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Everything posted by noobfun

  1. noobfun

    Disabling 3rd person on foot

    becasue holding ALT and looking over your shoulders is hard?
  2. noobfun

    Disabling 3rd person on foot

    dont know about variable switching but locked 1st person is the none noob way, hence (most)vet (all)exp servers ive come across have it disabled both onfoot and in vehicles, helps cut down death matching as you cant sit behind a rock and pop up the magic wide view periscope to see everything going on, or peek over walls/round corners you actually have to commit by putting yourself at risk to get eyes on a target much more fun :P
  3. noobfun

    players stockpiling

    just put a bit mroe effort in to find the tree's they hid them in, and stop trying to punish them becasue going more then 1k past electro is hard :-/ *sigh*
  4. noobfun

    Camo clothes garbage?

    they are intermediates between civillian (glowing target of pk) and bushwookie compared to the wookie costume if soldier is terrible civillian must be end of the word bad, think of it in mmo terms, your bitching that you got a blue instead of a gold (still a metric fk ton better then the white/grey your currently derping around in), accept what ya got and use the blue while ya farm up that gold, instead of trying to make the blue as good as the gold
  5. noobfun

    Border Crossing

    tenets becoem invisible when placed so you cant access them, vehicles stay as long as somone messes with it every 3 days, 50% fixed
  6. noobfun

    Hypothermia and heat packs

    the coughings caused by an infection, 98.5% of the time you get the infection becasue your temperature dropped to much, the heat pack will raise your temp so you dont get sick, but the antiobitiocs are needed once you get sick
  7. thats dealt with, in a later stream he said quite clearly ' if you find an m9SD let me know i need to get rid of theis PDW im sorry when did WE say that?although you should probably STFU right now as last night during your 4th or 5th bitch on the same subject went approximatley "people on the forums and stream chat who accuse us iof exploiting and hacking becasue we have good gear, its not right we play this game as many hours as we can, hacking and exploiting would ruin the fun of the game so we wouldnt do that, we loot stuff and fill up our camp, its not our fault it refills itself when server restarts" yeah it is your fault, your choosing not to 'save old camping tent' when removing gear, your choosing to dupe gear, duping gear is an exploit Virilis knows he got his gear from a hacker(the spawn everyone on server uber gear hack) he looked through it ditched the obvious out of game object, says he didnt realise this wasnt the ingame PDW, and when it was pointed out he is now taking steps to ditch it in favour of an in game weapon ....props to Virilis how ever your playing mr squeaky clean and moaning about how its so unfair ppl accuse you of stuff then out right admit to doing it while still moaning about the accusations the videos show everything ive pointed out gun yes, Viriliss using hacks no, thats why i didnt accuse him of hacking but there was you admitting to exploiting -_-this not going so well for ya is it, you might want to fetch a ladder for the hole your digging yourself, its getting kinda deep
  8. one thing you learn when you spend enough time up north, people are everywhere especially where you dont expect them ive literally sat in a tree semi afk for an hour and had 2 seperate people run past me, the server i play on regualrily has 20+ people on it and less then 100 z's, becasue were all running around in the bush
  9. no evidence of what? that you have a hacked uin weapon? i linked the video and put the times, or no evidence of how you got the weapon? becasue i linked that as well yes there is i linked YOUR video showing how YOU got the weapon congratulations, i have aghuillie and 3 or 4 saved in a tent big whop PDW-SD is not in game and is a hacked in weapon (fact) you got your weapon when a hacker added it to your inventory wioth the ghuilie and backpack your crurrently using (fact)we know they are facts becasue your video shows them thats kind of your problem, right there yes you have it all frapsed, and ive used your own videos to show your using a hacked in gun, and a hacked in ghuillie, and a hacked in backpack and shown them bieng hacked in (note im saying they were hacked in not that you hacked them i, they are two very different things) and you <3if you really disliked hacking and exploiting as much as you claim youd have dumped all the gear first chance you got not had a pick and choose session
  10. wasnt looted it was issued him by a hacker or he scripted it himself, but as he gained it while still moving ingame and no menu's appeared so a hacker gave it him, same as the ghuillie suit, AS50 TWS, coyote backpack ..by that logic then im gonna go find me a hacker get him to give me an AS50 TWS and G36-SD and run around ingame with it, thats ok right? maybe ill get him to spawn me in a heli too, long as im not the one scripting it in...right? wait wut? you didnt realsie ti was a hacked gun becasue it looks like the image on wiki(which is wrong) but its behaviour completley doesnt match what the wiki says about PDW's, the fact it has PDW-SD ammo which isnt even on and it magically appeared in his inventry 15 meters from the beach .... ok
  11. noobfun

