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Everything posted by noobfun

  1. mil dots are easy 1800/number of mildots tall, if they are crouched then divide the result by 2, if they are prone divide the results by 4 love to see the video with a dmr and no scrolly wheel although im guessing the 'got no kills ran out of ammo trying, but alpha team kicked ass' video wouldnt turn up on here, your right you didnt say your the best sniper etc etc but your posting a video of easy mode point and clik killing and seem suprised ppl are raising an eybrow and asking if you can do it properly reminds me of the "epic 800 meter cz snipe video's" point at guy click page up click mouse .. now distance the target properly with the cz and ill really be impressed
  2. the field is equal, no one knows anyones intentions until they act either by drifting off back into the tree's, saluting and having a bit of a dance, or shooting youi walk into a supermarket, your behind the counter, i see you, you see me, i dont know if your going to shoot, you dont know if i am (this is the classic game theory example of the burglar V's the home owner) you could be a bandit with 97 murders, i could be a good guy with 0 murders/bandits killed or vice versa what your basically asking for is the old bandit skins back, i walk in you go 'omgz he has headscarf on atatcks!!!' you feel good you just killed a dirty bandit, problem is i wasnt a bandit i got my murders by acting in self defense, people shot at me to kill me so i had to kill them or die, only now becasue my hand was forced im stuck with head scalf bandit skin and everyone thinks im a bad guy and attacks me how is it a level playing field if you know the intention of the other player (or think you do becasue of obvious potential indicator A but they dont know yours, you could be a wanan be bandit thats recently respaned and havnt had chance to build up the required kills for your fine and fancy bandit outfit its been tried, all it did was give bandits a free camo outfit and did nothing to help survivors, when they are gunning you in the back from 200 meters away with what ever assault weapon they got thier hands on the skin they wear means nothing thats the thing the games not punishing you for picking the playstyle, your punishing yourself by choosing that play style in this game your picking the hard way to play then asking that its made harder for the others if global chat were reintroduced it would give survivors a way to team up and find people to survive with, downside is it gives people chance to know where you are and take advantage of it(anyone in churno?) everyhting in this game is a double edged sword, but its a double edged sword for everyone else too
  3. objections are also constructive, becasue they force you to think about the suggestions modify them re-test them, abandone them if neccessary etc etcthis is what discussion is, now do you want discussion or a circle jerk where you all agree and all pat eachother on the back for agreeing with each other? and wheres the fantasy involved? what your seeing in game is game thoery and human behaviour/psychology playing out. its no different to two tribes raiding each others villages becasue if we dont raid them first and weaken them they will come raid us, the only differance is you have a 50 man server 35 of the players are 1 man tribes and the other 15 are small group tribes becasue you think there is, and so do other people, so im here to hear what they have to suggest, im here to provide feed back on those ideas, im here to temper those ideas so they actually become somthing well thought out and workable or crash and burn, without tempering your ideas against a devils advocate they stop becomming a reasoned suggest and become a sounding board of ill thought desires were having an argument now? i thiiought this was still a discussion again you ask for discussion but when you get discussion not agreement you attempt to close it down and walk away, which is it your after discussion or unthought out agreement?
  4. increasing the them V's us mentality (i have a sparkly hat you dont) wont do anything to decrease banditry, infact it would increase the levels if it wasnt already at KOS for most players becasue now its just my buddies V's everything that moves, now its my buddies who i can easily tell apart from everyone else so i dont even have to stop to think before i open fire its an inverse bandit skin, rather then see them dressed a certain way mean they are a bad guy (even though you could get it acting in self defense) now its see them not dressed like me so i know i can blaze away happily this is a discussion about banditry right? so how is a suggestion that has nothing directly to do with banditry helpful? how is it helpful in that it would actually increase banditry inderectly? your right any asshole can tear things down, any asshole can make random suggestions, but it takes an asshole with brains to see the none intenional side effects of the suggestions
  5. ummm ......... so you didnt say this on page 3 then? see above thats not what you were asking for, we call this moving the goal posts human nature is human nature, human nature is what you see bieng displayed, annonymaty coupled with scarecty in an enviroment that breeds them V's us mentalityi can think of several ways to do it, but they will all break the game mechanics by dictating how a player plays, which is the inverse of the games ideals. as you believe there is a way that wont hinder anyone side excessivley and force people to play a certain way then lets see what ideas there are, lets evaluate them and see how the cookie crumbles im happy to have the discussion which is why im here and replying, im not saying ive had enough im taking my ball and going home, im here asking questions, pointing things out and being involved how is this concluding theres no point having the discussion? so you want a discussion but if people are going to disagree with you during this discussion they should leave?
