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Everything posted by MurQ

  1. yeah and if he joined after i would have disconnected as his name more than likely states his intentions.I have been playing for 2 months and have yet to be killed by anyone I thought was cheating(aside from been killed in debug) so its not as bad as you might think.
  2. MurQ

    Barb Wire Frustration

    There are some masters of the "way of the wire" and you will not be able to remove wire placed by these masters, but you can still try just use gear option and spend ages moving all around it and hope for the confirmation option and to not get shot in the back while searching for it.
  3. I'll let you prone on my prone female skin and ye can slip it in my back...pack k
  4. MurQ

    Zombies are OP ATM

    Well its a trial and error process so we have to grin and bare it, I personally feel the infected need to be made a lot stronger. I think the new detection is a good start as it simulates the sense that should be most important for the infected and that is the sense of smell its the one sense that I would imagine would improve if an infection happened that reduced humans to a more primal state and its the one thing that is very difficult to mask(our stench). Since wind direction is not present in the arma2 engine this a way to simulate it. Now all we need is man eating dogs and hopefully they use one of the Bull breeds as a model.....now that would scare the pants off me especially since dogs can smell the chemical we release when afraid. Maybe even add some new survival tools such as peppar to loose teh dogs or something to mask our odour
  5. MurQ

    Spawn as bird?

    I had this happen back at v1.6 and it was a blast, i followed a lone survivor around doing swoop attacks and giving out his position in side chat its a pity he didn't have a clue what was going on. The only annoying part was navigating out of the wilderness but it was a lot quicker than running.
  6. As a RL vegan, i enjoy killing and gutting the animals the sound makes me want to work in a slaughterhouse and the only thing that stops me would be the smell. One of my most entertaining moments in the game was finding a tent with 32 meatsteaks in it and eating them all, I had to actually role away as i was so stuffed from them all and since it was first person only server I nearly puked in real life from motion sickness....so realistic
  7. Its luck really, sometimes its very dangerous with crap loot sometimes its empty with amazing loot. The best way to do it is with a decent sized team that way you reduce the chance of been killed and have cover while you farm loot. But since i'm a loner, I just take my time on the approach and when its clear I just hit the 2 barracks and get the hell out of there. Heli crash sites are much better(so long as it hasn't all been looted) and a lot safer but there are still things that you can only get in the barracks in NW airfield(or players).
  8. MurQ

    M1911 Best sidearm

    I prefer the revolver but its a bit too shiny, maybe a black one would be better. Its more effective at longer ranges than the 1911 and the sights are better. This game needs more pistols
  9. excellent vid, love the m203
  10. MurQ

    L85 needs to be changed

    Press N again and you get the thermal optics instead of the nightvision, there is no "just night vision" version
  11. MurQ

    NW Airfield...

    IMO don't go there till you have at least some fire power as you will more than likely just get killed by people with better firepower. Raid deerstands and farms till you all have decent ranged firepower, then go to NW airfield and use cover and observation to increase your survival chances. NW airfield can be good but it can also turn into a massive waste of time if you are unlucky
  12. MurQ

    Land of no trees?

    Go east for 10mins and you should start to see trees. If you have no compass you can look at the clouds as they always move eastward. I'd also make sure you are running the same beta patch version as the server you are on
  13. MurQ

    In a bit of a bind..

    Its possible to break glass from inside the hospital, as I have had to do it after a server restart. Try an axe if you have one and also aim for the windows closest to the left and right of the doors(not the door windows)
  14. MurQ

    weapon switching?

    all primaries(excluding the rocket launcher) use 10 slots in backpack, this includes the smallest primary the mp5 and the bizon that was mentioned. I agree with the above poster if you use 2 primaries try to always have your ammo for both in your main inventory otherwise it can lead to ammo disappearing as you switch weapons
  15. I wonder could you use this to kill another player, would bring new meaning to "death from above"
  16. I'm getting this all the time since the reintroduction of the toolbox and wire fence kit. I see it during the day/night and over large distances ie 2-3km away from the deployed fence. I had this issue before but since toolboxes didn't spawn after >1.6 i didn't think it was an issue anymore. It was the main causes of death to my 9 day old character(almost made it to leaderboard) as screen went all weird and then I crashed and the quad blew up. AMD 6950 - latest drivers i7 2600k 8Gb ram ASUS P67 mobo