m24 down, DMR up it helps you distinguish the weapon
  6. wonders if he can farm up an at4 by thursday ... just sits back on his chair made of satchel charges .... why bother
  7. wish i had known, 4 smoke nades on roof of church to blow a hole in the wall then just fling in a bunch of nades .. coulda been epic :( might not have killed ay all but sure would have casued some confusion and panic lol p.s. anyone know how many satchel charges it takes to flatten a church?
  8. noobfun

    Drag/Carry injured survivors

    works the same as crouch walking up stairs backwards if your doing it right and they just kinda hoverotherwise they just clip right through objects without a problem kinda like a ghetto wall hack, my friend kept sticking me through a tree last night so im told, all i know is screen got darker and stars vanished while they both laughed thier asses off but but then how do we kidnap people and have some lulz?
  9. noobfun

    Admin of LU273

    if they are hacking and you have evidence you can ban them while waiting for official word which will either result in a global ban for them or a we think you jumped the gun not enough evidence lift the ban please response may be wrong but i also think you can send a support ticket with the info rather then having to post in here as your a server admin http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32223-staff-need-clarification-on-ban-able-offenses/page__hl__rules might want to check anders reply its the forth post
  10. da'fuq? yes its sandbox play the game how you want, if you want to shoot people then do it, want to avoid them do that, dont want to shoot people then dont but how is working within the game's intended mechanics and justifying it some how...even any where to ... i have found exploit i use exploit is the fact that people shoot at me in churno when i dont want them to now justification for me to go dupe up gear so i have bigger guns? how about if i just get a teleport script and warp my ass somewhere else thats fine too right? ya i'jut hell you ddint even use the word hypocrisy correctly, "This is a sandbox game, banditry isnt taboo, anybody can play it how they want to" you can play anyway you want as long as you do it in the spirit of the game e.g. dont fucking exploit they decide to shoot on sight and they do, you decide not to and dont ...how the fu%^ is that hypocrisy? unless your trying to say they make it so you have to, no becasue you still press the button, you still aim the shot, YOU choose to do that
  11. gotta love the pbx we were zoomuing up and down the coast yesterday in one, including us following some idiots idea to take it up niorth and find the end of the map, after 2 hours of running(after making landfall) and our gps telling us were clearly off the edge of the ingame map when fully zoomed out they called me an idiot and we logged out/back in and got a free trip to electro just be glad it wasnt the party boat(the shot up looking one decked out in fairy lights) that thing has a top speed of 10 :-/ youll die from sickness before you get anywhere in it if you use it at night
  12. noobfun

    Drag/Carry injured survivors

    you mean like this? or for the comedy this>? was on a tractor last night that decided to desync and explode with me in it, my two buddies rushed to my aid while laughing hysterically to banadage me up, give me a blood bag then drag me around the woods for a laugh while i was still unconcious
  13. noobfun

    Podcast with ROCKET, Future of dayZ

    im enjoyiong your post immensly .. adding a link to the podcast would be even more enjoyable for me .. maybe try that?
  14. noobfun


    if it was an as50 with thermal then its hacked otehr wise its just a nub with good gear, its been liberated to better/worthier hands now so gratz to you ive got an as50/m4 sd/m9 sd and a couple of stashed l85's and a cammo svd, does that mean im possibly hacking or just went camp hun ting and helped liberate some gear for a worthy casue :P
  15. becasue its cheap and lame, you get jumped by 3 people you got sloppy, pay the price your getting sniped you got sloppy, pay the price what next? i was being chased by 5 zombies why shouldnt i alt+f4?
  16. noobfun