  6. so you and you guys are running around in pink sparkly cowboy hats so you can tell who is with your little gang, hows that help distinguish bandits from none bandits(which is the topic at hand)? whats to stop someone stealing one of those fine and sparkly cowboy hats wondering into the middle of your group then shooting you all in the back? how will this stop shoot on site mentality? all this basically does is stops the sparkly hat brigade from accidentally shooting other members of the sparkly hat brigade
  7. military spawns include deer towers, deer towers spawn DMR's and M24's just as often as the tents at starry or control towers at nwaf im fairly sure theres plenty of deert towers without snipers sat there waiting for you to climb the ladder
  8. nope i responded to what you saidfollow them see if they are bad then shoot them if they are, its already ingame ... you follow them see if they are bad guys then shoot them beat torture and slice and dice some guy (bearing in mind bandits will have the same ability so it will get done to you as well more then likley) but its not going to be effective at distinguishing bandits from none bandits at ranges where your less likley to be shot so pointless, originally you were asking specifically for a way to recognise a bandit at distance, you see the differance here. weve moved from ability to tell at range to ability to tell when your close enough to be dead 108908x over not really but thats what your suggestions appear to be, you orignially ask for one thing then when questioned about how it should operate in game you suggest somthing that wont work for the original request and seems to be little more then an inbuilt T-bagging ability drawing conclusions from your suggestions is not drawing from previous posts by others, sorry well thats what im trying to do, but you ask for one thing when questioned how you suggest somthing that wont give what you asked for originally, thats incongruent so theres somthing else there thats not bieng said, im just trying to work out what you'll be missed <3
  9. so no special mechanic neede for this, its the game we have now so we add a mechanic to torture and maime people, obviously only the good guys can do this becasue only good guys torture people right? and then ...? you see someone from 300 meters away think a tiny B scar on thier face is gonna show? so now you gotta get closer .. and then they shoot yaso the 2 possibles youve given one is pointless and the other already exists neither of these will spoil thier fun or yours, but neither of them were what you were asking for earlier in fact it seems like all your really want is some way to get a bit of revenge
  10. noit works, but thats the fun of the game working out if they are a bandit or not, post appolcalypse everyones running around in the same smelly crap covered clothing they have been wearing for weeks so your not gonna know if that guys gonna cave your head in with an axe, share his beans with you, or drop the can of beans then cave your skull in when you bend down to pick them up its rather unlikley theres a special bandits costume for hire store, so how do you tell the good guysfrom the bad when they all look alike? and thats why the bandit skins were removed, we all have the same advantage/disadvantage were on an equal footing, theres nothing to balance so no need to jam stuff in to try and balance it
  11. im not special, i dont feel entitled to anything, thats why when i shoot people ill shoot them with what ever i have in my hands at the time. im not asking for special magic powers when i kill 10 people like bieng able to see in the dark or have thermal visiona guy shot at me earlier with a 50.cal he missed badly, i pulled out my dmr moved to a nice spot to find him, spotted him sprinting into a town like an idiot decided not to shoot becasue A) his aim was terrible he needs the practice B) he was gonna get eaten by Z's the way he was acting i currently have 3 murders and 2 bandit kills, does that make me a bandit? or does it balance out? do the two guys i could have shot and didnt count? ya notice the differance? your asking FOR SPECIFIC GAME MECHANICS TO BE ADDED, were not, so again what makes you more deserving? there was one, the bandit skins, free camoflage skin .... people killed people just to get itso lets go, lets see how much youve really thought about it, whats the mechanic you would put in that aids you in spotting a bandit but doesnt impair them, so you both get your fun? and gratz on the bandwagon argument -_- so a majority of players wants tanks should tanks be added? a majority of people want save points so if they die they get to respawn there with all thier gear and carry on thier merry way, should that be added? (hypothetically of course but you see how ludicrous that argument line is)
  12. the united states has a 9.1:100,000 people, gun related homicide rate. it happens a lot, put people in stressful situations or situations that breed a them V's us mentality and the rules go out the window (see kosovo, rowanda, nazi germany, cambodia and a whole shit pile of other places over the last 50 years) the plasticity of morality is well known, in an enviroment of scarcety violence rises sharply shoot them in the face, it works wonders so your asking for a way to stop people spoiling your fun, and with it to have extreme penalties that it ruins thier fun...... what makes you more important and special and deserving then them may i ask?
  13. noobfun

