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About Ipod732

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  1. I play Day Z as if it were my own moral self. If I'm threatened I fight back with all the strength I got.... So far I've never had to kill anyone. I've been killed so many times by other people, but who cares. We must learn to forgive one another and then maybe just maybe there would be a lot less bandits or untrustworthy such as you. As I see it most people become bandits because they were killed and wanted vengeance and just lost their mind to the power of their weapon..... The weapon is not controlled by the user, but the weapon controls the user....... Bandit Experience Speaking of taking things out of someone's bag....... I heard a gunshot while playing and there was a zombie chasing me. Seemed like the shooter killed it..... Then I heard some pretty good music(sounded like Jamaican music I think). That's when the trouble started.... The guy said to get on the floor and give him everything. I had nothing cause I was fresh off the beach.... That's when 3 more showed...... I knew I was screwed. One got too close so I took his DMR out of his bag... Got shot like 10 times....... Don't mess with me lol(I still died, but I didn't give up and that's all that matters). A Friendly Experience I was prone in a field near a building(warehouse I believe). I heard a voice. Thenn saw a flash of light. Turns out there was a guy on the roof. I was able to make it to him. We both found hatchets. He was new and we were laughing at how you had to reload the hatchet. That's when some zombies came in to raid on our parade... Seemed like we had to fight the whole city of elektro with just some hatchets. I went unconcious eventually when the fight was over. He was bleeding when I went back to conciousness.... He had one bandage, me, none. I told him to use it for his self and it wasn't worth saving me(I had very little blood left and he still was healthy). He said no and gave me the bandage. I healed myself up. He used the rest of his life to axe down more zombies. I helped a bit more protecting him from fatal hits..... I ran into a building to escape a zombie that came after me. That's when I heard it...... Flies. I saw his body and I used my hatchet to kill the zombies that killed him for revenge. Last thing I did was take his grenade he found and saw a crawler..... May I recommend nnever throwing a grenade next to you..... It hurts your ears a lot.... And yes I blew up the whole place, me and the crawler. That was probably my greatest DayZ experience..... He will always be remembered..... As for the music people, thanks for the music lol that's how you will be remembered.
  2. Ipod732

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    Same problem here, but when I try a regular Arma 2 server I'm a bird...... I saw some other forum where this happened to somebody who had the 1.7.2 patch of DayZ. I have the Steam version of Combined Operations, just so you know and I too am stuck on loading screen.
  3. "(06-25-2012 12:37 PM)Ipod732 Wrote: By the way I'm sorry if I ranted earlier it's sadly a flaw that I have. You talk about yourself way too much." First off I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings within our debate. What I meant by ranting is that I do have the tendency of going on and on about one subject. It runs within my family..... I also find it quite amusing how you always write a sentence or two and expect to win the argument.
  4. I believe such an idea would benefit DayZ. The more the player feels he's in the real thing the better the experience. Maybe make it so that if you have a certain item you can etch it into the weapon? Still really awesome idea, but the keeping count as said earlier may put some stress onto the servers. Instead maybe the person has to scratch it out on his own time and rewrite it himself? I don't know, but something like that. Maybe you'd have to freehand it? Still such an idea is quite promising.
  5. Ipod732

    Starting kit + cycles

    Can't we use our fists to fight off the zombie lol. But I agree with the food and water. I l survived for 3 days never had to eat or drink I only ate to regain a bit of blood. So the food/drink mechanism needs a bit of tweaking and as for the kit..... It's difficult, but I bare with it. But can't we use our fists if we're empty handed?
  6. The non lethal stuff should help stop player killing and ease up on inexperienced players(like me).
  7. Ipod732

    Game too easy.

