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About MrAlmighty

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MrAlmighty

    Hacker on UK 197

    Earlier, I was looting a building and saw a player in a ghillie crouching in the corner. He disappeared so I thought he just saw me and alt-f4. When I approached where he used to be the building collapsed on me and killed me. A little while later on the same server (UK 197 hosted by xstreamgaming) this happened to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_G6pIIkLgs&list=UUQOc4C2tacgi2gGjuhsPQeQ&index=1&feature=plcp Skip to 4:19 for definative proof. Guy's name was SynDaSin I think. This happened about 14:00 GMT.
  2. MrAlmighty

    Invisible players

    So you are invisible when in the grass? I wasn't moving at all just watching this guy make his way towards me.
  3. MrAlmighty

    Invisible players

    I'm relatively new to the game and just died to a guy I couldn't see. I was at that big airstrip with the hangers and I was prone in the grass with a ghillie. There where 3 maybe more vehicles on the runway and I was waiting to see who owned them. I figured it would be a big group but there was no one around. Suddenly I hear panting next to me. I turn and the grass is flattening as if someone is crawling through it but I can't see anyone. The thing keeps on coming till its right next to me and then stops. I still can't see one but can here the player panting right next to me. I wait for a while and when it moves again I start to shoot. It shoots back and I get killed. So, when you are prone in the grass are you invisible? The fact that he didn't shoot until I started made me think perhaps he couldn't see me either. Then I thought, with all the abandoned vehicles, he might be a hacker just having some fun with me. Sorry if it's a bit of a stupid question.
  4. MrAlmighty

    Clips of Ammo Disappearing.

    Same problem. This is not a good fix for the ammo regeneration bug.
  5. Wow, not sure if it's because of the new launcher, but tabbing out and closing the launcher actually worked for me. Thanks alot, freel0ader :)
  6. I have the same problem. Very frustrating. I have also noticed that if I play for long periods of time, I get a steady decrease in fps.