    Loot spawn rate

    to easy in that its only crashed helicopters and barracks? m24+dmr spawn in pretty much any military spawn
  14. noobfun

    Loot spawn rate

    12+ unlooted crashed heli's and never an AS50 or L85 :( you lucky sod had a couple of 50. cals though, rather have a DMR or M24 if im honest(much easier to find, dmr works with night vision m24 has the accuracy), its just to big and loud (and its rare to snipe at 800 meters let alone 1600) but id make an exception for the AS50 <3
  15. noobfun

    Got attacked by the Predator

    think the best invisible person story ive seen in a while was some guy at a deer stand and suddenly someone starts talking to him, a flare appears from no where and flys over his head ..and then its all back to normal although you the title got me thinking youd run into this guy
  16. paid £20 for ArmaII ive glitched off buildings, died crawling through door ways, got jammed behind rocks and insta died trying to escape, been killed by having doors closed on me, lost equipment becasue the game thought F..u and ate it when i tried to log on, ive been shot(many times), hit over the head with crowbars and axes, ended up spawned in the middle of the ocean loosing most of my gear in the process, torn to shreds by zombies, shot by invisible players, spent hours hunting for the gear of my choice only to die minutes later before even using it, been unable to login and play for a couple of days becasue i got jammed at 'waiting for host', spent a rediculous amount of time running around lost in the middle of no where with nothing but tree's and more tree's as landmarks .... and ya know what .... even though ive never played ArmaII with the exception of the helicopter training tutuorial thingy its still pretty dam high up my best money spent on a game list Toughen The F*&k up a buy it, then prepared to get frustrated exilierated dismayed and scared like probably no game ive ever played
  17. noobfun

    Go Prone .. Break a leg?

    i go prone all the time, my favorite hiding spot is under a conifer tree while i jump out of game to check a map, or just hide from the rain when body temprature was working just takes a bit of practice to figure out how far away is safe so you go prone and then slide under the tree rather then go prone and crawl for 5 minutes today i spent over an hour crawling around in bushes and trees, some guy took a shot at me with a 50.cal as i left Pogrevka, hit the dirt used the slope of the hill to hide me as a crawled away across a field into some tree cover then spent another 15 minutes crawling around in the tree's and bushes trying to see where the shot came from, spotted the guy sprinting into town but couldnt get a shot then relocated incase he was trying to flank me through town so ran to some rocks by some trees and crawled around some more im more likey to break a leg by having a friend accidnetally attack me with a door (its happened twice in this life) then by getting down and dirty (50+ played hours on this spawn so far) avoid steep inclines, and go prone by things not on them or next to them and youll be fine
  18. noobfun

    New player Qustion for veterans

    theres a hut that doesnt span loot north of the north east airfield, approximatley east of the single door barn there, and zombies spawn there, i know i stashed a motorcycle there then couldnt remember exactly where and had to spend an hour checking every dam conifer tree -_- also if you jump onto the road north of prud, take the short arm that ends in the woods, no loot but the building still spawns z's (and they are a different spawn to deerstand out of the forest)
  19. noobfun

    OMG lost my AK!

    he will be gone, however there wont be loot as your sat on the loot spot, and if there is that means someones moved close enough to generate loot recently
  20. noobfun

    Go Prone .. Break a leg?

    best bet, go prone then move next to said wall/rock/tree and make sure you dont accidentally press q/e and roll into it, and use Alt to look around instead of spinnign like a top thats another way to get caught on the edge of somthng and break limbs
  21. the north but not to far north, at least in my experience, once you head more north then the airfield they start getting a bit more rare until you hit the map edge rediculously the easiest place to find it is off map, on the rare occassions ive spawned out at sea(closest bit of land was a spit just off map near kamenka) or in the debug plains theres animals everywhere ... it may just be that they are much easier to spot though with nothing to block line of sight
  22. noobfun

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    'put your gun down, do it!, do it now and you wont get hurt' Alt+f4 ...... *where did he go* .....10 seconds later get shot in the back ..... ill shoot ya and if i think its safe ill come loot ya, but not always
  23. ..someones hanging out at prud :P water, 2 deer stands, and a cow and starry just a short jog away .. its the perfect apocalypse real estate
  24. im on 50+ hours of real play time, pretty much the only time i die in under an hour is suicide to get a decent spawn as far away from churno/electro as possible
  25. noobfun

    Damage from bear traps?

    14: your friend accidentally closing a door on you