    "Yeah... while you're at it why not make the zombies all carry rocket launchers as well and be equipped with proximity mines so that upon running up on you they instantly explode. Increase their Line of Sight by 20 kilometers as well.... " That's a bit too much lol. Very unrealistic. The mod is about realism. I fail at Arma...... I seriously suck. I'm a bit better at the mod though since I play it more, but it's extremely difficult for me, but hey I'm trying to live. Life is suppose to be tough. But if it gets out of hand that's where I put my foot down. Otherwise I agree. The amount of guns is fine(I rarely see one anyway), but the amounts of ammo is ridiculous. As for the zombies(they seem to make a meal out of me quite often) maybe could use a bit more in the larger cities(I have to walk about 30-50meters before I get to see one in Cherno).
  8. Ipod732

    Radio Devices? | "Word spreads of bandits in xxx"

    Maybe instead of a circle it just says it and if you have a map you can just mark it.
  9. Or you could just give a reserved slot for just the person who pays for the server and the end. That way everyone wins. And hopefully people don't abuse their power. By the way I'm sorry if I ranted earlier it's sadly a flaw that I have.
  10. "Typing 3 paragraphs about how smart you are without giving any objective proof doesn't make you a kid genius. It just means you suck at conveying a point. " I love how you try to insult me. Insulting won't help you win a debate. My intellect is all I take pride in that's why I feel the impulse to prove myself. Pride is considered a sin(One of the 7 deadly sins),but sadly I'm merely human and feel such an emotion. Your pride is in winning. You must win to feel proud of yourself. I bet you thought that would make you win the debate, made you feel superior over me didn't it. Well wrong. Don't lie now. You felt like you won did you not? I know why you try to insult me(and you fail miserably) is because you believe it will help you win and make me cry like a toddler. Well sorry I cannot be hurt emotionally(physically sure). So don't bother trying. When one begins to try and insult his competitor in a debate it is his/her's last resort to win the debate, but make themselves look very unprofessional. The point is break the law and feel its consequences it cannot get any clearer than that or surely you're blind, but I'm sure you resist because you want- more like need- the pride of defeating me. And if you want proof I can recite you a bit of Aristotle's philosophy or my own if you'd like. Or maybe I can give you a few quotes I made up myself. "Thy brother is not thy enemy, thy enemy is thyself." -I enjoy this one- "Justice comes with a price, a price I'm willing to pay even if it means death so that the justice is not for me, but my fellow brethren." - these two I made myself. Has a ring to it doesn't it- . A bit of advice. Don't waste your time on the Facebook stocks. It has been going down lately. Since the day after it first came out. My father's broker said the exact same thing. Focus on Twitter or newer social networking sites which stocks should be better.
  11. The rules won't change unless there is a proper oversight. This could be done as such. "First, a server could have a way to reserve slots for a set number percentage of people depending on the max payload of the server. Ex: 10 for every 50 players per sever. Server locking would not be allowed. Also server resets would have to run on timed intervals or have a clear problem to do so before said time. Secondly, to address server admins being dickish. Which seems to be the primary concern of Rocket. In order to properly prove a TOS violation you would have to allow for a rating system of sorts. When a player is disconnected from a server, they can properly rate the experience on very basic criteria. Also this would allow for a time stamp of a DC for times when there are kicks rendered. Rating system may be the wrong term, how about a feedback system during times of a removal from server. So, if a person is removed from a server after making a kill on another player, who we will say is an admin. Then gets kicked for it or what have you, there is a clear way to see a violation. The kicked player simple replies to the feedback popup and lists the grievance. If a certain number of these complaints arrive then the server can be barred from the server hub or have a warning/suspension. Now the problem with my solution is that there would have to be a person or people dedicated to the investigation of these feedback reports from kicked players in these circumstances. I don't know the way the DayZ team is set up or who they would need to do moderation on this level. Maybe get some good volunteers who agree to certain things (such as never owning a server themselves, etc) to be impartial and provide proper oversight to the system. I simply am offering a compromise. Feel free to add or what have you to this idea. I think it is in the best interest to compromise on the issue. It would make our community that much stronger while fostering a more varied and flourished server community. Proper quality controls and fair server rights. kind of like a fast food franchise" Instead of arguing we must find a way of compromising and I believe this the first person who has actually posted a compromise instead of starting more arguments. Good going. The world needs more people like you. (=