    Are Vehicles/Tents Saving OffMap?

    vehicles save off map, tents dont
  12. the name blockers were inplace already while i was watching this was done in the first 14 minutes of the stream, it was done at 3 different camps(near mid/end of video), check tents, run into bush pull up game menu while waiting for the other 3 to finish, close game menu when all were ready to move onyou also dont need to pop open the game menu to jump to desktop, and why only at other camps while waiting for the other guys to finish looting did this happen, surely a 5 minute stop in the iddle of the forest and fix it all in one go not re-adjusts on 3 seperate occassions that all happen to be next to a camp
  13. theres a differance between a pdw and pdw-sdyours is silenced the one you linked to has moderate noise the same as an m1911/revolver and yet yours ingame sounds like a fully auto m9-sd the PDW in game is called simply that not PDW-SD ... your weapons hacked in http://www.arma2.com...andguns_en.html the PDW is is in dayz the PDW-SD is not, you can see uit clearly throught the stream it is a PDW-SD http://no.twitch.tv/...stv/b/327413199 1:08:35 PDW-SD in action - yes it silenced , and no not a game bug, the bug means Z's hear the PDW loaded with silenced rounds (m9sd/mp5sd -not pdw-sd as they are hacked) as a silenced weapon but players hear it as normal 0:49:50 see the option to switch m4sd for PDW-SD, also 5 seconds later when opening inventory you see it scroll to the bottom and PDW-SD is listed [GOKK]Wookie even knows its a hacked gun, http://no.twitch.tv/...stv/b/326840305 oops did i just give out your player names ohh my :P [GOKK] wookie - Virilis the streamer
  14. noobfun

    Hypothermia and heat packs

    yeah ... umm.... that a redicuolously small chance, to get ti that way
  15. noobfun

    Hypothermia and heat packs

    or just standing still at night, or being in water, or riding around on slow ass boats
  16. noobfun

    Hypothermia and heat packs

    i read this as, i NEVER play on night servers, or use boats play on a night server and you always carry at least 1, killed a guy last night simply becasue i heard him coughing as he made his way through the woods, glad i did he ran up and sat literally next to me in the same tree then raised his ls85 to scan the woods ahead for thermal signatures
  17. nice SD-pdw that doesnt exist in game ..... and everytime your sat still near a camp you open up the game menu ... not getting ready to combat log are ya?
  18. noobfun


    im wonderign what theya re gonna do for the next [insert time period here] until it even enters beta phase let alone gets released
  19. noobfun

    New starter weapon - The AS50

    the AS50 doesnt have thermal sight, hackers import the AS50 TWS for thatits the simple find 1 dupe a bunch that casues the issues
  20. noobfun

    Item swapping question!

    it swaps the ammo over as well, i carry 4 stanag sd and 4 AS50 Nato mags, when i switch the m4sd for the AS50 the AS50 ammo is brought to main inventroy and the stan sd takes thier spot in my backpack its a bit buggy in that it might only move some of the ammo forward or backwards as long as theres space e.g. move 2 stanag to pack but 4 AS50Nato to inventory
  21. it takesa single large drop then bleed out, depending on the and hit location of the first hit can increase or decrease the rate they bleed
  22. noobfun

    I have a confession to make :(

    thats the thing, its not hard to tell a buddy where you were he runs to the area, you loggin (usually on a different server) he spots you layin on the ground bandage/blood bag wait 5 minutes and your good to go again :-/ last night i died twice fighting the same ghosting combat d/c'ing worthless gimp from the [5*] clan, he really wanted that chopper, however we had more people and vehicles to ship us from the coast back into the fight before he could clear the area .. ive never combat logged from Z's or incomming fire, he fights diorty outside the rules we do it within the rules ;-) kudos to the OP, ya did the bad thing, then immediatley logged back in to watch the timmer tick away
  23. noobfun

    Regarding Genders, Skins & Teleportation

    both are hackers rather then actual bug tp's, if it had been a bug you would have tp'ed out to the middle of the ocean, although with the new location saving a simple log out and back in moves you back to one of the costal spawns with all your gear no more having to swim for nearly an hour to make land (yeah done that twice)
  24. noobfun

    DMR bi-pod useable?

    i run both, usually m4 SD and either dmr of as50 depending on if its night/day its a good combo, you can swat z's without drawing to much attention, still have enough fire power to handle anyone who pops up close and you can still reach out and touch someone
  25. noobfun

    Livestream of DayZ

    wrong streaming thread, pretend im not here ^_^