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Everything posted by ThomasTheCreeper

  1. ThomasTheCreeper

    I want to like the SA

    Global chat? I thought this was removed when they made the SA.
  2. ThomasTheCreeper

    I suggest you all watch this!

    Awesome video! :beans:
  3. ThomasTheCreeper

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Truly amazing display of marksmanship and tactics sir, well done! I have started training myself, but fear i will never reach the level of expertise of the likes of you and Itchy :(
  4. ThomasTheCreeper

    Do you combat log?

    Yes. I agree that the biggest part of Dayz is about player interaction, on any level. But the core of Dayz is a hardcore survival sandbox. As rocket himself called it in the "early" days of the mod, a anti game. He said it was not necessarily designed to be fun, but to provoke feelings and reactions from players. The thing that troubles me with combat logging is that it's the easy way out. In most cases it's cheating death. I see this as wrong in a game that revolves around being hard and unforgiving. Like one time in SA, me and 2 others were looting balota airfield. I was overwatch the 2 others were looters. They get engaged by 2 other guys, 1 from each side goes down. Our last guy takes cover in the 2 story building with a cell, i move to get a shot on the last guy. I find him out in the open on the runway, start shooting and he logs like a ninja. The way that situation went he should be dead and we shouldn't need to worry about where this guy might ghost to. This behavior doesn't belong in a hardcore game. I know this example most likely doesn't directly apply to you, but in situations where you get shot at you should accept your fate. Either win the fight, loose or manage to get away. Just to avoid missunderstandings i will tell you i am not the one to kill everyone i see. I help the people i can help safely, i shoot when feeling in danger or attacked and often let people fly by without doing anything, might even try to rob someone if the mood is right :) But i respect every playstyle, be it a crazy psycho murdering everyone he can or friendly medic dedicating his time to helping others. They all add to the immersion for me personally since i like the threat of imminent death and also like to meet a frindly face once in a while. The "playstyles" i dont like is people combat logging and people abusing glitches. Now i do know this is alpha and theese problems will most likely be ironed out in time, i still feel people abusing theese things now are missing what the core of Dayz is about. It's supposed to be hard and unforgiving. Disclaimer: Might be some errors in my writing since i'm not a native english speaker.
  5. ThomasTheCreeper

    Do you combat log?

    Lol. Both pve and pvp are a part of the game. Pvp has and will always be a big part of the game. So you are saying that players should only be allowed to attack eachother after having a conversation first? So when me and my team are looting NWAF and see a different group in close proximity moving into positions we should offer a tea party before we start killing eachother? Do you think players that won't/can't speak to others shouldn't play? How can you think it's ok that you combat log because you think the person that shoots you is griefing and you dont feel like getting shot at? This is a cowardly play style. I like how you tell us what Dayz is about and then say that you combat log if you think you're being treated unfair. I think you have missed a big part of what Dayz really is about. Personally i love being ambushed, it can be quite intense sometimes. I remember one time in the mod when my group came in contact with another group in the area around stary sobor. I think they wanted our UAZ and the fight lasted for about 20 minutes with lots of manouvering to be able to get out with our car and most members in one piece.
  6. ThomasTheCreeper

    Do you combat log?

    Agreed, might have jumped the gun there and overlooked the fact he only said "shooting around".
  7. ThomasTheCreeper

    How long does a door stay open?

    Also remember, a closed door at high risk areas may hide a ambush inside.
  8. ThomasTheCreeper

    Do you combat log?

    That is still combat logging, at least in my eyes.
  9. ThomasTheCreeper

    Do you combat log?

    Tbh i think most of the people that do this doesn't hang around on the forums.
  10. ThomasTheCreeper

    Do you combat log?

    I agree, like the good old days of the thunderdome. Although it was a bit fun to duke it out sometimes :) Isn't it a bit bad to complain about someone writing insults and then doing it yourself?
  11. ThomasTheCreeper

    Rude conduct by players.

    I like how generous you are helping others sir. Keep up the good work! :beans:
  12. ThomasTheCreeper

    Combat Loggers and Ghost Warriors

    Well, since the whole topic of combat logging is getting quite old and most people realize it will be fixed in the future, the only intresting part of your thread is your boasting about being Mr. DayZ.
  13. ThomasTheCreeper

    Combat Loggers and Ghost Warriors

    If you are the master of dayz, why do you stay in the same position for 8 minutes after attacking someone? Doesnt seem very clever. Probably someone who heard you shoot that came to kill you..
  14. ThomasTheCreeper

    Cannot find one player in Standalone

    I have heard balota is quite nice this part of the year. Other than that you may try electro, cherno, NEAF, the shipwreck north of berezino and the military bases. I was also quite surprised when i visited a un-looted NWAF with no one around to shoot at me :(
  15. ThomasTheCreeper

    (Video) Geared server hopper joined at the wrong time

    Did you watch the video? No normal person logs out at one of the airfields.
  16. ThomasTheCreeper

    Be nice

    Well, there is plenty of people that have been killed for almost nothing in the real world.. Also, please dont compare getting killed in a video game to cyber-bullying. That is just wrong. If you cant handle getting killed by other players, i think you should reconsider if this is the game for you.
  17. ThomasTheCreeper

    (Video) Geared server hopper joined at the wrong time

    Who logs out in one of the airfields if they are not server hopping?
  18. ThomasTheCreeper

    PvE Server - Killed by a Human

    Well, this isnt Epoch..
  19. ThomasTheCreeper

    Getting Blood Level Up Again

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159251-in-depth-video-guide-on-eating-drinking-and-blood-regeneration/ here is a good video on regeneration by eating/drinking. Do note that you need to reach pretty high levels of energy and water to get healthy. The only way to get blood is to get helthy or use blood/saline- bag.
  20. ThomasTheCreeper

    Audio item suggestions (some PsyOps)

    I like the idea. Maybe you also could hook up your walkie-talkie to the boombox, to lure/scare players in using your voice. I would also love the megafone, all that terror. I'm imagining looting a military base or similar when you suddenly hear "Your all going to die, there is no escape" over a megafone.
  21. ThomasTheCreeper

    Idea: Ammo Handloading

    I like the idea, but i think it should be kept pretty simple. Also maybe the press could be a big stationary one, found in some industrial areas away from current hotspots to create new competative areas.
  22. ThomasTheCreeper

    PvE Server - Killed by a Human

    If the PvE servers are seperated from the public hive then i wouldnt mind theu exist, but it's wrong when people can get all the gear and tons of ammo on a PvE server and then go to a regular server. I have personally favorited several PvE servers and just need some more ammo, then the massacre begins.
  23. ThomasTheCreeper

    Invisible player killers etc.

    Might be descynch, but also consider that people often have overwatch when looting in groups. Might be a guy guarding the others that killed you.
  24. ThomasTheCreeper

    rank's, kill counts, more ingame displays.

    Yes. The game needs bandits and the constant threat of imminent death, but bringing stats into the game like in the mod will probably result in some people going to the beach and kill as many fresh-spawns as they can, then post a screenshot of their stats on the forums to show their pro pvp skills. Also, for me having stats on my screen kind of breaks immirsion a bit. If stats should be implemented though, i hope its like KoS said, at the "death screen".
  25. ThomasTheCreeper

    How do you restart the mission?

    If i'm not terribly wrong you are playing the mod. If that is correct then it's a leftover function from the arma 2 multiplayer. It is not used for anything in the dayz mod as far as i know.