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Everything posted by noobfun

  1. wait wut? so you QQ about this in another thread, then when advised to stfu we already have enough of your QQ threads and to go report the server and admin abuse you ..... just start another QQ thread ill just borrow some wise words from Red_Sky
  2. noobfun

    How do I change to full auto?

    my first run through, i threw a couple of flares to light the place up, aggro a zombie he runs at me i shoot him in the face .. with another flare, then another, then another was to pancied to realse i hadnt switched back until i was 1/2 dead, the little security hut i ran into when i aggroed him was in was so full of flares i was 1/2 blinded ..... his friends i aggroed when i finally shot my pistol finished me off .... lesson learnt :P check you switched back and dont hide in small huts
  3. just remove tents, no massive gear stockpiles and the room in your pack starts having real meaning again too beyond .. stuff i deceded to go snipe noobs in cherno with today
  4. noobfun

    Tents hate me! Why?

    just wondering if you died between setting it up and breaking it down? doesnt sound like you did from your description so sounds like it just bugged
  5. noobfun

    How do I change to full auto?

    press f to toggle between firemodes/throwing stuff
  6. noobfun

    Where are all the animals?

    not worth the ammo 98% of the time :P
  7. noobfun

    Where are all the animals?

    last night i pointed my DMR at 5+ cows, 4+goats, 2 sheep, an uncountable number of rabbits scaring me in the woods and a chickenanimals are fine, and that was on a nice little jog from rogovo up to berezino then off to grishino ..... thats just what i can remember seeing zombies near barns and around farmer's fields are the best if your desperate for food out and about in the wilds, much more likley to carry food then Z's in town ive found
  8. noobfun

    Tents hate me! Why?

    you dont get in, just stand next to it and use mouse wheel to access the gear menu of what ever is inside (the area may be flat and free from actual trees but it also counts some of those random tall grass things you squash down when crawling on them so it really is a pain in the ass at times) should be on the scroll wheel menu, 'pack up old camping tent' or words to that effect
  9. i knoe rite, scarry huh. give people a challenege and just enough info .. and some people actually tryglad to see it helped ^^ now off to the veteran servers for you! second tip casue im nice like that, if your on a vet seerver (no free ranging) and they are in buildings so cant get a good measure use a zombie as close to the same distance they are away, Z's dont spend much time peeking through windows they are helpful like that and stand outside
  10. but why would i trade you a hoard load of ammo for that can of beans (means me going off to hunt down the ammo and risk bandit/Z encounters) when i can just use 1 round to pay for everything with the best buddies headshot discount? suddenly that fresh spawner with his torch and can of beans is a valued target not just somthing to waste ammo on for jolliesi dont have a gps, ive only ever had 2 gps since i started playing in 1.6.x (yeah im really unlucky at finding them and maps) .. unsuprisingly its the first thing i check for off every body i make, making things scarecer to find just means i have to kill more people to find the stuff i need, becasue if i kill them its like free looting in towns, the went to zelenegrosk i went to polana ... 1 bullet means i get zelenegorsks decent loot as well as the stuff i got in polana scarcety breeds competition, competition breeds in this game shooting people but it also does somthing similar if you gives to much gear, back when we spawned with a makarov they rang out across churno all day and night, it was downtown mogadishu in BHD, only no one had the uniforms ive bumped into more friendly survivors on respawns since starting equipment was stripped then when we had gear, when you all have nothing is the time to make friends and group up, becasue once youve spread out from there all bets are off one thing i think might make a change to behaviour, removing tents and vehicle storage compartments(except for spares and fuel cans maybe even for spares and jerry cans) ... right now clan member A dies, he needs to scrounge up 3-4 cans of pop and 2 cans of beans, then sprint north reach the tent city and your fully regeared, or have a friend drive down and drop your gear off with the gear piles gone it would take people a bit longer to gear up back to the private army surplus level, also it would force what rocket hoped for with the inventory and small backpacks, deciding what to take and what not to, inventory managment becomes an issue again, with removing vehicle storage it forces ppl into hard choices, want to drive around in that shiny car with your buddies runnning over noiobs at churno, well now at least one of ya has to actually carry a jerry can around, and you cant just have enough spares to rebuild the car 12211244x over if it gets shot a bit by macarov ammo people with gear will still shoot anyone they see for fear of loosing it but they are less likley to be doing so on the hills of churno where some guy with an axe and a crouch button can bush whack em from behind your right about economics. but making things scarce is the wrong way to do it, its making things have value and feel like an achievment to gain that stops people acting like total derps with no fear of loosing it becasue theres another 20 back at camp
  11. dont like doing that anyway, nameplates mean ranges, ranges mean any nubbin with a page up key can sniper reasonably wellplaying on vet servers without name plates/ ranges is probably why i dont see the hoard of evil snipers everywhere out ta get me other ppl seem to, maybe thats one subtle way to do it, remove free ranging measurments so all wanna be snipers suddenly need a whole lot more ammo to hit anything
  12. see thats what im talkign about, as it currently stands destroy a vehicle and everything in it gets destroyed as well, if this kind thing happened would make the time and ammo spent shooting out the engine worth it
  13. im nto saying most of the gear wouldnt be scrapped, but chances are not everything would be, just like crashed heli spawnsjust would be nice to get a reward for your effort besides the salty tears of 6 guys in a flying metal box you killed
  14. and by higher level you mean any group of nubs big enough to spread out and reach the known chopper spawns first and then converge on the relevant spot (hey just like vehiclke whoring), choppers arnt that hard to shoot down just a shame you loose all the gear in it when it goes bang
  15. got shot at by a 50.cal yesterday crossing a field, i reached for the buttons .... z and q spent the next 30 minutes crawling around on the slope to get to cover and trying to find the guy that shot at me, then i watched him sprint into town and agro so many Z's he died, made me laugh theres only ever two reasons to combat log 1. your a coward retard 2. goto line 1
  16. noobfun

