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Everything posted by VillrHeathen

  1. VillrHeathen

    Fresh Spawn Loadout Sakhal

    Is anyone having issues with fresh spawn gear spawn? I do the "code" for 2 servers and I'm not having any problems with Livonia but I can't get Sakhal to work
  2. VillrHeathen

    Fresh Spawn Loadout Sakhal

    { "name": "Sakal", "spawnWeight": 1, "characterTypes": [], "attachmentSlotItemSets": [ { "slotName": "shoulderL", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "Crossbow_Wood", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [], "complexChildrenTypes": [] } ] }, { "slotName": "shoulderR", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "Mosin9130", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [], "complexChildrenTypes": [] } ] }, { "slotName": "Vest", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "HuntingVest", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "Ammo_HuntingBolt", "Ammo_762x54Tracer", "Ammo_762x54Tracer", "AmmoBox_762x54Tracer_20Rnd", "AmmoBox_762x54Tracer_20Rnd" ], "complexChildrenTypes": [] } ] }, { "slotName": "Headgear", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "RadarCap_Green", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [], "complexChildrenTypes": [] } ] }, { "slotName": "Armband", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "Armband_White", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [], "complexChildrenTypes": [] } ] }, { "slotName": "Gloves", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "WoolGloves_Green", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [], "complexChildrenTypes": [] } ] }, { "slotName": "Body", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "DownJacket_Green", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "Apple", "Apple", "CatFoodCan", "CatFoodCan", "SodaCan_Spite", "SodaCan_Spite" ], "complexChildrenTypes": [] } ] }, { "slotName": "Legs", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "Jeans_Green", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [], "complexChildrenTypes": [] } ] }, { "slotName": "Feet", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "HikingBoots_Brown", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [], "complexChildrenTypes": [] } ] }, { "slotName": "Eyewear", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "SkiGoggles_WhiteClear", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [], "complexChildrenTypes": [] } ] }, { "slotName": "Mask", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "Shemag_Green", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [], "complexChildrenTypes": [] } ] }, { "slotName": "Back", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "DrysackBag_Green", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "Chemlight_Green" ], "complexChildrenTypes": [ { "itemType": "PersonalRadio", "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": true, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "Battery9V" ] } ] } ] }, { "slotName": "Hips", "discreteItemSets": [ { "itemType": "RopeBelt", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "KitchenKnife" ], "complexChildrenTypes": [] } ] } ], "discreteUnsortedItemSets": [ { "name": "Cargo1", "spawnWeight": 1, "attributes": { "healthMin": 1, "healthMax": 1, "quantityMin": 1, "quantityMax": 1 }, "quickBarSlot": -1, "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": false, "simpleChildrenTypes": [ "AlarmClock_Green", "ChernarusMap" ], "complexChildrenTypes": [] } ], }
  3. VillrHeathen

    Fresh Spawn Loadout Sakhal

    { "version": 122, "GeneralData": { "disableBaseDamage": false, "disableContainerDamage": false, "disableRespawnDialog": false, "disableRespawnInUnconsciousness": true }, "PlayerData": { "disablePersonalLight": false, "spawnGearPresetFiles": ["custom/fresh.json","custom/KAM.json"], "StaminaData": { "sprintStaminaModifierErc": 0, "sprintStaminaModifierCro": 0, "staminaWeightLimitThreshold": 6000.0, "staminaMax": 100.0, "staminaKgToStaminaPercentPenalty": 0, "staminaMinCap": 5.0, "sprintSwimmingStaminaModifier": 0, "sprintLadderStaminaModifier": 0, "meleeStaminaModifier": 0.25, "obstacleTraversalStaminaModifier": 1, "holdBreathStaminaModifier": 0.5 }, "ShockHandlingData": { "shockRefillSpeedConscious": 5.0, "shockRefillSpeedUnconscious": 1.0, "allowRefillSpeedModifier": true }, "MovementData": { "timeToStrafeJog": 0.1, "rotationSpeedJog": 0.3, "timeToSprint": 0.45, "timeToStrafeSprint": 0.3, "rotationSpeedSprint": 0.15, "allowStaminaAffectInertia": true }, "DrowningData": { "staminaDepletionSpeed": 10.0, "healthDepletionSpeed": 10.0, "shockDepletionSpeed": 10.0 } }, "WorldsData": { "lightingConfig": 2, "objectSpawnersArr": ["./custom/Exploration.json","./custom/Base.json"], "environmentMinTemps": [-6.5, -9.5, -6.5, -9.5, 2, 6, 9, 10, 6, 1, -5, -10], "environmentMaxTemps": [-3, -5, -3, -5, 9, 14, 16, 17, 14, 8, 1, -3], "wetnessWeightModifiers": [1.0, 1.0, 1.33, 1.66, 2.0], "playerRestrictedAreaFiles": ["pra/warheadstorage.json"] }, "BaseBuildingData": { "HologramData": { "disableIsCollidingBBoxCheck": true, "disableIsCollidingPlayerCheck": true, "disableIsClippingRoofCheck": true, "disableIsBaseViableCheck": true, "disableIsCollidingGPlotCheck": true, "disableIsCollidingAngleCheck": true, "disableIsPlacementPermittedCheck": true, "disableHeightPlacementCheck": true, "disableIsUnderwaterCheck": true, "disableIsInTerrainCheck": true, "disallowedTypesInUnderground": ["FenceKit","TerritoryFlagKit","WatchtowerKit"] }, "ConstructionData": { "disablePerformRoofCheck": true, "disableIsCollidingCheck": true, "disableDistanceCheck": true } }, "UIData": { "use3DMap": false, "HitIndicationData": { "hitDirectionOverrideEnabled": false, "hitDirectionBehaviour": 1, "hitDirectionStyle": 0, "hitDirectionIndicatorColorStr": "0xffbb0a1e", "hitDirectionMaxDuration": 2.0, "hitDirectionBreakPointRelative": 0.2, "hitDirectionScatter": 10.0, "hitIndicationPostProcessEnabled": true } }, "MapData": { "ignoreMapOwnership": true, "ignoreNavItemsOwnership": true, "displayPlayerPosition": true, "displayNavInfo": true } }