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Everything posted by Glimmhand

  1. Glimmhand

    Constantly ill in Frostline

    News: The symptoms lead me to believe, it's cholera. Cholera is transmitted by unclean water or a container, an infected player drank from. Since I drank from all my containers, while being ill, they're probably all contaminated. Do I have to get rid of them or can I desinfect them? Either by adding not only cooked, but still cooking water, or chlorine tablets or alcoholic tincture/iodine?
  2. Hey! I'm having some trouble with illness in Frostline DLC. For some reason, I'm permanently facing the symptoms: Vomiting Blurry Vision Fever in Frostline DLC. I do not know the origin therefore I'm here for help. All I consumed was Reindeer meat (Cooked or Roasted) and Water from a well. The Water was sometimes cooked (sometimes cooked with meat in it, sometimes not), sometimes uncooked. I try to treat the illness with Tetracycline and/or Multivitamin Pills, and it vanishes after ~2 Pills of either sort. However, not long after I will start vomiting again, the illness-symbol pops up and i start anew. Apart from that, I'm well hydrated, well fed and more or less warm. Blood and Health are maxed. It seriously kills the game a little for me atm, since I cannot tell what to do to avoid that.
  3. Glimmhand

    Constantly ill in Frostline

    Thank you for your suggestions! I have surgical gloves equipped (damaged), and the water has been cooked or is from a well - i know there is heavy metal poisoning in Sakhal, but as far as I was informed, wells should not be contaminated? Therefore, I guess it's neither the dirty hands nor the water, I drink...
  4. Glimmhand

    💡​​​​​​​DayZ myths

    There used to be rumors that you will only hear crows when there is other players nearby. Is that true?