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About Kandosii

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    On the Coast
  1. First off, I tried searching for any suggestions for this subject and didn't find anything specific. While the current tent system is good for storage I think it would be nice to have something more secure that would prevent everyone from being able to dip into your stash. I'll just throw out some ideas I've had regarding such a feature. -Small safe, takes up large amount of inventory/backpack space, low amount of storage capacity itself. -Large safe, found in individual parts and can be pieced together, possibly can't be moved after built. Medium-large storage space and rare to find the parts. -Locks for tents, individually found and can be applied to tents (or just a lockable tent). Medium/Rare to find. This is kind of a stupid idea since how is a lock going to prevent someone from breaking into a canvas tent, but still an idea. -Secure tents/general storage, maybe have some additional type of storage item that is more secure or harder to spot. The locks themselves could be a combination lock with three variables on a range of 1-9 (or a lower amount like 1-3 or 1-5 to make them easier to crack). Having a key system doesn't seem applicable for unique items cross servers. While having secure storage may sound like a nice idea it would somewhat break the feeling of insecurity that comes with playing the game, and I'm also not sure on how hard it would be to implement into the game. I'd suggest to also include means of breaking into locks, such as a lockpick, bolt cutters, breakable via explosions, or just being somewhat hard to crack the combination. Having a secure storage system seems kind of pointless if it can be cracked, but it would be a midway point from having total vulnerability and completely secure storage.
  2. Kandosii

    Humanity... lulwut!?

    Ya, I was on top of a apartment house roof and saw two survivors coming my way. I popped my head up to get confirmation on their name and one of them saw me and threw a shot off. I had lucked into a Enfield and 1911 not minutes before so I wasn't going to chance anything. I popped up again and shot/killed him. Checked my humanity, was 2500, now 40. Bummer.