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Everything posted by MadBroJerry

  1. MadBroJerry

    Hero Skin IS GONE

    I finally got it... played on some de server with workong hud so... when u change your survivor skin to hero u will loose some of your humanity on the log out... u need to have enough humanity so it doesnt go below 5000... if it doesnt go below 5000 u save your skin and dont have to worry about that bug anymore... gl
  2. MadBroJerry

    Hero Skin IS GONE

    Hey guys we can help each other to get a hero skin and test if it works if u play 30+ mins or do good deeds to maintain 5000+ humanity... just theories
  3. In game name: NiceJerry Experience on Dayz: year Microphone: Y Skype Name: Scrakes
  4. MadBroJerry

    Hero Skin IS GONE

    i have the same problem...