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Everything posted by noobfun

  1. noobfun

    Tents are carebear

    ita about not bieng about anything, do what you want how you want just dont dupe/hack/or other exploit and try to have some fun inbetween deaths
  2. noobfun

    ToG guys?

    ok but only as long as you dont edit out the bits where you think having an L85 which is still in game and dropping from a crashed heli near you, is some how a hack :D
  3. noobfun

    Did I do the right thing?

    much betetr to run up behind him loot everything out of his pack, shhot him in the leg just to make sure he didnt secretly morphine and then leave him to crawl his way to freedom .. or more likley to the dinner table of some local Z's
  4. noobfun

    FN FAL Spawnrate?

    fn fals are the tin cans of crashed heli's still bloody good rifles, better then almost every M and AK variant though so its not all bad :P
  5. noobfun

    Zombies are too strong! (

    ahh you would have loved the 1 shot kill and 1 shot legbreak from every second zombie back in 1.6.1....umm was it 4? that was fun Z got a lucky hit when you were already injured
  6. noobfun

    Dear New Players

    worked for me, still trying to get the hang of chopper pilotting in the editor/armoury/tutorial missions flyings fine, flying fast and low (tree skimming) and pulling combat landings (fast decelerate without climbing 200 meters of altitude with autohover) ... not so much :P
  7. noobfun

    New to DayZ - JUST WOW

    sounds like you had fun ^^ and didnt make whiny excuses for shooting the guy, gratz on the honesty, sooner or later youll be the other guy though ..it happens if you map shows 'men' and orange markers 9/10 its zombies, also means the server your on is lame enough to add map markers :-/, and yeah first tiem i saw them had 1 'men' either side of a town i was in, they were moving along either edge like they were hunting me and going for a pincer i got out of there fast flanked to catch one of them and saw a Z taking a strole up the field 0_o 2 minutes of panic and speed stealthing through town into some tree's to get the drop on a walker, i was disapoint .. also relief
  8. noobfun

    New to DayZ - JUST WOW

    its simple they hit the dirt when orderd, drop thier weapons when ordered or get shotbinding the surrender key works but most people dont so compliance or death
  9. noobfun

    Question on one thing about the HUD

    think it might be the distance they are spotted at but thats just a guess and yeah the nameplate/ranging is server side - and lame should flick it off on all servers makes it much more fun
  10. yay game theory :P i usually go with the home owner and the burglar myself, its more apt "that the current situation is not preferable." says who? we the players made it that way, becasue we the players are real people and it became a way of saving our hardwork/get free toys, its become habitualised so now some people dont even care and just grab a lee enfield and sit on the roof at churno saying i r sinpaz *pow pow* with a person playing it, and people have psychology
  11. noobfun

    Is anyone NOT a murderer?

    hey look some honesty, its tempting to just squeeze that trigger, its easy, its useful quit making i was forced to QQ excuses(the rest of your) you chose to, it prolongs your game and you get free beanz, just be honest you kill becasue you can 95% of the time just like the rest of us just embrase your inner asshat and have some fun
  12. noobfun

    Is anyone NOT a murderer?

    we did? no last respawn durp through the edge of electro becasue i spawned at that crap hole and just grabbed an axe on the outskirts and left 'hey dude, im friendly dont shoot' 'wut, shoot you with my axe? it dont work that way' -me 'hahahah, hey wanan team up' 'not really, gl dude' - me i wonder off into the woods had a 2 weeker that had 1 murder(self defense) and spent all his time running around the map in a huge band between nwaf - slenegrosk and berezino - staroye just dodging people and ninja looting was interesting for a while, now i do the same thing but hunt people while im at it
  13. noobfun

    Here come's the clone's :)

    and has normal mmo crap, die pop back into life at closest safe camp and wait wut some odd perma death mode thats optional ...nope doesnt look tagged on at allbasically they were making an mmorpg with zombies, then dayz came along got popular and they ported stuff over whole sale http://dayzmod.com/f...arz#entry381336 http://dayzmod.com/f.../page__hl__warz http://dayzmod.com/f...arz#entry372504 http://dayzmod.com/f.../page__hl__warz http://dayzmod.com/f.../page__hl__warz http://dayzmod.com/f...arz#entry365018 http://dayzmod.com/f.../page__hl__warz http://dayzmod.com/f.../page__hl__warz http://dayzmod.com/f...arz#entry364614 http://dayzmod.com/f.../page__hl__warz http://dayzmod.com/f...arz#entry364146 uis search fucked? or are you to fucked to use it?
  14. noobfun


    so dont get a bandit friend as them dying makes me sad face, and shoot people fast and from range so i dont get attached to the guy im stalking as this will also make me sad face.... got it
  15. noobfun

    Banditry deterrant

    quick check, do you actually commit banditry? hang around high value targets specifically to kill people and thank them for getting your ncie gear? do you rob people at gun point? or do you ..... shoot people randomly for the lulz? sit on a roof top shooting at everything that moves? one is banditry one is an e-peen polishing murderer
  16. noobfun

