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About stover1985@rogers.com

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  1. Been looking at Lingor for a couple days now, downloading as Im typing this. I'm defiantly going to check out your server, hopefully it works well for me, are you using local time? I ask because I live in canada, and noticed your server is in EU. I... prefer to play during day light hours (in game) but, well this is too awesome to just pass by :P
  2. I for one will not stand idly by and let these mass goat murders ruin this glorious game. I now shoot all animal murderers on sight!
  3. stover1985@rogers.com

    No-CDkey servers??

    Yea, what Inzann said. They won't/usually don't have battleeye enabled. So, hackers can run free. Also, as stated they won't save your character to the hive. They are basically hacked servers (since you normally NEED a valid key to play) so it stands to reason that anything could go on said server. Including you being violently fornicated with, by a tank.
  4. Oh noes. Dey had to unbannz people who dey banneded for killing them. GUD WURK UBCS
  5. stover1985@rogers.com

    How to avoid spwaning in middle of nowhere?

    If you just make sure you're running the most up to date DayZ files and the most recent Beta, this won't happen to you. You won't need to buy any admins to move you, or wait for them to not be busy to do so (they are pretty busy most of the time).
  6. stover1985@rogers.com

    Help! Bad Serial Key Given On Setup!

    Hello, and welcome to the forums. Since you've only got 1 post I'll assume you're not familiar with this forum. However, you may find more answers to your TECHNICAL support questions, posting in the troubleshooting support forum.
  7. stover1985@rogers.com

    How is this fun?

    Hey guys. I just "wasted" 30 bucks because I bought this game all on my own because of the hype for DayZ. I'm so mad that I can't start the game with an assault rifle like in CoD. This game is dumb. I want my money back!!!!! I didn't even do any research about the mod before buying the game, so it's YOUR FAULT I WASTED MY MONEY!!! huuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  8. The search function is your friend. Also, wrong forum.
  9. stover1985@rogers.com

    I cant see my survivor in 3rd person view

    No. You haven't looked at these threads... And do you know how I know that? THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM. Right here. Install and run the beta patch. Problem solved. The most recent version of dayz REQUIRES the beta patch to run without issues anyways. Also, learn to search. This issue is KNOWN, and posted all over the forums.
  10. stover1985@rogers.com


    You've got to be 12, new, or both. I'm guessing both. Go play on another server, maybe that one's broke. Not to mention the fact that zeds are barely an annoyance to anyone other than a fresh spawn. Also, if you're looking for a resolution to your TECHNICAL issue, you aren't gonna get far, as you've provided no other info than "omg zombies arent here!"
  11. stover1985@rogers.com

    Getting kicked of servers

  12. stover1985@rogers.com


    The server you were on just got JACKED. To be clear, hackers. I've seen something similar to this, might have been the same thing (basically). Can't remmeber the server I was on, some hackers spawned a heli, went around dropping bombs and nuking the shit out of everyone. I was in elektro when suddenly buildings started going up in fire. Can't even play a good game without them damn russians hackin it all up and ruinin our gamez.
  13. stover1985@rogers.com

    Lee Enfield or Shotgun?

    As both sound very similar to the fabled zed mating call, I'd go with neither. Having said that, if you plan on getting the hell out of wherever you are and say, heading north. I'd take the Lee. On average I find more ammo for it, its range is longer (which you'll want since it screams "IM RIGHT HERE GUYS!) and typically one shots a zed with a body shot.
  14. stover1985@rogers.com

    Can an admin or Dev team reset my character data?

    Follow up question: How long are you waiting at the loading screen? 1 minute? Longer? I know it can be frustrating but try leaving it longer to see if it will eventually go. I've been stuck at that screen for longer than 5 minutes sometimes. Things can go slow, etc... My advice would be to try and load up, go do something for 10 minutes. If it loads in, YAY! If not.. shit, come back and let us know.