I'm having some trouble with illness in Frostline DLC.
For some reason, I'm permanently facing the symptoms:
Blurry Vision
in Frostline DLC. I do not know the origin therefore I'm here for help. All I consumed was Reindeer meat (Cooked or Roasted) and Water from a well. The Water was sometimes cooked (sometimes cooked with meat in it, sometimes not), sometimes uncooked. I try to treat the illness with Tetracycline and/or Multivitamin Pills, and it vanishes after ~2 Pills of either sort. However, not long after I will start vomiting again, the illness-symbol pops up and i start anew.
Apart from that, I'm well hydrated, well fed and more or less warm. Blood and Health are maxed.
It seriously kills the game a little for me atm, since I cannot tell what to do to avoid that.