    Banditry exploded

    the thing that suprioses me most is despite all the threads about how everyone shoots on sight, the snipers all around electro massacring the entire city life expectancy is up, its actually doubled from when i started playing if all these death matchers and super snipers are casuing such wide spread destruction why is it still going up? the posts about how many of these incidents are happening and how bad it is is also going up near exponentially and yet it still keeps creeping up theres only 1 factor thats had a significant impact on the length of lifespawn and that was the removal of starting weapons, ive had gun fights on the sand of the beach before, died while spawning in on the beach, with the removal of our macaronies when i do die (about once a month atm) im safer now then ive ever been becasue peoples ability to kill me from the starts been taken away if the increase of players through steam sales, the loss of global chat, and the rise of hackers wiping servers(this actually has gone up significantly) is leading to everyone dying so quickly why is the average life figure still going up? this game is safer now (pvp wise) then it has been since 1.6.1 when i started playing, the chance that people will comminucate with you (now they cant just shoot you and steal your spawning can of beans on the beach) has gone up, last spawn i had 4 people(3 seperate incidents) in churno(hate the new spawn system) approach me using comms or chat to signal friendly, confused the hell out of me this stuff never happned before, we had a quick chat i declined teaming up where it was offered and we shared info on where people we had heard shooting were roughly located spawnings a cake walk now compared to what it was and most of that isnt becasue i know what im doing now
  17. noobfun

    Banditry exploded

    been going on months peoples memories just get foggy, they forget the fun days we had turning electro into a shooting gallery with our standard issue makarovs its a standard progression, at the satrt people didnt know what was going on, so they grouped up for help and info, the more they figured stuff out the easier the game began knowing what was going on and how to do x,y,z the need for that comfort blanket was removed, and so it became easier to shoot that guy to grab all the loot becasue you knew how Z mechanics worked and where the loot you wanted was so there wasnt a need to share, you could just shoot the guy re-gear and go meet up with your buddies where ever they were holed up without having to drag some random guy you met 20 seconds ago with you with the information bieng spread far and wide it just means the people comming in through steam sales can just skip phase 1 and jump straight into phase 2
  18. noobfun