    Man on the hill

    start scanning the tree's for his buddy in a ghuilli .. decoy man is decoy
  17. noobfun

    Rangefinder nightvision?

    yes 2 slots that can contain any combination of bino's, nvg and range finders. so dump the bino's keep the range finder and stick nvg's in the spare slot
  18. noobfun

    Green mountain...

    everyone knows candle jack isnt re
  19. worst loot i ever found, raw meat a banadgae and a crossbow ... then i suddenly found a stong desire to get the hell out of there
  20. noobfun

    Green mountain...

    that place is cursed even the wildlife is out to get you seriously second time i ever went there me and a friend went in scouted it out, nothing but helicopter bits then as were leaving we suddenly notice a player tent right infront of the main gate, it wasnt there when we went in, we checked it quick curiosity getting the better of us .. it had a radio in it .. we left it and ran away screaming like little girls
  21. but you still havnt said how you put the mark on me? will the mark only work for you? or can anyone else see it? how would you know i need a mark as opposed to not needing one? would it only work face to face? i knoe rite, we go into situations where no one knows the others intentions, where theres nothing to distinguish friend from foe, where a dirty rotten bandit is identicle to the fresh spawn good twoshoes first time play trying to struggle his way up north .. where EVERYONE you meet is equal and indistinguishablewhere actions and reactions are the marker for judgment and not some suit brought from 'bandits R us costumes' or some absurd heart beat thingy
  22. morality if plastic and can change very easily dependent on the circumstances, morality dictates the conscince's likley reaction"That whole thing of 'I won't do that, because i'm afraid the same will be done to me." can and does get easily flipped into "That whole thing of 'I will do that, because i'm afraid the same will be done to me.". our morality evolved under an 'ingroup/out group' enviroment, if i harm my ingroup i harm myself, they help feed and protect me as i help feed and protect them, the outgroup is a threat to me and my group as they want the same things as us so may take our things and weaken us is it logical to draw the conclusion becasue it is an approximation fo a thing it will work differently to a thing?psychology and game thoery predict that in a catastrophic situation people will form small groups, they will then begin to act hostile to people outside those groups, the community in the game for the most part has done this, clans raid each others camps and destory or steal thier stuff to weaken them so they are less well equipped if they decide to attack them and yet some people display it and react as if they ahd actually ahrmed another, i felt guilty the first time i killed someone but mroality is plastic and realising killing others helps me survive so ill kill if i have to, ill kill if they have gear i want, i might only injure some new guy who trys to take pot shots at me with a double barrel from 100 meters away. today i let a guy live who had shot at me becasue i knew he was gonan be busy with zombies real fast and i could just slip away unhurt 300 years ago beating a slave 1/2 to death was the norm, only a small minority had qualms about it, now the majority would have major issues with that behaviour or in fact having a slave in the first placeso by what do you build this artifical concionse? by rules as they were or by rules as they would be in this situation? disable Alt+F4 and us naughty folk can slip about and rob people without neccessarily having to kill them so they stick around long enough to search for goodiesand server hopping makes it to fast to gear up with the best stuff so death becomes near meaningless, when i first started playing dying meant hours of runnign around avoiding the bad folk and looting away to get back to the gear i had before i died, it still does but not as long, if i was lame enough to server hop i could cut that down further. run into town trainign Z's...Alt+f4, relog loot like a bitch, everytime i agro Alt+f4, and carry on. a timmed delay would prevent or limit the Alt+f4 manouver but server hopping would still be prevelent youd still get people sniping nubs at cherno, but it would take a little longer to get gear so it would be less of a passtime if it was harder to gear up effectivley granting him a slower death if he is unable to replace those thigns he lost (which seems unlikely as scarce as things seem to be in that film) actually id argue the other way, you can tell he doesnt like what he is doing but does it anyway to protect his son, he does whats needed to be done and takes it all on him self to protect his son from danger and having to do those things himself for as long as he can.
  23. im not opposed at all, but put a mark on me how? what would this mark do specifically for you at close range? at long range? would this mark be visible only to you? and for how long? if i had any details to evaluate it then it might go that way, it might not Atheist sorry gods do not exist, rocket does though but he is still just some guy how we play in game not how the game plays, very different beasts i still dont know what it is exactly your trying to do, unless were back to the torture and face slice thing which wont do anything to deter bandits, and just becomes a built in T-bag manouver, just imagine the fun bandits would have with this, hit em with an axe to knock them out and then drag em about is already the latest fashion in comedy banditry i dont know becasue you still havnt told me what your thinking, and if it is the face cutting im still anonymous, becasue when your at a distance to go ahh thats the guy i carved a B in youd already be dead its workability finctionality and fairness determine if it should or not
  24. some inconsiderate git was lettign fireworks off down the road from me last night, every time one popped id run for cover
  25. isnt this what the saulte was used for, and then abused *lol* A meets B, A salutes, B salutes back, A walks over to B and emptys the clip point blank although the smokes a fun idea in town, A meets B, A pops green smoke next to B, zombies are attracted to smoke, B runs the hell away dragging them with him or the abused version A meets B, A pops green smoke, B appears to be popping smoke but throws a frag, then does a barrel roll on A's corpse what happens if ive only found a red smoke nade but im actually friendly? what if i havnt found any smoke yet? at least the salute anyone can do