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About Strunge

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  1. Anyone got a M4A1 SD, i wanna trade it for a MP5SD and M4A3 CCO :)
  2. Where does this gun drop, i have heard so many rumors about where it spwan. so what do you guys say? http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=M4A1_Camo_SD Its the M4A1_Camo_SD
  3. Strunge

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    You so wrong mate.. it will be so stupid, to respwan at the beach, because if you dc and then reconnect, all the way you have run is lost. To many people will be at spwan to camp people. Number two people cant play at night with no nvgoggels, you cant see anything = people will leave the game, if they HAVE to play at nightserver
  4. Strunge

    Lagging in big cities

    Many people got this lag, got it by myself to.. but not so many lags anymore. Maybe you run your arma 2 oa on your integrated graphic card, check that. in nvidia control panel
  5. Strunge

    Micro Stutters

    Do you need to uninstall the six launcher and updater? and download it manually to make it work or what??
  6. Strunge

    Lag in dayz help

    I got this computer http://www.komplett.dk/k/ki.aspx?sku=647560 and i run it on normal/ some settings low. In ARMA:2 OA i run high/very high totally smooth. Can six launcher or six updater cause lag, becuase i installed it with that? or should i install dayz with manuel update?
  7. Strunge

    Graphic problem

    where do you do that m8?
  8. Strunge

    Graphic problem

    How can i be sure that my computer run arma2 OA on the GPU and not on the integrated graphic card or what its called
  9. Strunge

    Can i run Dayz?

    I got some big lags on normal graphics in the citys? but when i run singelplayer i run it on very high, how can that be?? do i need to type anything in properties, or change some graphic changes :)?
  10. Strunge

    Can i run Dayz?

    Will it be possible to play in normal/high you think? becuase i got a friend, who says i will lag in the citys on low graphics. How can i be sure that dayz runs on my nvidia G555 and not onboard or what it called..
  11. Strunge

    Can i run Dayz?

    I got this computer specs http://www.komplett.dk/k/ki.aspx?sku=647560#extra and will hear if i could run it?