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Posts posted by tadtadtad

  1. Day 11 in game, around 2 weeks and half IRL. Mostly roaming up in the north as a loner, avoiding zombie kills but stalking for some players, not killing them but observing how the human life goes during those hard times, only drinking cooked meat and bottled pound water.

    I died to a server spawning me in mid-air, falling to my death...

    My current char is around day 6 or 7 I believe, I got every tools in the game, ghillie and nvg's. I've a DMR, still looking for an AS50 and a SVD Camo.

    I hope this one will last longer :)

  2. What's the deal with this server ? 17 pages of blablabla to know who's right and who's wrong ?

    Guys, do you seriously think the "no pk" tag keeps bandits out of the server ?

    I've been playing on this server one time, looking for some peace to hang out in the fields, I got shot and killed more people than usual...

    The thing is, when I played on it, the only time where the message "X was killed by Y (friendly fire)" appeared in the chat was when the admin was killed by someone...

    So basically this server means, you'll get banned if you kill the admin.

  3. Sure but,

    Run aggroing the whole town, make sure you get all the zombies, kite them out of the city, lose them and go back to the city and loot everything without any problem.

    As Firefall said, zombies spawn when players are nearby, and despawn when the leave for obvious server overload reasons.

  4. Hi fellow survivors,

    First post here, this game is great, I'm playing it since 3 weeks now, and I hope it will go far, because the concept of it is such a great idea.

    Anyway, after looking at the FAQ, and doing a quick search I couldn't find an answer to this question.

    I'm playing with 4 friends, and we really try to only play together. But as I have more time to play than them, I'd sometime like to play alone.

    So is it possible to have two different character so I can play alone and with my friends ?

    thanks by advance guys, and sorry for any mistake, english isn't my native language.
