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bravo2 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by bravo2 (DayZ)

  1. bravo2 (DayZ)

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    every server i have tried to join it says either session lost or wait for host. every server seems full aswell. i expected the flood of players and it seems like it is a blast from the waiting for server to repond" past. no worries though. i bought the game knowing of bugs and epic failure at logging in. i mean i been with yall this long i can stay a while longer.
  2. bravo2 (DayZ)

    Why is "side chat" prohibited?

    it really isnt cheating, just a form of communicating with your buddies. chernarus is 225 km so how is talikg among friends cheating? further more scripting is cheating and just plain lame. surviving and finding your military grade weapons is much more rewarding to me. i love the rush of starting in elektro new spawn nearly full capacity server and sneaking around everyone. but as far as having an outside chat, i dont know how that would even come close to cheating and how it would help to give any relevant info on other players where about. Most servers have teamspeaks. there are more harsh cheats out there like spawn every player to middle earth and watch a huge gun fight pursue. that i have victim of and that my friend is cheating/hacking at its worst.
  3. bravo2 (DayZ)

    Why is "side chat" prohibited?

    people with just 2 speakers would rather hear if there is a zed around them or someone walking on a road than hear a bunch of mates communicating, thats what teamspeak and other voip is for, also try using direct communication instead of global,side and others i cant remember. use the / key and then the up and down arrows to change side chat stations.
  4. bravo2 (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    atleast we still have support for the mod with arma 2. i been with them since i first seen sidestrafes first impressions. the mod is great and has alot of potential, ive seen maps the compass, bullets and other things go from a pouch to an accurate represebntation of what it would look like on the ground. Chernarus is huge and they have a lot of building designs and other things they need to make sure is on the up and up. i mean its better to wait and get a game that the weapons dont have to be placed in the backpack to equip or dumb little things like that. Im not a programer but i bet there are a thousand little bugs that if released now it would just turn more people away from DayZ, so DEVs take aslong as needed to bring us a good game, not tossed together game thats full of false advertisements and bug ridden like the BoreZ. thanks for what yall are doing an i hope the release of DayZ is kick ass!!!!!!
  5. bravo2 (DayZ)

    Magical Sniper named TenderQWERTY

    now if you had video and played Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down as he walks through the smoke that would be bad ass!!
  6. bravo2 (DayZ)

    Magical Sniper named TenderQWERTY

    lmao if ya cant beat em, make a rainbow!
  7. bravo2 (DayZ)

    Magical Sniper named TenderQWERTY

    the grenades are lined up perfectly beside eachother, yeah im sure he threw them and they landed that way aswell.
  8. i believe that 3rd person should not be taken out, if you want first person view find a first person server. that easy, instead of telling the devs to completly irraticate 3rd person, if you cant stand dying and losing gear to a sniper bandit or hackers obviously DayZ is not the game for you.
  9. bravo2 (DayZ)

    Spawning unconscious, timer does not count down

    i was making a fire and my screen went white and said ya momma somethin blah blah, Monkey. i dont know what happened. player ID 64401542 i was on server DayZ - US 3840 i believe. when i log into any server im holding my makarov and timer doesnt count down at all.. thnks for any help you can provide.
  10. bravo2 (DayZ)

    In need of assistance

    i used sixupdater it has a mod list and downloads latest beta and updates, i havent played in a while but dayzcommander seems to work well also
  11. bravo2 (DayZ)

    Bad serial number given in setup

    i had the same prob just back up your saved data and then proceed to uninstall arma 2 co and re-install. run the games with splash screens and all then if you use any launchers like six updater for instance run that secondly after your first run and product key install you should be good to go. thats what i did
  12. bravo2 (DayZ)

    Simple way to discourage banditry

    the whole point of this mod is survival. as with any disaster it will allways be looters and bandits. best thing to do to detour bandits is aim and shoot true.
  13. bravo2 (DayZ)

    Introduce yourselves

    hello im brandon (bravo2 in arma 2 ) just joined. want to thank rocket for this awesome mod and for the DEV team time and commitment to bring us the best mod in my opinion hands down