  12. I truly am. I don't know Spanish by the way. I know English(apparently my first language), Arabic(I wasn't born in the States, but I never stayed in the country I was born in to fully learn the language. My first birthday was on the plane to the US where my dad was working), and I'm learning Italian(So much better than Spanish and besides I need it so when I need to learn Latin it would be much easier. Plan to be a lawyer-my whole family is made up of lawyers and doctors so you can see why, by the way I'm considered middle class so I'm no one special and get the same education as everyone else- that's why I take the law seriously). By the way I'm sure you know what I meant by I'll see you in your prison cell, not for hosting a server, but for when you plan "who gives a crud for rules" and do something that is truly illegal. By the way at least I'm capable of writing in full sentences without abbreviations and slang text terms that people use. I prefer to write in full within an argument. And that quote I understand was a way to get your anger out for losing your argument. Go take it out on a punching bag(A real one not a human being) or on COD(I actually prefer Godfather -my favorite movie- on the Wii to take my frustration out on. So much more better when your actually hitting the AI people with your fists. And COD is actually a good way to rid of frustrations lol). And again yes the only thing I take pride and joy in is within my vast intellect(never been an athlete....The only sport I still try to play, but utterly fail in is Football(Not the American cruddy version. The actual original version that's played worldwide). I get tired to easily, but thank god I'm not obese lol).
  13. (Today 07:42 PM)Rask Wrote: "You can keep saying "stop QQing" but when there are only 12 servers left you'll be the one bitching at rocket to get it fixed. @Ipod 12 to 14 isn't a huge jump. Maybe when you're living on your own and you actually have to manage your money you'll understand why server hosts get buttmad about stupid rules (the actual adult ones, not kiddies with CCs). I've been holding out on buying a server until A. Things change or B. Someone goes to the effort of posting PS software." Age makes no difference here I was merely falsifying your statement. I've probably got more experience in management than you believe. I've played many simulation games where you got to manage different things. I've played tons of stock market simulation games. I'm one heck of a bright 14 year old. Sometimes I find children better than adults and other times I frown upon the newer generations for some of the things they do. Apparently I know the meaning of money. I know how to convert money and I know how to manage money so don't give the "when you live on your own or when your older crap". I've heard it all. Children aren't as dull as you think. I have given stock market advice before and was 100% correct. I've read parts of Aristotle, I know 2 different languages and learning another one. Don't dare try to mock my intellect. Do forgive me for my ranting. When my intellectual being is put to the test I have an instinctive impulse to prove myself to my peers. So forgive me for going off topic. You can get as mad as you want. Break those rules and prepare to face the consequences. I can't wait to see you in your prison cell. (=
  14. Not all countries have a server. If you're stating that you'd be stuck in your country's server wouldn't work out well. I'm American, but as of now I'm visiting in Hungary. There are no Hungarian servers as I know of so I'd be screwed and it would limit the game to certain areas.
  15. "I haven't signed any agreements, I don't even host a server, I just think all of you autistic twelve year olds who think it's normal to bend over backwards and take it in the ass are hilarious. As I said, the mod is fucking phenomenal, the restrictions are not. I didn't say we should be able to break the rules, I said the rules should be changed. I'll end this on a high note, although I see plenty of trolls and blind followers the majority of players here are quite loyal to rockets mod and rules. Having a loyal fan base is a great thing rocket, I feel safe saying most developers should envy your work. " Two keywords you've stated here. One you didn't sign an agreement and two you don't host a server. So how can you say anything if you don't host a server. Apparently you can't agree if you don't have the requirements to be able to agree. I'm a healthy 14 year old who can debate not an autistic 12 year old lol. I follow the rules for I do not wish for chaos. People believe sometimes that rules are meant to be broken. They are only meant to be broken if it hurts: Life,Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. By the way next time you enter an argument watch your words carefully. And do yourself a favor and never try to insult your competitor in the argument. It's a sign of weakness and that you're struggling to win the argument.