    Banditry deterrant

    ive got a suggestion 1st stage - murdered x3 - You start moving more slowly 2nd stage - murdered x6 - Start feeling sick, and backpack become neon pink 3rd stage - murdered x9 - every time you get into LOS of another player your charachter falls to its knees and starts loudly begging for its life and flailing its arms about while uncontrolable to you, but it is relatively quick to pass, say 10 seconds for the timer to go down that seems fair lets add that instead as a training aid to people who just run round like nubs, instead of trying to force some rediculous psychological profile hey look you just survived a boat sinking and swam to shore/got washed up, for the first 10 minutes you cant run, cant move in any position but fully standing and your vission iis grey and blury like you have low health lets add thats to to stimulate the shock
  17. noobfun

    Has rocket given up on DayZ?

    he went to green mountain ... he is never going there again and quit the mod in the hopes that no one else has to either
  18. noobfun

    Has rocket given up on DayZ?

    Rockest quit dayz to go play hellokitty online and check if thier fan base are as whiny as our carebears, and how to help them migrate across to a game thats worthy of them
  19. noobfun

    Disappearing Weps & Coyote...

    told ya same problem with an alice pack looted from a marketdid see somthing earlier about making sure you shoot a Z after getting new item to cause server to store your stats+gear, ill give it a try when i get chance if my new M4 has miraculously been eaten
  20. noobfun

    Has rocket given up on DayZ?

    checks rockets profile ..5 posts from yesterday (spread over 1 1/2 hours, and they are just the ones showing (5 post cap)) ... looks at op's post "He doesn't post anymore and hasn't done for basically the last month." *laughs* theres a hole over there please go crawl into it and shut up <3 hugs
  21. what so the carebears can shoot the bad guys? they can get thier merderous hard'ons and pretend they arnt secretly total dicks like the rest of us?F$%K em, let them make more QQ i got shot so i shoot everyone else forum poists to try and hide thier bitchy little needs to not feel like the baddy while acting like an asshat and to try and claim some legitimacy and acceptance for thier actions, can you walk down a road and tell who the drug dealer is? who's the murderer? the conman? the rapist? no ... not unless you know them or they do somthing kinda obvious like try and sell you drugs, drag you off into an ally while pulling baby oil out thier pockets or just shoot someone there and then the carebears will still whine from on high top of thier imaginary moral superirority mountain, the averages will make up excuses (hopefully some of them start getting imginative beyond the, they do it to me so na na ne na na), the bandits will still kill people for gear and fun when were not just outright robbing them at gun point (alt+f4 ruins the fun) and the death matchers will still be camped on a roof at churno with a lee enfield polishing thier e-peen while salavating over thier kill count until they get shot then QQ that someone server jumped behind them and shot them while they are pretending to be bandits ... its buisness as usual, working as intended
  22. noobfun

    DayZ - Buff Bicycles!

    getting people killed with bikes .. your doing it wrong
  23. or have studied a little psyhcology and history and understand people are animals, we react like animals the worse the situation the more our inner apes take over very little, often you dont need to choose 'before i realised it they were dead' its a common statment in a lot of murder cases, becasue it happens guy has gun pointed at your family how mentally ill do you have to be to NOT end his life if thats the only way to save them, get off your high horse of feigned moral supperiority, people rationalise stuff all the time to make somthing that they are told is wrong seem right at the moment seriously made up, .... 1 in 3 people have a mental condition of some variety (many do not induce violent tendencies), sociopaths make up 1-4% of the population (depending on what the minimum cut off scale is its a sliding scale, your average sociopath wont run around with a carving knife hacking people up, they are usually charming go getters(the higher up the scale the more likley they are), they can emulate emotion well but dont really feel it, they have little to no remorse .... i am at the lower end of the scale, i took the test no you just want to pretend you dont have a screaming ape inside rattling the bars ready to come out if you need it to neither were nazi's, they were everyday folk who when given orders carried themout, who removed section of thier community to an out group, who dehumanised the group to a point they no longer needed to feel remorse and it wasnt until they were pushed into a more 'normal' state of community and told what they had done was wrong by soemone else in authority that they even really thought about those actions properly, up until that point they justified it to themselves and made it all ok ... the inner ape came out to play in an enviroment that supported it, alot of co-ordinated apes can do a lot stuff very quickly you really dont have a clue do you
  24. noobfun

    Livestream of DayZ

    prepared to be hunted or kidnapped or both becasue it was so much fun they did it again http://www.twitch.tv/lirikk/b/323056700
  25. hai thar Trevor, you already have the strong in group/out group sorted, it just take a bit of motivation through pressure nowsure its grey areas, thats where Trevor works best, thats where he can play and you dont even realise, thats where you start to justify Trevors actions as if you had a choice in it 'they had plenty', 'ill just take enough for now', 'theres lots of them so they can easily get more', 'they wont miss it' and if someone tries to stop you, 'i had to if i hadnt they would have done me in', 'i ddint want to but i had no choice', 'they had it commming to them'