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About WindMan27

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    On the Coast

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  1. WindMan27

    Story Mode

    I'd really like to have a DayZ with a story mode and missions like Arma 3. Bohemia Interactive has a talent of making great, rich story and atmospheric campaigns.
  2. I had an interesting observation in game today - wolves teamed up with infected and tried to attack me which seems to be wrong - why only me when there's a free meat for wolves all around! :) So my point is - predators should attack everyone in game. At least I've seen wolves chasing wild boar just like infected does with cows.
  3. WindMan27

    Cooking a soup

    There's quite no use of bones at the moment in the game, however that's excellent food source in survival conditions - I believe survivor should be able to cook a soup, especially when hot dish is essential in winter time. So I'd suggest to introduce such an option and recipe would be: A pot Bones Water Heat source Adding vegetables (potato/pepper/zucchini/pumpkin) would increase the value of a food and add more value to growing them in game. By the way, it would be great to grow carrots too.
  4. WindMan27

    camo netting on cars

    I actually was about to post the same suggestion. Me and my friends find it really useful.
  5. WindMan27

    AMD FSR And other Upscalers.

    Hey BI, I'd really love to get any feature that would improve performance on AMD GPUs :)