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About Ghostgod321

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Hello I am looking to add another admin to my team and bounce some ideas and thoughts on how to better the server it will cost a little as running the server isn't cheap but not a lot if interest please let me know.
  2. Ghostgod321

    Getting frustrated to cheaters in Official

    If you want a server that is both good and will ban cheaters check out my server there's moded weapons cars helicopters always a active admin for help and more information is feel free to join and if you have admin experience im looking for a partner but it will cost a little as running the server isn't cheap
  3. Ghostgod321

    New server for new players

    I have started up a new mod server with vehicles, active admin,custom weapons no cheats or you will be kicked and ban from server you get one custom load out when you join and a vehicle feel free to join and test the limits info
  4. Ghostgod321

    New players friendly server

    I have just opened my new server for old and new players active admin custom guns and vehicles with traders and more feel free to check it out and if you wanna go half on running it and be a admin let me know info to join is
  5. Ghostgod321

    Looking for admins

    I have a lot of admin experience as I run my own server feel free to add me on steam tiktokghostmaster661
  6. Ghostgod321

    New hardcore rp server

    Hello everyone I have started my own hardcore rp server more zombies animals loot vehicles and weapons with active admin and traders teaming is aloud and is a pvpve server if you have what it takes to survive this sever direct connect using port 2302 I look forward to having you on.
  7. Ghostgod321

    New hardcore rp server

    I am hosting my own new hardcore rp server more zombies more loot and vehicles active admin and more if you're interested in joining feel free to direct connect using ip address port 2302 I look forward to getting this server boosted with players and possibly add another admin if experienced.