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Everything posted by noobfun

  1. noobfun

    Bandits, Paranoids and Scumbags

    i fall into group 1 and 2 .. do i get a medal? if not im switching to group 3 and comming lookin for ya
  2. meta game's called'goat hunt', 'be vewy vewy quiet im hunting wabbits' and my personal favorite 'moocows goes bang fall over' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cinELJwB0kM&feature=related this is why double barrel's were patched in
  3. and his name is Trevor, if your not Trevors friedn before shit went down your unlikley to become his friend after shits gone down
  4. noobfun

    lost another car, what a waste of time

    hey we found a good use for you weekly vehicle/death QQ threads .. so be quiet and go find some spare wheels or somnik
  5. noobfun

    The one thing i hate about Dayz

    i think the interview where they talk about taking inspiration from dayz's popularity about 10 seconds before they talk about having perma death amused me awesome board meating... hey guys ive got some suggestions for the game, you know how we were going for a basic f2p mmorpg with zombies.. well i found this game called dayz ... lets make this the same game but with an economy, but wont anyone notice? .. your right lets put it on a 4 hour day/night cycle that will hide the truth, and dayz is so popular we can actually charge people for it!! ... *sigh*
  6. noobfun


    "Complain about bandits, say how stupid and idiotic the game is, and talk about how Rocket isn't doing anything" mostly
  7. noobfun

    Clan locking server ..to farm gear ... ?

    report it in the right spot maybe? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/16-server-general/
  8. this is you, this is me, this is everyone i have ever or will ever know Trevor is the inner monkey, in times of stress or panic Trevor takes over, Trevor also tries to take over at many times without you even noticing, Trevor protects his friends but doesnt give a stuff about others, this game brings Trevor out to play
  9. noobfun

    lost another car, what a waste of time

    jesus you actually went in there? your a braver man then me, always stuck to alt-swtor it was a much more fun place until the week before launch and they arrived in droves from the swamp of turds that was the main forum
  10. noobfun

    lost another car, what a waste of time

    stick around its easy to get jaddedusual running of the forums, elevnty three QQ i die pvp needs nerfing bandits need a punishment debuff/phsyotic breakdown mechanic/some way to spot them froma brazillion miles away, then the same again with a similar vein of QQ pvp we need to remove items i dont like becasue i cant get them to end death matching threads then we get antons weekly i find car, i get killed by car qq update and the what i like tio think of as the deer stands of the forums, theres nothing there then suddenly 2-5 dam near identicle posots spring up about the same topic making the same bad suggestions with pretty much the same bad reasoning (just like zombies at deer stands). todays deer stand message is snipers need nerfing/removing and anyone who snipes is a 'coward afraid of a fair fight' and yes all 3 pretty much said anyone snipings a coward afraid of a fair fight -_- and all 3 were by different ppl with differing post counts so unlikley to be clone accounts its not all bad though now and agin fun and interesting things pop up to amuse us like the green mountain meme and todays 'what will ahppen when dogs are added' thread with various interesting uses of dogs to screw over people and generally have some lulz with it
  11. noobfun

    lost another car, what a waste of time

    me thinks you havnt run across 1anton12 beforethis is the third maybe 4th omg i lost a car i die QQ thred he has made that i know of, its basically a weekly occurance, and usually he does " regale us with the story of your demise then explain to everyone what would make the game better and why the community sucks?" as monster said the asshole in this case sir is you
  12. noobfun

    lost another car, what a waste of time

    o_0 you again ...*sigh*
  13. no you shot me in the arm you bastard dunno what was worse bieng shot out of no where or senri screaming like a girl
  14. on a set of fresh spawns me and 2 buddies (who had been at nwaf) (hey look one of em just posted above me) were rampaging up and down the coast chasing people with our flashlights and just repeatedly satying 'no no no no' through chat, people were jumping in the sea to escape or combat logging or generally just being abusive over comms and running in circles trying to get away .. in the end we had picked up quite a zombie herd so we just died and respwaned
  15. noobfun

    Friendly FIRE? Yea I did it.

    thought the friendly fire message only triggered people being killed in the despawn forest .. learn somthing new every day
  16. noobfun

    Ready for Dogs in Day - Z?

    now if you could play as a dog, like you can in the editor ... and run up and bite ppl in the ass that could be worth a few lulz
  17. noobfun

    Ready for Dogs in Day - Z?

    takes dog into middle of field .... sits in tree line waiting for someone to come see what the dogs doing
  18. noobfun

    Friendly FIRE? Yea I did it.

    and shooting/killing people NOT on your team is? ....not friendly fire or fragging point stands thanks Reginald for confirming things mean what they actually mean and that Vanglory is some what confused
  19. throw 3 or 4 smoke nades at the church and freak them out when you blow a big hole in the side with it, then shoot them
  20. noobfun

    Friendly FIRE? Yea I did it.

    please enlighten me
  21. noobfun

    How to Get 32 Meat Pieces from One cow

    yeah old bug is old, but not everyone knows it, which is why not sharing with the entire forum is probably the way to goshall we wait to see how long it takes them to post some 'i found a tent dupe exploit heres a video i made' video
  22. noobfun

    How to Get 32 Meat Pieces from One cow

    gratz you earned 3 internets :P retard piontsif you find an exploit to let the team know so its removed posting it with accompanying slide shows pie charts and videos so everyone can abuse it is probably not the best way to go, theres a differance between butthurt and pointing out how moronic somthing/someone is
  23. noobfun

    How to Get 32 Meat Pieces from One cow

    as opposed to ..actually reporting the bug?this is almost as rtetarded as the guy who posted the link to a *** website complete with download links yesterday, to alert the internets that hacks exist hey look i found a whole forum section just dedicated to bug reporting http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/8-bug-reports/ .... for some reason it seems to have a different name then DAYZ general discussion
  24. noobfun

    Too many tents.... let's go

    naa thats not to many, 4 or 5 nades should take care of it ... can you save a trashed tent like you can a blown vehicle?
  25. noobfun

    How to Get 32 Meat Pieces from One cow

    thansk fro sharing bugs/exploits +1 for you -_- i shall show my thanks for reporting the post and you immediatley