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About Hantypen

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I'd like to join in some time. I started playing yesterday, so I'm obviously no pro, but I think I'm decent. My english isn't perfect, but good enough. And I like playing the game as "realistic" as possible, like in RP. I'm Hantypen on steam.
  2. Hantypen

    -Survivors- EU Survivors Group.

    Hi, I would love to join in. I'm new to the game, started playing yesterday, so I'm obviously no pro. But I've had some decent runs, stayed alive for a couple of hours at the time, but at the end getting killed by others.. So I would really like some friendlys! I'm from Norway, so my english isn't perfect, but I think it's good enough for you to understand. Added you on steam and Skype op.