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About pyrogt

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    On the Coast
  1. Just so you know, what you told me to do didnt work, and the guide didnt either. Now im having more problems and I cannot start Arma 2 through steam cause it gives me a Direct3d 9 error. Im still having the same problem, and cannot find the Launcher you guys are reffering to. So I have to keep removing and adding the @CBA @CBA_A2 @CBA_OA and @Jayarma2lib files just to play this game.
  2. Where can I find the Dayz launcher? and how do you suggest I reinstall the mods cause Six Up. Has done a great job so far.
  3. I've seen other threads but notne of these have a fix, or no one responds to tell how they fixed it. It started with the JayArma2Lib_new or whatever and for some reason it wont let me remove it from the presets on Six Updater so i just removed them from the Arma2 AO folder completely, then I tried to join again and CBA_2 (or whatever) and CBA are not signed. Now im not sure how to fix it. Im running on steam. All I use is SixUpdater because using steam to launch the game, I click multiplayer, and there are only like 4 servers that appear and no one is in them. I can hit refresh all I like but nothing comes up. Someone help?