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About Seradest

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  1. Seradest

    Where'd you hide the animals, rocket?

    cows dont move in
  2. thats th problem g open my inventory........ on the dead body nothing is happen but when i dont look an the dead body and will see in MY inventory but i see the inventorys of him........... and than i get out and press G again and now i see MY inventory again with items lost and new items ........ G open randonly his or mine inventory with random items in it...... i cant never press "take"
  3. i found an dead body and i want to loot items from it but i dont know why or how but when i klick on the dead body with "middle mouse key" its open up an inventory.... but its mine inventore and i cant change the position of my items and cant see the items of the other guy....... than i get out and click on the dead body again. and this time i has his painkillers and flashlight but i dint see or take it. but his bandages i can see i cant take ???? this system is a little bit confusing why open not up my and his inventorys an i must only move items to him or to me from him ? i hope the inventory system has only a bug..... and is not the default thing
  4. Seradest

    Experimental test patch

    Six launcher dont update by me on or ......
  5. Seradest

    Experimental test patch

    i am from germany and it make a to high ping for me ( 169ms) than i get kicket out about that high ping.......
  6. Same problem here....... i think we must wait of hotfix.
  7. Why everyone use the extreme example everytime anyone post an good idea. char customization i a must hafe in this mod/game why not first customize the face and hair ? and clothes like all gray,green,broun and other dark colors.
  8. First my english is realy bad i am sorry for this. Soe this are ma specs: win7 64bit 8gig ddr3 1600hz radeon 6850 intel i5 2500 All drivers are up to date so the beta files are up to date and i test 1.7.2 the first time i join the game at the strand. i am going to an small house and i hear some flys but i dint see any dead body. so it was nigth and a strange thing happend in the night everything is dark and gray BUT wehn i look at the horizon the tonemapping/color corretion begins to flicker that means the dark grad goes to a colorful textures that are brighter than before..... this happends by walking around and standing still. I tested ist with low graphic settings with middle and with very high but nothing fix it so the performanc of the mod is bad too you know my specs but on very high settigns and anything on is has only post prossesing disabled and frames from 27-39 but in Arma2 OA i has with this settings 53-70 fps AND view distance on 10000m in an house Zombies are fast too and they can go trought walls or other things that not so fat/big zombies can now see me when in my hud the eye has no lines and when i am far away from them when i found after a long time items i put them in my inventory but after it ALL my items are gone is has nothing anymore..... this was the moment i quit the server. and post her in ver bad english my problems,
  9. Seradest

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    @ All calm down its an alpha and all of you are just testers
  10. Seradest

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Indiestone (Zomboid) is on Rezzid too ^^
  11. Seradest

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Rocket make this patch perfect for the Rezzed show because bugs in an gameplay life stream is not so good. wait just until next week
  12. Seradest

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I say it 2 times in this thread Tuesday.
  13. Seradest

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    1.7.2 comes Tuesday.
  14. Seradest

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I want hide,seek and movement like in Metal Gear Solid 3 and Zombies like in "The Walking Dead" But first the bugs must be fixed: 1.Zombies glich trough Walls,Fences,Stones,Trees, ..... many more 2.Items in tends get deleted. 3.Items duplicate on pickup. 4.Backpacks delete Items randomly. 5.animals dont move or make anything. 6.Time Desync