    Banditry exploded

    again nothing but 'boohoo waa waaa and name calling' you also try to debunk my argument bu using a word you introduced not me, ive already explained above how measured purley in rsik V's reward everyone is your enemy, but then you throw in indescriminatley to try and red herring the whole conversation try and keep up creationist boy (you argue like one so your getting the nickname) saying people dont shoot on sight, then being shown that even some police are ordered to do just that in the really real word means people do shoot on sight in the really real world so stating it wouldnt happen (which you did) becasue it doesnt happen in the real world .... is false, its wrong, its totaly bullshit, trying to play word games by sticking the word indescrimantley(you used this not me) in to try and moot the entire argument is semantic games worthy only of people without an actual argument but desperatley trying to hang on in there ...your like that kitty on the branch on an old calendar i had and as ive shown people do shoot on sight of people classed as enemy(out-group) in the real world, and that ingame practiaclly everyone starts off as out-group and as loss V's reward for a player interaction the greatest gain can be made by shooting them its a natural reaction for players to shoot on sight and to keep doing it see this is what im talking about, if you really were interested uin getting your point across to not me but anyone in this thread/forum dropping in a simple link would have sufficedlets see what we can find shall we 'Improve in game communications - introduce public frequency walkie talkies than anyone can hear within a 3 km radius so you can make SoS calls and arrange trades before you get into shooting distance.' - wait wut? isnt this point 1 a comm channel everyone can use and has immediate access to 'if they are implemented for all players on a single channel this is nothing more then global chat' ... basically global chat thats had the range reduced a bit then i find this, made the same day you suggested radio's in here and yet you didnt link it, this is the 4th back and forth reply and still no link ..i wonder why http://dayzmod.com/f...etting-in-game/ its option 1 ' you have radio player 2 doesnt (this is pressuming its a findable item not standard spawn issue), you bumble across player 2 cant alert him your there or check his intentions besides whats already ingame (salute/happydance/surrender/direct text/chat) your in exactly the same position as you were before except now you have a radio in your tool belt' so maybe how you can tell me how the post increases the ability to communicate friendly intent under the scenario i already gave, you have radio they dont? .. which was the problem you raised the radio subject to counter, greater tools for contacting people to confirm if they are friendly or not at short/mid range how would this aid people who dont have a mic/cant use one becasue of sleeping family members? how would this not turn out to be the same annoyance of global chat, people shouting friendly on a 5km wave length and no one having a clue who the hell they are talking to? and having to listen to some geordie having an argument with his wife while crap music blasts out ?.. these were all regular issues when global was actived, how does limiting the range fix this? (well it would for me im nowhere near 80% of the people in this game all noobing it up around churno/electro) personally i kinda like the idea of bieng able to track comms again, but it has problems built into it why make it findable? the people most likley to need this (fresh spawners) are the ones least likley to have it, how would you prevent it bieng made usless by someone just locking mic on and shouting/blaring music down it so you cant even hear the zombie 10 meters away from you? you see how presenting this information instead of just going 'durp radios man' adds context, adds a frame work that people can understand and just as a personal curiosity how are the possible radio options i guessed at that you could mean retarded and not worth discussing when 2 of the three are things youve suggested yourself as an element that should eb added to game? ill keep asking questions and ignoring all the ad-homonims as long as your here so maybe if you answered questions (instead of saying you did when you havnt) things might get interesting around here heres a simple suggestiopn, ive made it before lets see what your take on it is make every server an exp server 3dp off: now you cant peek round a corner without actually peeking, you have to expose your self to risk making it harder to just stand behind a corner and wait for the person to turn thier backs, you also cant lie behind a bush and pop up a magic telescope so you can see over it and with a massive increase in viewing angle, its harder to find targets so harder to randomly just shoot everything that moves, name plates/ranging off: now you cant just walk into a barn pick up a hunting rifle and be all 'luk me i r epicz snipa' becasue now you need to know how to calculate range(using scope), find a range finder or open your map guestimate the range and then fire, finding a sniper rifle is about 85% easier then finding a range finder, maps are easier to find but take a little longer, it also adds 3-5 seconds to the firing sequence making it harder to actually shoot them, they have much more chance of getting into cover without ever realising the danger map markers off: now you cant use waypoints to GIVE them the range just like it does on nameplate/range regular servers i almost always play on vet/exp, the amount of death matching is lower becasue the wanna be snipers have a much harder time finding/shooting people and are much more likley to get shot in the back of the skull while doing it becasue theres no magic periscope to check the woods around them
  19. noobfun

    M107 mag VS AS50 mag?

    not sure what the differance is, but given the option to carry double the round in the same space, and have them a lot more easily findable then the smaller as50 mags i go with 107 mags everytime edit: ahh thansk for the info, might carry a 5round mag around with me then as a show stopper ;-)
  20. noobfun

