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About Frijoles

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Well, I figured all was lost and was about to respawn. If it had of turned ugly, I'd just notch it up to another seminal DayZ experience! That said, good advice, Lynx.
  2. I have been playing DayZ since mid April, and to be quite frank about it, after the millionth time of being shot in the face for a can of beans I started playing lone wolf and have been ever since. Today I broke a leg in Krasnostav and couldn't be arsed crawling for hours to a hospital, then I remembered this sub-reddit: http://www.reddit.co...ditRescueForce/ I posted a rescue request, and within 2 minutes I was contacted by Khalkhalash, 20 minutes later BAM! Morphine, ammo, food and drink. The 5 guys who saved my arse also allowed me to team up, and quite frankly I had my best (and longest) session since I started playing. Awesome, epic and a great bunch of guys. Give it a shot the next time you make a stupid mistake and need help.