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Everything posted by MurQ

  1. MurQ

    Ingame FPS display

    Instead of people using an external program for measuring FPS why not include one in the game. It would help in the development as i'm sure there are a lot of folk who don't bother running an external program for it so it would help generate better feedback about future updates.
  2. MurQ

    What is this symbol?

    firearms work aswell
  3. MurQ

    DayZ Terrible FPS HELP

    Its the new patch its causing fps issues for some people, I found it happens around buildings
  4. MurQ

    What is this symbol?

    door is locked
  5. Looks server side maybe the hosting co is doing something with it thats causing it
  6. It was a joke but you would be surprised at the amount of people who download stuff while trying multiplayer gamesAnyway it could be someone else hogging your bandwidth while you try to play and chances are they are downloading porn
  7. Stop downloading porn while playing dayz
  8. Mumbling rag collector might be a more suitable name for the vid
  9. MurQ

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    Drop in FPS around buildings for me even in small villages, its really bad in the v3s and has led to me losing my no claims bonus
  10. MurQ

    Why am I so bad?

    Luck is a big factor in all things especially in dayz. I would say focus on improving your situational awareness, always assume someone might be watching so act accordinly zigzag and use cover. Never log out on top of buildings and never assume that you are hidden especially on sniper hill. Also try playing in a group some people are much better at spotting other players so playing alongside someone like this will increase your chances of survival.
  11. MurQ

    Swords - how good are they?

    Really need a thrust attack for it
  12. MurQ

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    Thanks for the stable release for the boozed up holidays
  13. MurQ

    How the North has Changed

    One of the problems with adding all these new places, is that it reduces the chance of player encounters.
  14. MurQ

    V3S starting fuel?

    I found one in Gorka and was able to drive from Gorka to NWAF, it ran out at the ATC tower
  15. MurQ

    No control [15:36]

    Good video, beans for 1st person and sounding like Fritz the friendly medic from the mod
  16. MurQ

    [Showcase Showdown] 0.51: V3S v1 & v2 w/AUG+Ghillie

    Nice vid, you can refuel the v3s from inside the cab, its instant and safer On 3rd person servers you can drive with the hood up which adds a bit of armour shielding to the cab, in 1st person it blocks too much of you view
  17. MurQ

    DayZ – Saved from Cannibals

    Looks a little staged but good none the less
  18. MurQ

    0.00 Aiming ! - DayZ SA (breaking a record)

    He could be shooting in 3rd person which if dayz SA has the same issue as arma2 the aim is slightly off. Might be the reason he hit the zombie instead of you when you where bandaging. FPS on his end could have also been an issue especially in the new towns as they aren't as optimized as the old stuff.
  19. MurQ

    IM ROBIN HOOD!1bow vs 3 armed guy!

    Nice kills, although all in 3rd person I don't think the last guy was hacking thats just desync
  20. MurQ

    Road Surface

    I was driving around in the v3s and went for a spin around the north area of the map to have a look at the added towns/areas. While driving around on the new roads I couldn't get over the quality of the road surface, most of it is okay(barely) but the road between berezino and Svetlojarsk was really bad. I know its all very much work in progress but I haven't seen any posts commenting on it so Its worth a mention as I would not like to use that road on a bicycle/motorbike. It was a 1st person server which probaby aggravated the problem.
  21. MurQ

    Zombie attack=everything ruined in backpack?

    They can attack through walls & floors The movement noise they make is very inconsistent, this makes them hard to track and also allows them to get the jump on you if an object blocks your view These 2 things are a huge advantage for the infected
  22. MurQ

    Hacker teleported me into ocean

    If only I could use it in game...people would know real fear
  23. MurQ

    Hacker teleported me into ocean

    Accept your fate!
  24. This is probably the worst way ever to open a can of food, as the food would be contaminated with small pieces of metal...hhhmmmm internal bleeding