    Banditry exploded

    no i think you missed the point COD is a zero sum game becasue any exchange results in -1 ofr player A +1 for player B Dayz however isnt, an encounter could result in -40 for 1 player while the other player only risks -2, so the player is more likley to take the posative move for them, so geared ppl more foten then not shoot first given the chance, now ungeared people attacking someone with other gear risk -1 (random unit assigned) but because they get all the other guys gear the stand to gain +3 or +10 gear score gain, again the posative move for that player is to charge him down with an axe that one is kill on sight becasue thats what the game is, it is designed to have very clear friend/enemy dynamics with no thought required, that guys in grey shoot, that guys in green dont shoot thats it now dayz isnt that clear cut, and becasue a simple +1/-1 k/d ratio isnt whats at stake, and in almost every scenario killing someone gives the greater benefit then letting them go or teaming up with them, couple this with the darkside of mans psychology and you get people killing each other just incase or for gear im not talking about the people just camping a beach shooting people before they have taken two steps for the lulz thats a different mattr and requires a different solution you simply said put radios in that will fix everything, you didnt explain how they would work, how you would get them, how would communication be handled by them i have to guess what you mean by a statment becasue for someone so well educated as your self in the sciences you must know that making a statment means nothing unless its a statment about somthing everyone already understands, other wise a small amount of quantifying goes a long way i gave 3 possible ways it could be implemented, rather then give your own or rework one of mine you again just went 'no no no your an idoit im super smart lalalalala' -_- welldone if they are implemented for all players on a single channel this is nothing more then global chat if they are implemented as a findable item then they are only semi useful in thier function of comunnication with other players, becasue not everyone has them if they are usable like mini chat rooms where people are invited in to increase communication in a team(as ive seen sugegsted before) this again does nothing for the kos becasue of lack of communication argument becasue you cant communicate if they arnt already invited into your channel, and basically provide an ingame ts or skype so maybe stop showing how good at yoga you are by pulling your head out your ass and your foot out your mouth and put a littl effort into explaining what it is your trying to suggest instead of making half assed comments with no context added so people understand how the suggestion works http://www.heraldsun...o-1225700393543 http://www.telegraph...ad-hunters.html <-hey look the police being ordered to do it http://www.milpages.com/blog/6325 <- these people are just dumb but meah it seems not only gangs but police can and do operate on a shoot on sight policy to their enemies, in the case of the biker ganags its more usually beat them into a nice long stay in hospital on sight, ganags dont use shoot on sight but mid 80's early 90's standing on the wrong corner with the wrong coloured T-shirt could get you shot even though you had nothing to do with either gang (the territory your stood on, on the assocaited gang colour your t-shirt is) <3 u too please give better responses then just 'no dont like it so must be wrong' and maybe the responses will improve, when i dont really know what your arguing for the best i can do is a scatter shot and hope i hit the mark before you start moving the goalposts again
  21. noobfun

    Banditry exploded

    i loose multipul hours (lets pick 40 hours) of hunting gear he looses 2 hours, i loose a huge list of semi/difficult to find gear he doesntits a none zero sum game, the loss V's gain desont balance COD and other standard fps games are zero sum, i gain or loose 1 kill/death marker thats it wait wut? i bet i didnt, unless your talking about me calrrifying this is a none zero point game and clarrifying the possible outcomes, posative sum outcombe,negative sum outcome, zero point outcombe you have radio player 2 doesnt (this is pressuming its a findable item not standard spawn issue), you bumble across player 2 cant alert him your there or check his intentions besides whats already ingame (salute/happydance/surrender/direct text/chat) your in exactly the same position as you were before except now you have a radio in your tool beltstandard item, im a bandit i have a radio, your chatting to player b, i use radio to track you down and kill you both becasue of what your saying over the radio, you may not be working together you may be just chatting doesnt matter, this is no different to when we had global chat enabled, and it got used for luring people into ambushes or hunting them down more then for grouping. becasue for every 1 player that was actually looking to group there were two looking for free gear throw in a third option, the ability to lock radio channels so no one else can listen but everyone spawns with a radio, well now youve just broken the original intention you cant chat to the other guy until he is invited into your radio channel and you cant do that unless your close enough to invite, this is still pretty much the same position you were in with no radio so he is still just as likley to shoot you as before, and this is forcing people, theres an advantage in numbers your no adding in another advantage of the ability to communicate organise and hunt that isnt open to people unless they group, forcing grouping by rewarding that behaviour this is no different to using ts or skype, many servers have public ts channels that they advertise ingame anyway well if you class hurling insults as well as bullet, U.S. gang violence at its hieght, KOS was the norm, infact any place with high rates of gang related gun violence KOS rather then communicating is the norm im just tallented i guess <3
  22. noobfun

    Trolling in DayZ [Video]

    dirty rapist!!! dragging her off to your rape tower, then abusing her
  23. noobfun

    Spooky survivors (video)

    i had to kill them im confused - best justification eva!!
  24. noobfun

    Banned for combat logging

    nope :Pand not stirring up anything except maybe ya caps lock ;-) good admin is good and deserveres a well done,
  25. noobfun

    Banned for combat logging

    props to the admin that popped in, you did the right thing under the circumstances, if i played US servers youd have just got a new regular player now IF the log shows he did combat log, report him for double props