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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. If you trust each other (for instance, you know each other IRL) you can place items directly into someone's backpack. Strangers might get upset by this, results could be lethal :P
  2. Watch out for that mud guy, likes to play on dallas 44. He was running after me (I was unarmed) with a hatchet singing phycho killer and brutally murdered me despite my cries for mercy.
  3. When I first started playing this game I loved the idea of barb wire fences and sand bags. You could totally make yourself a little base somewhere. I wish that was what people did with them. OP is right, this is starting to get stupid. But aside from just removing those items from the game, or periodic server wipes (which, outside of alpha or even beta would anger people) there's not a whole lot to be done.
  4. And by page 4, all we're seein is hurps and derps. Maybe a lock should be issued?
  5. Direct chat works' date=' just clumsily. No one can type and shoot/run from zombie simultaneously. One may take too long to type "friendly" before I blast them. Simple. Short time window I know, but its all it takes. [/quote'] No issue there. If I don't hear a voice... they're dead. Simple as that, if you can't get a 5$ mic, then don't complain when you get killed for safety reasons. If I don't hear your voice... the tiny possibility of you living just shrank to none, you're not walking away. Exactly. In the time it takes someone to type something in chat, they've already been shot.
  6. LOL. I'd have killed you aswell. Prolly scared the shit outta that guy. But bad on him for not noticing you that entire time.
  7. Settings > Plugins > Volume Control (It's a check box)
  8. Are you using that plugin with TS that lowers game volume when someone is talking? Just a thought. As I was using that plugin before, and it would sometimes lower my game volume to 0%.
  9. Yes, we all need to grow up. Seems to me you were told, oh what, 2nd or 3rd post on the first page, that the issue was with BattleEye and NOT the DayZ devs, but still you continue to cry here. Have you gotten the attention you require? Did you also want a cookie?
  10. I think we all know its not about the lost loot in a situation like this :P
  11. I believe you should post this in the cheating section, with proof if possible.
  12. Shit, this guy should write a NY Best seller. I'm hanging on his every word.
  13. Du fuq? Seriously. It IS part of the game. Bandits DO work for their gear, it's just too bad you didn't work hard enough at staying alive. Stalkin someone and murdering them for their loot is legit, and part of the game. Don't like it? Sounds like quittin time.
  14. Seems like those are the only hard and fast rules atm, but I would consider cheating also. For the record, I've seen bans handed out to people for combat logging (But then again, some consider that cheating aswell. I know I would.)
  15. The hi res textures arent from CO, its from another addon.