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About Casualblue

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Casualblue

    Hunting glitched?

    no shit sterlock helpful posts only, please.
  2. Casualblue

    Hunting glitched?

    I've killed numerous animals, gutted them, but I cannot loot the body to get the raw meat the same way I would in 1.7.5... G no work, and scroll only gives study corpse/hide the body... I just couldn't get to dat meat. Any else experiencing this?
  3. Casualblue

    To catch a predator (they are real)

    the fuck is this shit?
  4. or you know look at the server logs and ban the indivuals who are hacking/using scripts/injecting/whatever... hacking can only be dealt with on a server by server basis.
  5. Casualblue

    NOT f!"£%!£%ing amused

    you do get the guy got insanely lucky right? if what you said happened is what actually happened....
  6. Casualblue

    SVD Dragonov

    heli's spawn ammo boxes. Doesn't mean they'll spawn the guns for the ammo at the same time though.
  7. Casualblue

    I found a camp at UK41

    yeah ok m8 cya in 20
  8. Casualblue


    you people are idiots... op on dem trollin movements
  9. off... got to hear dem footsteps / far off gun shots odd
  10. Casualblue

    Map of spawn locations

    why would you ever need a map of spawn locations? that map is pretty poor. the nw airfield heatmap doesn't even include the barracks... the best place for gear in the game
  11. Casualblue

    Favorite Sniping/Bandit Places

    You can get even easier kills with any gun by killing people who camp on that hill... svd/m24 >>>
  12. Casualblue

    Favorite Sniping/Bandit Places

    why would you snipe with a non scoped rifle?
  13. Casualblue


    hmmm not quite